Ning Shu and Xiu Ziyu were both silent, and when Xiu Zi saw his king, he sat on the bed and did not get out of bed.

Ning Shu said with a smile: "Wang Ye, it's too cold, and the courtiers won't get out of bed."


To be wrong, it must be wrong. If you are a husband, you should take good care of your husband.

But it’s hard to say that something big is wrong. After all, it’s so cold, even if your wife doesn’t get up in bed, it’s not a mistake.

It is estimated that the husband’s care for his wife will not take the wife out of the bed.

However, Xiu Zi’s heart is full of anger, which is Wang Hao’s neglect of the child.

It’s so lazy now that the repairs are uncomfortable.

"Honger is also your nephew. I don't say that he is your child now. Even if he is a younger sister, you should be anxious if you are sick." The repaired son was dressed in clothes, and in the middle of the night, he was all cool.

Ning Shu said: "I certainly worry about Hong Er, but Chen Hao can't do anything, and then it is what is used there, and Chen is really planning to ask the doctor to come and show him."

The child is uncomfortable, hungry, can't talk, can only be expressed with crying.

Sophistry, the repairing son clearly felt the perfunctory perfume.

In the end, is it the birth mother of Honger, if it is a biological mother, now I am afraid that I have been kept at the bedside of Honger, and it is difficult to sleep.

Ning Shu has seen more people like Xiu Zi, who can't do things that they can't do.

If the dead Ning An cream knows the behavior of the repairing son, I am afraid that I have to vomit.

I am dead, you are married to other women and will not say anything.

But find one that is similar to me, and let this woman imitate herself everywhere, learn herself, and advertise her deep feelings.

While lovingly mourning myself, I found a woman disgusting.

Who is this disgusting?

For the negotiator Ning Anyi, he had no room for rebellion, was forced to study his sister, and lived like a sister. Her husband gave her sister a deep affection.

On the second day of the wedding, I was given a broth, and I couldn’t have children in my life. I took care of my sister’s brother.

It must also be taken care of everywhere. If the child has any problems, she must be more active than anyone else.

Otherwise it is unqualified, not the perfect wife image in the heart of the repair.

In this life, the commissioner must live in the shadow of a dead person, or his own sister.

Who should blame?

Maybe the sister in heaven is still resentful of her, taking up her position.

In short, the repairing son's self-righteous nausea afflicted two women.

After repairing the child, Ning Shu sat on the bed and did not move. From time to time, he wrapped up the quilt and wished to use the quilt to pick himself up.

It used to be a virtuous one. What is going on now?

Xiao Yan looked at the battle, but Wang Hao did not see that Wang was angry. He wanted to remind Wang Hao several times, but Wang Ye was here, afraid to speak.

The repairer snorted and shook his sleeves, and the little beggars around him hurriedly followed the lanterns.

Ning Shu lay down, you are embarrassed, who will not be embarrassed.

"Tangpo is a bit cold, heat exchange water." Ning Shu said to Xiaoyan.

"Ah, yes." A little stunned, apparently did not expect Ning Shu's request to change the soup.

Re-plugged the hot soup lady in the bed, Ning Shu sighed comfortably, and then began to sleep.

When I was practicing, I thought about how to counterattack.

In this era of four virtues, married, husband is everything.

When a woman’s status is low, she does not dare to resist the man’s request.

In addition, the repairer is consciously cultivating the client as a wife in the heart.

According to the steps of the training, if you make a mistake, you will be left out of the stick. If you do well, you will be rewarded.

It is just a stick to give a sweet date, it is very willing, and Enwei uses it.

This time, the repairing son was not happy, and the repairing son must have left her for a long time.

Ning Shu said not to care.

To get rid of the life of a puppet, whoever created the life of the puppet, made the life of the consignor hopeless.

It is him, he is, or he, repairing a child.

To solve the situation of the client, it is on the body of the repairer.

If you don't let the repairer swear, no one will take care of the client, let the client wear what clothes, and what to eat.

Then the entrusted person raises the nephew, and the glory of the palace in the future is still on this child. The consignor is the boss in this palace.

Although the orphans and widows are pitiful, they are also the kings and relatives. It is not unreasonable to eat and wear. He loves his wife so much, and then sends him to see his wife.

However, to ensure that this matter is done without any loopholes, it is necessary for the death of the repairing son to be due to the dispute of the throne.

Anyway, the uncles and uncles of the repairing son looked at him and he was not pleasing to the eye.

There is also a plan to adjust the repairs. Teach you to shake m, you tune. Teach me, I turn you into a puppet.

In front of the client is a masochistic.

But this approach may be subverted at any time.

Not sure that it will work, and people are changeable.

Either let the repairing child stay in bed, and everything in the palace depends on the trustee. At this time, the repairing son will not have the heart to adjust. Teach the client.

But it may also be more psychologically distorted in bed because of illness.

Although there are many plans, in this era of inseparability, especially the royal marriage, it is a bit boring.

And the maiden's family would never agree, and the reputation was ruined, and the glory was gone.

The reaction of the emperor here may be even more deadly. Whatever to do with the grandson and the deaf, the grandson of the aunt is abandoned by a woman.

No such thing.

Therefore, the possibility of wanting to leave is zero.

And it is impossible to get away from this road.

This **** feeling is like stepping on a dog. Hey, but there is no way to jump off, and there is no way to deal with this, you can only be tied here to cry.

The relationship between the two is rotted bit by bit in such an imbalance.

In such a relationship, the commissioner is more and more loyal to her spirit, and the more entangled and inseparable by the trustee.

Because I have paid too much, I am not willing, I want to get back from this man.

She imitates others, eats food that she doesn't like, and she pays a lot.

And will continue to invest in order to gain less and less attention.

If it is not a sinister soup, Ning An Yi will continue to live this life.

In fact, this is why girls are always inseparable from the scum man.

People have a very strong self-healing ability, but this is also harmful, so that people can't give up the harmful way of life.

Ning An should know that this kind of life is desperate, but there is no way, and it is inseparable from harmful people.

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