Ning Shu killed the person and ran, took the map to determine the next place, and then drove the little donkey to the destination.

The road conditions at this time are generally not good, and the pits are sloppy, especially when it is raining, it is called potholes, and the ground is full of mud.

The little donkey pulled hard in the front, and Ning Shu draped the robes in the back, and the king died, and then the car was drenched with rain, and the face seemed whiter.

It was blistered with water.

Ning Shu sighed and felt that he was too compassionate, and got a cloak on him.

This child is really lacking in heart!

Just sleeping in this way, isn't it afraid that people will give him a slap? Do you believe her?

Ok, I really can't throw this guy down, don't take it with me!

Only with.

I am willing to do it, only to pet, let.

Because of the rain, Ning Shu can use a little water law, and use water enchantment to cover up drugs and guns and ammunition.

This will not soak the water.

Walking on the mud road, the little donkey pulled the car hard, and Ning Shu pushed it in the back. Even so, the wheels fell into the pothole several times.

There is no place to shelter from the rain. There is not even a small village. It looks quite desolate.

The vastness of the land, coupled with the war, has dramatically reduced the population.

It’s hard to find a land temple. This land temple is very old and it is estimated that there should be villages around.

Ning Shu saw the little donkey being drowned and looked at his eyes with pity.

Ning Shu is also soft, this guy is also tired enough, not only to take two people, but also put some cultural relics on it, if you encounter a collection of more precious cultural relics, Ning Shu will squat.

Especially now that the war is raging, the fragile artifacts are destroyed.

Since there are land temples on the mountain, there are villages in the future, but it is very difficult to go over. Ning Shu intends to stop at the land temple and so on.

"Head, some people have come." Xiaojun looked at the rain, and some people came over with Mao.

"Hey, how many people are not, is the devil chasing it?" The other people suddenly became nervous.

The dark-headed head of the head was cold and sweaty, bare upper body, the clothes were roasted on the fire, and the wound had been whitened by the rain.

"Head, not a devil, not a devil, a bit like the female doctor, the female doctor who saved you. I didn't expect to meet here."

Ning Shu’s heart is a bit sloppy, and this can be met. It’s clearly separated. This can be met.

These people are definitely dangerous people, stay with them, and may be affected at any time.

But now the rainstorm will stop for a while, and I have to rest here for a while.

Ning Shu went to the entrance of the temple, and several people waited for her at the door. The younger Xiaojun was eager to say to Ning Shu: "Doctor, I will help you."

Several other people also helped to move things from the car. Ning Shu quickly said: "I come."

One of them began to swear by the court, and he heard down the minister.

Ning Shu squatted into the temple of the land and let him lean against the wall.

Then one thing moved to the land temple and took the little donkey into the house.

The little donkey shakes the water droplets on his body, close to the fire, and his **** is facing the head.

Ning Shu transpiration of the body's moisture, sitting next to the minister.

"Headmaster..." A member of the team came to the head of the head and said: "The doctor's husband is like a dead man. When I am going to help, I am so cold that I have no popularity."

Just a touch, I feel that everyone is cold and cold, want to explore his breathing and pulse, and the result is stopped by the doctor.

The head of the group looked at Ning Shu and Jiang Chen, and Ning Shu nodded facelessly with her. "Look at you?"

"Nothing!" The head of the group was in the heart, but he was very calm and removed his gaze.

Ning Shu saw that his wound was a little purulent. He went over and asked: "No medicine?"

"He is reluctant to head." The young army is straightforward.

"The medicine is to save people, what value is there to eat?" Ning Shu Chao’s chest reached out and the head quickly evaded.

"Hiding, I will squeeze you the pus and get some medicine." Ning Shu treated the pus a little rough and sprinkled the powder.

The head of an iron man was hurt by tears.

"Doctor, do you want something to eat?" Someone asked Ningshu.

"Okay, I am just hungry." You don't have to eat your own rations.

"What is your husband's illness?" The head of the group asked Ningshu questions and answers, and her medical skills could not be solved. It is estimated that it was not saved.

Ning Shu: "Planter."

"What is a vegetative?" Xiaojun asked first.

Ning Shu no expression: "Intelligence, thought, will, emotions and other purposeful activities have been lost to the dead."

Everyone looked at Ning Shu with sympathetic eyes. Of course, some people suspected that her husband was dead at all. He also deceived himself and refused to accept the death of his husband.

The skin is just like the dead. I can't stand the death without eating or drinking.

However, no one said this, it is already unfortunate, there is no need to sprinkle salt on the human wound.

They are used to people who are dying of life, and it is clear that the dead are like.

A man lying on the side is actually a dead person, no breathing, no ups and downs in his chest.

Isn't she a doctor who doesn't know?

Several people are dying in their hearts, but they cannot say it.

I can't help but sigh, so pitiful!

The head of the team thought that this doctor was dragging a dead man around every day, and the body of the dead body always rotted.

"Don't give him something to eat?" The head of the group said, I can't wait to give myself a punch. I really have nothing to say. If I die, I can eat it.

"Nothing, I will give him a shot at regular intervals." Ning Shu no longer lie.

Of course, these people’s whispers have been heard, and you are doubtful.


as long as you are happy.

The sky gradually darkened, and the rain did not stop. The entire land temple was shrouded in water mist, with the coolness of a strand of stock.

Ning Shu pretended to cover the body of the court, and then leaned on the court to sleep.

Although I was able to cultivate, I was still a bit overwhelmed at the time.

A few people looked at Ning Shu by a dead person to sleep, there is a kind of aversion to the cold.

Although they were also in the dead, the comrades around them fell down one by one, and that feeling was different from this feeling.

If you use modern words, Ning Shu and metamorphosis are no different.

"Tonight, everyone turns to the vigil and be alert." The head said, feeling dry and getting a little water.

A touch of my own head, I feel hot, and it has a fever.

I took out the pills wrapped in oil paper, ate two, and saw the female doctor sleeping on the body, sighing.

If such a doctor is on the battlefield, how many people can be saved.

But guarding the body of her husband, she deceives herself.

I really want to bring people into the organization.

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