Li Guqiu saw that Meng Meng had some flustered look, let her calm down, "裴萌, these tricks can not believe."

"No, it is true, you believe me, I have survived a serious car accident, or you will not see me." Meng Meng was a little angry.

"Well, listen to yours, go see the master you said." Li Guyuu did not believe it at all. It is totally inappropriate to say that an outsider is destroying the feelings between their girlfriends.

"You believe that I am right." Yan Meng took Li Guyu to a small alley, Jinyang's rental house is here.

When I first came to the Imperial Capital, I found a house to live.

The dry-skilled division of this line, the money is very fast, there may be tens of thousands of thousands or hundreds of thousands of single-handed.

Since ancient times, people have been able to serve the nobles.

These dignitaries are the least expensive.

Li Guqiu looked at the surrounding environment and twisted his brows. The more he didn't believe in this master.

Especially when I opened the door, I saw a young boy, and there was a taste of instant noodles in the room. The impression in my heart dropped even lower.

The richer the more wealth, the more superstitious, the Li family will also invite some masters to look at Feng Shui, and the picture has a bottom.

This person is totally different from the masters and is too young.

Meng Meng quickly talked with Jin Yang, "This is my girlfriend, Li Guyu, who has recently encountered troubles. You can take a look."

Jin Yang looked at Li Guqiu. Before that, she felt that Meng Meng was very cute. Now she looks at Li Guqiu, who is a snow lotus in the mountains. She suddenly feels a sense of horror.

"Come in, what do you want to count?" Jin Yang then eats instant noodles, completely without the image of a master.

Yan Meng Barabara said this to Jin Yang, Li Guyuqiu couldn't insert his mouth, and honestly said that it was very embarrassing to tell such a thing to someone who had never met before.

Jin Yang looked at Li Guyu. "You have a fiancé."

There are unfortunate pity on his face, and his eyes are all appreciated.

Li Guqiu’s eyes were smothered by Jin Yang’s eyes, and his face was raised with a thin red, and his heart was angry that he was rude and his heartbeat was irregular.

Although this man looks young and keeps his head, it looks rustic, and his clothes are cheap, but look closely and look good.

And there is an inexplicable temperament on his body that makes him look a little different.

Probably confident, a confident man,

Yan Meng said with anger: "Gu Qiu's fiance is not a thing."

How does Meng Meng slap Zhang Tianbao, how to deceive people, how to not go into the waste and say it again.

Successfully let Jin Yang look at Li Guqiu's eyes very pity.

A flower is so devastated, how distressing.

In particular, Li Guyu also pretended to be strong, but the melancholy temperament of her body had already sold her.

Here, Meng Meng and Jin Yang complained, behind the Ning Shu's bad words, this side Ning Shu has long been crying with Zhang Dad.

Holding Zhang's father's thigh, he said that he was only trying to get married, the other party directly bombed, and Li Guyu found the family to let her postpone the marriage.

"Dad, you still want to hold your grandson, I have been unable to get married, what grandchildren are you holding?"

"People are simply hanging their homes. How do we still feel that our family owes Li's family? When I talked about the conditions, Li did not agree. So why do you like Zhang to coerce Li?"


"Don't be embarrassed, how big a person is, and shame is not shameful." Zhang Dad is also angry, but seeing Ning Shu's appearance is not up, it is even more angry.

I was pinched by a girl. "Li’s face is so licking his nose, it’s not because you have no interest, you are out, and the girls are not coming up.”

"I will work hard. She is not thinking about Li Guqiu. I don't like her. Now I don't like her. She is nothing." Ning Shu had a nose and a tear. "Dad, I was bullied."

"People Li Jia does not want to marry me, but does not want to retire. It is very humiliating to be retired by someone like me."

Zhang Dad’s foot is on Ning Shu’s body. “Roll, I will look at it.”

"Thank you Dad." Ning Shuma rolled away and said to his father, "Dad, can you please have a teacher?"

Zhang Dad asked casually: "What are you looking for?"

Demolition and ex situ, marriage, and so on, you need to be a teacher.

Of course, I want to know about the world of the world, but in general, the divisions are all sects, all means are life-saving, secret, the general division is not to give things to others .

Unless it is a mentor.

Is it true that in this world, there is no way to worship a master.

Ning Shu said: "I want to learn about the technique."

"Learn how to do these things, and learn how to manage the company." Zhang said.

It is also strange to say that these dignitaries are respectful of these talented people, but strictly speaking these people are also the next to the nine, and will not learn.

Ning Shu said: "Suddenly interested in this kind of thing, I feel particularly mysterious."

"I want to learn, Dad, you find a master for me. I will not go out to eat, drink, and play in the future. I will follow the master to learn the same technique."

Zhang Laojiao listened and thought about it. Instead of letting the bad guy's stinky boy spread the money to those friends, it is better to ask a teacher to come home.

You can't do it without going out.

Then I thought of one thing and shook my head and said, "You can't learn. Learning this kind of thing will have one less thing, love or family, or disability."

In fact, when it is not necessary, or can't live, ordinary people are not willing to do it. Of course, some people pursue the high realm of the division.

If this stinky boy learns the technique, he will not have an accident and it is also a family accident.

If you are destined to become a loner, then the family will have problems.

Ning Shu: ...

"I don't learn, just understand, don't vent the open-air machine, naturally there will be no accidents, you can rest assured." Ning Shu said to Zhang Dad.

"Can you find a teacher to tell me about the profession?"

First of all, we must understand the power system of this world. I am afraid that when she uses Maoshan, the power system of the other party is different, and it is like playing the air.

No eggs.

Zhang Dad looked at Ning Shu with some suspicion. "What do you suddenly want to know about these things?"

Ning Shu said: "Because I want to know, I am a bit curious. I met a fortune-telling, and I am quite accurate. I said that I have no fate with Li Guyu, even if there is a fate."

"And I have said everything from small to big, so amazing." Ning Shu has never seen the world.


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