Wulin, the fastest wearing cannon fodder with the latest chapter of the counterattack!

Ning Shu's soul is very weak, sitting on a chair on the sofa, absorbing the power of the soul.

Fortunately, she stored some before, or at this time, even the power of the soul did not absorb.

Weakly go to do the task, go to rubbish, under the high intensity of labor, the soul will certainly collapse.

The amount of garbage per million is not a small amount.

After absorbing the power of pure soul, the soul is better than just a little, and it will not be scattered when the wind blows.

But it is really far from the strength of the previous soul. How much is this absorbed?

Ning Shu is suspected of leaving only a little bit of soul power for her, so that her soul will not collapse.

The power of other souls has been taken away.

It was only after returning to liberation that she did so many tasks before she turned her soul into the present, and she was taken away.

Ning Shu took out some soul stone and soul liquid, let 2333 send it to the main system to purify, her current soul strength is not good.

I don’t know how much soul power to absorb.

Ning Shu raised his wrist and the rule of the brown mountain shape in the middle of his wrist.

It’s quite ok to get a lot of soul power without losing money.

There are three marks on the body.

It’s awesome.

Thinking of the situation at the time, Ning Shu’s whole body began to shake off with fear and his legs shook uncontrollably.

Once there is something, Ning Shu will be incarcerated by the legs, not to mention the hard work.

Almost was wiped out, she was deliberate at the time.

Deliberately took the law imprint of the incarnation of the law of the earth, integrated into his own body, so that the law imprint she grabbed can not be taken away, unless she killed her.

I gambled and lost three-quarters of the power of the soul.

If the power of these souls can only be obtained by doing the task, then the number of tasks can be said a lot.

All the way to the present, the soul strength developed into this.

Now it’s basically time to return to becoming a quest.

However, it is worthwhile to exchange the power of these souls for a rule imprint.

If she does not have a soul stone and a soul fluid, she is absolutely not afraid to take risks.

Because the soul is weak, it is not convenient to do anything.

What she thought at the time was that she might lose a lot of soul power, but even if she lost, she also had the soul and soul stone to supplement the soul.

So take this risk and the result is gratifying.

At this time, those who participated in this law may have hated to die, and there is no tax for 100 years.

There is no sympathy in Ning Shu’s heart. Only gloating, she has no taxation for a hundred years and a hundred years.

Other law incarnations are taxed, even if the city is restricted, but the tax is still a big income.

She didn't have time to pick up these tax-paying guys. As a result, these guys actually came to engage her. What is this?

Ning Shu is very comfortable, so everyone has no taxes, and they are all the same.

If you want to write a book, it is a hundred years of taxation.

These laws are incarnate and I dare not write any more. Even if I am so annoyed, I will not go to organize this road. I will not think about letting the organization punish her.

At most, it is a small action in private, but the small action also depends on the consequences.

This time she digs the laws of the law of the incarnation of the law, and has not been erased, enough to make these laws incarnate to see her detour.

At least in the law city, I dare not provoke her.

The result of provoke her is that she is the first to die, and she cannot see the judge who judges the murder.

Ning Shu can foresee that he has become a great enemy of all laws and incarnations.

But there is nothing to help.

Ning Shu touched the mark of his wrist and smiled slightly. Anyway, this time he got some benefits.

It takes a long time to pick up the garbage, and the time for doing the task is short.

Her time is getting tighter.

Also go to the space law.

Ning Shu keeps his legs and does not let his legs shake. Fortunately, it is not shaking on the spot, otherwise it will be more shameful.

Ning Shu simply does not care about his own legs, how to shake how to shake it.

The soul stone and soul liquid sent to the main system have not been purified. Now her soul is weak and she does not want to go anywhere.

I wanted to go to the city of the earth to see it, but this weak look is not good.

Ning Shu feels that face is still necessary.

Besides, the first time I got the imprint of the law, I ran to the city of the earth to inspect the territory. This kind of thing that people are eye-catching, Ning Shu feels that it is still slow.

‘叮咚’, the chat system rang.

Shouldn't let her go to pick up the garbage, Ning Shu opened the chat system, is the news sent by the main system.

Is it the result of punishment?

The main system: "From now on, the main system will not purify the soul soul stone you sent."

Ning Shu’s heart slammed and had a bad feeling.

Ning Shu: "What do you mean, no longer purify the soul stone soul that I sent to the past?"

I rub, she is now only half the strength of the soul, and now stop giving her pure soul stone soul liquid, her soul will be weak for a long time.

And the only way to gain the power of the soul is to do the task and the power of the soul that the commissioner gives.

Ning Shu hammered, Nima, deliberately, now her soul is weak, and the organization refuses to purify her soul and soul stone.

Oh, she is still too young.

The main system: "You seem to have unscrupulous because of the soul and soul stone. This is the punishment for you in the organization."

Ning Shu: "When is it forbidden?"

Half of the soul of the main system was taken, and it was rejected. It seems that it really stepped on the pain of the organization, and even the benefits of being sent to the door are not.

Although she sent the soul of the soul not much liquid, but the mosquito legs are small and meat, and it will be purified.

But now it is not purified, which means that she basically has no extra soul power.

Losing three-quarters of the soul, Ning Shu really did not put it in the heart, because there are soul liquid and soul stone, it is always able to re-power the soul.

Before those punishments were nothing, the latter was fatal.

Ning Shu feels that he has been cut off the road, and the whole person is not very good.

The main system: "There is no fixed period of time."

Ning Shu sighs, that is, when I want to ban the time when I will ban it.

Maybe it will be lifted tomorrow, maybe for a long time, several hundred years and hundreds of years.

Ning Shu this will be really embarrassing, I did not feel anything before, but this will be stepped on.

Ning Shu hammered the ground, Mom, a hair, her soul is so dim, I don't want to go out.

Deliberately, it is absolutely intentional.

Ning Shu really is not able to plug the heart.

I knew that I would save a little more pure soul, and I wouldn’t hang in the air now.

Although the soul is not as weak as before, it is still weak.

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