Ning Shu smiled slightly. "Chen Xi is only sixteen years old. He likes to wear colorful clothes. When he goes to his sister's age, he will naturally dress like his sister."

The repairer was too lazy to talk to her and said to Li Wei: "Teach Wang Hao well, let Wang Hao know what to do and what not to do."

Li Wei also said with a sad heart.

If it is a small squat under the hand, how can I adjust it. I can teach it.

But the other party is the master, sometimes impatient and don't do it directly.

Today's female master is obviously rebellious, and she dares to talk back to the prince.

This way Li Wei feels tired.

Ning Shu still smiles, the kind of smile with an inexplicable smile makes the repairer glare. "What do you laugh at, as a king, laughing is not toothy, dignified elegance is the right thing."

Ning Shu smiles unchanged. "Wang Ye doesn't like the courtiers. In fact, the courtiers don't like you very much."

"You are arrogant..." I have never heard that my wife does not like her husband.

"Wang Ye, you are so affectionate about your sister, why are you still jealous, you don't think you betrayed your sister."

"Sister Sister knows how sad it is, and she loves her sister with a sigh of relief. In a blink of an eye, she will smash others, and her sister will not enter the dream of Wang Ye."

If you want to deceive yourself, you will not let yourself be self-deprecating, but you will not...

"You shut up, you are not qualified to bring up the frost." The repairer stared at Ning Shu with a grin.

Ning Shu looked strange and pouted, looking at the repairing son with his round eyes. "Wang Ye, why are you not qualified to mention your sister?"

"She is the sister of the courtiers. We are sisters connected by blood, and it was not the request of the Ning family when they asked for the pro-Yo.

"And when my sister went, I didn't entrust the child to you."

What do you do, why are you wronged?

The repaired face was blue and red, and like the palette, he gasped and gasped, licking Ning Shu.

Ning Shu went on to say: "Wang Ye, the vassal of the vassal, is completely distressed by the niece of Honger. Later, the vassal will take care of Honger."

"Sister is a sister, and a courtier is a courtier. Later, Honger does not want his mother to be replaced. Wang Ye, in order to be a good child, Honger is still called Chen Xiaoxiao."

Xiu Zizhen did not expect his new wife to be so daring, saying such a violation of the words, hehe sneered, "What are you, also with the king to talk about conditions."

"You remember, you can marry into the palace because your sister and Honger."

Ning Shu asked: "But my sister did not say that she would marry you, and if my sister knows that you have forgotten her, how sad and sad it is."

Not very affectionate, let's talk about your affection.

Do you want to transform others into people you love?

The face of Xiu Zi’s face can’t be seen anymore. Li Wei has always given Ning Shu a look, but Ning Shu simply can’t see it.

"Chen Chen knows that Wang Ye and his sister have deep feelings and they don't want to tarnish your love. Therefore, if you are a prince, you will live in the palace and take care of Honger."

The repairer snorted, his face trembled and wanted to say something, but when he spoke to his mouth, he could not refute it.

The inner anger caused the repairing son to be furious. "What are you doing, pointing out the things of the king, and, don't let the king hear the name of the frost from your mouth."

Ning Shu: Hey...

Isn't this a cover-up?

To say these words today is nothing more than telling Xiu Zikai what qualifications he has for her.

I loved my wife, but if I let Ningan Frost under Jiuquan know it, I am afraid that I will be tempted to jump to the pool.

Transforming your sister into your own way, this is love?

Perhaps these people who are highly weighted and want to get what is easy to get, think that the affection is different from that of ordinary people.

It is estimated that what I feel that I am doing is very moving.

The repairman can't do it alone.

His self-promotion is still pulling others, but it is obvious that the unlucky one is Ning An Yi.

"In the future, you will see Honger less." The repairing son deprived Ning Shu of the opportunity to get along with Honger.

Ning Shu is not in a hurry, and now Honger is still in the state of eating and drinking Lazar, and it is not annoying at this time.

As for sensible things, it will take several years.

Besides, the child has no opinion. The repairer can influence the child. Can she not?

Ning Shu said: "Wang Ye, the courtiers are connected with the blood of Honger, is it not the qualifications of the sisters and even the sisters and children."

"Chen Chen did not want to occupy the position of her sister. When the prince asked for a kiss, the Ning family refused, and the mother repeatedly told the court, to take care of Honger."

Ning Shu’s words made the repairing scorpion’s forehead’s blue veins jump. “You are not the mother of Honger, you don’t need your care.”

Ok, this is what you said. After that, don’t cry when the child cries.

Ning Shu’s face turned and ran sadly. The repairer looked at Ning Shu’s back in a cold manner and said to Li Wei: “Wang Hao is reviving in the old state, teaching well, what happened, this king And."

Li Wei hesitated and asked: "If Wang Hao is not willing?"

"Then you can find a way to make her want, any way can be, this king does not want to see such a king."

Li Wei quickly said: "Yes."

Li Wei’s heart is terrible. I can’t figure out what Wang Hao is. What are the benefits of women and men?

Men don't like gentle, unreasonable women, all happy things, why do you feel that Wang is not happy.

I have to be tired of her age and teach the master.

Thinking of the thick life of Wang Shu’s life story, Li Wei felt a headache.

It takes a long time to get all the aspects written in a booklet, and it takes a lot of effort.

And the parties may not necessarily cooperate.

Li Wei thinks that a lot of ages have to worry so much, and sooner or later.

When Li Wei returned to the yard, he saw Wang Hao wearing green clothes and drinking tea. In the end, he was young and dressed in such clothes, and he was surprisingly beautiful.

But what is good-looking, it’s no good that men don’t like to look good again.

Li Wei gave Ning Shu a tea, and couldn't help but say to Ning Shu: "Wang Hao, the woman is soft and supple. Like the rebellious prince like today, it is not a woman model."

"Supple, I just said two sentences. Do I have to be like a wooden pile, I can't even say anything, is this supple?"

Li Lan suddenly stopped, and moved his lips and said: "Wang Hao can of course speak, but seeing through and not wearing, sometimes not pleasing, it does not help to say it."

Ning Shu: "But I am comfortable."

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