Living people are sometimes better than dead people.

The dead are living in the heart, and the memories are all beautiful.

The living people see the shortcomings of amplification.

Far from the smell.

The consignor was also a bit rebellious, often twisted, causing the repairer to be unhappy, holding the child to sleep in his room.

At this time, Ning Anyi’s heart was uneasy, and her mother’s mother yelled at her to say that the child’s temper.

What do you say about this? Anyway, you are all sisters.

As for the father, this is awkward, afraid to offend the lord, do not say anything, let his wife beat the daughter.

Who does not know that his two daughters are married to the emperor's grandson, and others will give a thin face outside.

Wang Ye and his daughter have a bad relationship and will be tired of him.

Pressure from all sides, the commissioner has to make a compromise, this compromise will face more compromises.

From then on, the commissioner must live like a sister.

What time to eat, when to sleep, what to eat, what to do, to learn how to behave.

All in all, Ning Shu summed it up, his wife died, and he took a small scorpion and transformed the little scorpion into a wife.

Transformed into the appearance of a perfect wife in the heart.

The more perfect, the better the wife in the heart of the repairing son, the greater the demand for the client.

How to laugh, how to say, what tone.

Harsh to all aspects, meticulous.

Even so, the repairing son knows very well that Ning Anyi is not his own wife.

Not a child's mother, will not let the child too close to the client.

This kind of life is extremely repressed. The commissioner must live like a doll and cannot have his own personality and opinions.

The repairer wants to turn the client into an ideal wife, and the wife who is constantly fascinating in memory.

The consignor is unhappy, depressed and painful, suffocating and desperate, and has been married for several years, and there is no one and a half women.

However, the entrusting mother said that the woman is not worried about food and clothing. You see that you have married a prince, who is a prince and noble.

As for the child, your sister's child is also related to you. If there is any child to see the fate, you should treat the child sincerely, and it is also your own child.

The consignors are even more desperate. These people still feel that they occupy the position of their sister, but when you did not ask for my opinion, I married my brother-in-law.

Now I feel that I am in the position of others.

It’s the family of the mother, and it’s a pity to mention the sister, Barabara’s.

Her protest appeared to be weak and helpless, but she felt that she had gotten cheap and sold.

As the child grows up, the child is not called the entrusting mother, but is called Xiao Yan, and feels that the commissioner is occupying his mother's position.

In short, the relationship is not close.

This closeness is a deliberate act of the repairer.

The commissioner is depressed every day to be a sister. Only when she is asleep, she feels that she is another person.

As soon as she is bright, she is like a soul, and she is no longer her own. She is a marionette.

However, the repairer is really good for the client, and there is nothing wrong with the backyard.

The master of the middle school in the capital is a man with high weight and cleanliness.

I want to marry.

In the face of the envious eyes of others, the commissioner laughed like his sister.

Some people's eyes are quite strange. If the consignor had only a few similarities with his sister's face, then there are nine images of behavioral temperament. At first glance, it is the same as the dead person.

The consignor endured it, and his heart was blocked with such a sigh of relief, and he could not vent it. No one around him thought about her.

Then the delegator was ill, and before the death, he accidentally learned that the next day of the wedding, he drank the scorpion soup, and there would be no children in this life.

The commissioner collapsed completely, and the repairer used her life's happiness, personality and dignity to recall the beauty of his heart.

In order to ensure that she is not selfish, she will not give birth to a child to give birth to other minds, so that she can not give birth to children for the rest of her life.

Has she said she wants to marry him?

The scorpion soup became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

If there is no such thing as a soup, perhaps the commissioner will suffer from self-pity and self-pity.

However, the husband was treated like this on the second day of the wedding, so the parents were also deliberate.

Parents have a variety of thoughts and marry her.

So the commissioner died of blood.

The wish is not to be a marionette, she is really fed up to live in the shadow of a dead person.

Ning Shu opened his eyes in the wooden bucket of water vapor.

It is said that the status of women in this era is low, but the situation of the commissioner should be considered a very extreme example.

No thought, it is a puppet.

Some people will resist, and most people in this situation will suffer from Stockholm syndrome, and they will not leave if they regain their freedom.

This should be the horrible and desirable ideal breeding program in the cult.

Secondly, Ning Anyi’s age is only sixteen, and the repaired son is almost 24 years old.

Unfortunately, the contributors have now become Wang Hao, and have already drunk the soup.

Ning Shu touched the underwater stomach.

The greatest achievement of a woman is the birth of a child. When this one is deprived, the pain can be imagined.

It is my business to want to have children.

But you let me not have a child and you are not finished.

"Wang Hao, the water is cold, do you want to get up?" Li Wei asked softly to Ningshu.

Ning Shu nodded, and stood up from the tub, rubbing the water droplets on his body.

Although some people are waiting for Jinyi Huafu, there is no hope for such a day.

There is no power and fire in my heart, and people are just like walking dead.

Li Wei put clothes on Ning Shu and helped Ning Shu put on his clothes.

Ning Shu yawned, bypassed the screen, lying directly on the bed, lazy.

Li Wei reminded Ning Shu: "Wang Hao Niangniang, please pay attention to manners."

Ning Shu pulled the quilt over his body and ignored her words.

Eating and sleeping are all in my ears, and there is still a head in life.

Ning Shu was squatting in the bed, in the winter, the bed was cold, and the client's hands and feet were cold.

Although I just took a bath and the body was a little warm, in the cold bed, the body became cold again.

Ning Shu said to Li Wei: "Give me a soup, a lame, cold~"

Ning Shu began to cultivate the martial arts, and the body braved the cold.

The girl was not too angry, and then she drank a cold and very heavy soup. When it was winter, it was not as cold as her own.

Li Wei let Yan to get a soup woman on the sole of the foot.

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