
Grinding into powdered gold-based drugs does not occupy a place, a large package can treat many people.

When you didn't sleep before, once the war broke out, it was treated like this.

The previous injury was a sword. Now that the person is injured, most of them are hit by bullets. The bullets cannot be left in the body and must be taken out.

People have suffered twice more, and human development is ultimately retribution on their own.

When the bullets came out, I don’t know if I can use these gold medicines.

After all, people now use small tablets.

For the struggle between human beings, there will be no thoughts and no sense of belonging.

Ning Shu looked at a large bag of powder, and his merits should be like this.

The minister is not not killing, but also saving people.

In the end, Heaven will give you a little bit of merit.

Keep this, don't be mad and kill.

If the court is a monster that only knows bloodsucking, although it is not monitored, but for human life, human beings will definitely find a way to kill him.

Ning Shu suddenly asked with some curiosity: "For so many years, did someone find out that you are a zombie?"

It is not easy to live safely until now.

If it is discovered, human beings are weak, but uniting is also quite powerful.

Recalling the look of the minister, he said: "Several apprentices have discovered that they are all old, and I am still young."

"It is estimated that I want to live as long as I am, and the union wants to take the blood from me."

Ning Shu has nothing to say, human beings can not resist the temptation of longevity, especially the immortality, the richer the more, the more powerful, the more they want to live longer and enjoy.

"I slept after killing a few apprentices. I always chased me and ran. The evil and evil looks very speechless." The minister said that the past was very calm.

Ning Shu did not ask the previous things of the minister, asked more, and talked about things that had never been killed.

Ning Shu is suspected that the minister wants to kill her, and then throws the dead wilderness.

The sound of gunfire is getting louder and louder, and the fighters hovered around the head all day.

Ning Shu and Jiang Chen were sitting on the brakes, leisurely and leisurely, marching toward the gunfire.

"Captain, look at the two are not fools." The spies lurking in the dark, just staring at the two men walking in front of them.

The bell hanging on the neck of the donkey was local and the sound was crisp and nice.

"Going further ahead, we entered our encirclement."

If the front line can't hold it, it will only be supported by them.

Before the reinforcements arrived, they were the last drop of blood to drag the enemy.

"Stand up." Several men dressed in ordinary peasant clothes, with a slap on their heads, pointed a gun at Ning Shu and the courtiers.

The front of the little donkey suddenly licked a few people's teeth, revealing the rhubarb teeth, vomiting and vomiting, trying to scare the people in front of them.

Several people saw a small donkey vomiting at themselves, and they were speechless.

This little donkey entered a little aura because of Ningshu, and it looks smooth.

After all, to go so far, the body of the little donkey can not bear, Ning Shu occasionally input a hint of aura, so that the body of the little donkey is better.

"This is not where you should come, hurry." Captain Chao Ning Shu and the courtier said.

Ning Shu jumped out of the brakes, took out a bag of medicine, and walked over and said: "Captain, I am here to deliver things, these antibiotics, the most useful for fever infection, you look."

A small bag of pills is also said to have one or two hundred pills, which is a relatively precious drug.

"These medicines were all bought in Shanghai. The materials there are not so tight. I sent them to my husband."

"Captain." The team members are very happy. What is lacking now is one, the first is the grain and firearms ammunition, and the second is the medicine. If the medicine is true, then one person can be saved.

However, the captain's eyes were full of suspicion. He was very suspicious that this was a spy. He wanted to mix the drugs into the team and then pass the information to the enemy.

And this medicine simply does not know that it is true and false, too suspicious.

Ning Shu took out his identity certificate.

Even the identity is ready, more likely to be a spy.

The minister was sitting on the brakes and did not move. He said to Ningshu: "Give the medicine, we will leave, as far as they do not believe, so that we will not use things that are not ours, and leave."

"Oh." Ning Shu turned and got on the bus.

The little donkey licked the hoof to a few people, and took the wooden cart and turned away.

"Captain." The players were a little anxious. "In case this medicine is true, after all, many people are at the front line."

"It is also the time to be vigilant at this time, let them go, as for medicine, and accept."

Ning Shu threw a pack of gold medicine to them and said, "If you get hurt, sprinkle it on the wound, and the herbs are ground."

My mother-in-law, this is a medicine, how can I throw it on the ground?

The captain was so distressed that his face was distorted, and he quickly picked up the medicine bag on the ground.

Ning Shu looked at the minister and asked, "Are you angry?"

"Why am I angry, others don't believe me, I am going to be angry, then I am not mad?" Vigilance is the instinct of all living creatures.

The spirit of all human beings is a bit vigilant and normal.

"Open the bright man." Ning Shu patted his shoulder, "Where are we going to the ground?"

"Just casual." There is no destination for the minister, and there are too many places where he wandered.

Suddenly I feel that the world is quite small and needs to wander around other places.

"How do you say you can go to other places?" asked Chen Chaoning.

Is it that the minister wants to break through the plane of the plane like the kelp.

Want to fly?

Ning Shu said: "This requires the realization of the law of space, and it is necessary to construct a passage to the outside world."

"It’s like we are all locked up in a fish tank. If we want to go out, we have to jump out of the fish tank.

"I understand the truth, but how can I jump out of the fish tank?" Chen Chen touched his chin.

Ning Shu looked up and down the minister. "You have lived to the present, and your body has been corroded by anything."

Without a soul, you are not afraid of the pollution of the beast. The only thing that needs to be worried is the body. If you use merits to build a diamond, it is not bad.

It will be a hero to fight monsters.

"Yes, some spells have an effect on me, especially at that time, those monks and monks are a little capable." The minister honestly said.

Ning Shu gave up to let the minister become a monster, but after all, it is different.

Get in, not in one side of the world.

There is also the production of 骷髅 is to find the deepest soul, this kind of soul, the pool is not easy to purify, increase the burden.

Therefore, it still needs to be embarrassed, and it can eliminate the beasts and reduce the burden on the living pool.

Now the minister will be yin and yin and yang, and even if she gets the reincarnation of the world, there is no use for it.

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