The little devil looked at Ningshu and estimated that he felt that he was not saying this properly. He said for a while: "You are much better than before." /p>

Ning Shu's face is faint, the whip is smashed, the whip is cold, the scalp is numb, and the worms that are drawn by the whip are turned into a pile of powder. /p>

Ning Shu: "I didn't look good before?" /p>

The little devil didn’t know why, suddenly he blessed his soul, and he was thriving for survival. “No, you are so beautiful now.” /p>

Ning Shu hooked the corner of the mouth. "You are also very cute, that is, the look of the little devil is also good-looking, and the look of Lucy's teeth is also beautiful." /p>

Bifujun is much more beautiful, and the palace is completely beyond recognition. /p>

Fujun is Yaksha, it is beyond recognition, the black mist is a demon, and now it is still a cute demon, I don’t know if it will become very embarrassing in the future. /p>

Now the black fog is still small, it is difficult to protect it. /p>

The little demon holds a steel fork to kill the enemy. His steel fork is two thorns, and the prince is a three-pronged. /p>

It seems that the little devil is going to retire to the government. /p>

With the addition of the little devil, the pressure here is a lot less. /p>

Zhang Jiasen looked up at Ningshu on the huge shoulders. He was too big. He needed to look up to see Ningshu, who was not very obvious on his shoulders. /p>

Looking up, Zhang Jiasen feels that he will look up to this woman in the future? /p>

Is there no way to fight for it? /p>

What is the child around her? /p>

There are so many strange things around her. /p>

It is something he has not seen. /p>

Not to mention her own strength, that is, these things around her, all have the strength he can not. /p>

Ning Shu, Yan and the little devil bear most of the pressure, the pressure of the latter actor is much smaller, there are any means to have an output environment, and a gorgeous move to the worm's body throw. /p>

Inflicted more or less damage to these bugs. /p>

For example, the time of the cheongsam man can slow down the insects, and Ningshu can move faster. /p>

The little devil is very fast, and a pair of black wings are flying fast through the worms, holding a steel fork and a fork. /p>

Ning Shu’s mind suddenly appeared in the picture of the soil holding a steel fork. /p>

The more I think, the more I feel like it, I want to laugh a little, but the child’s self-respect is strong, and Ning Shu has held back. /p>

The sound of the little mouse is like a roaring dragon. "Hurry up, tear these people away, hurry up." /p>

At the same time, the worm's body was covered with a faint red bubble, and all the worms were surrounded by a red bubble. /p>

Suddenly, these worms seem to enter a violent state, and the body's screams become louder, the muscles of the body bulge, and the worms are like hills. /p>

The power of these bugs has also become much stronger. /p>

It is that Ning Shu and a whip are not able to kill the worms, and the defensive ability of the worms is more abnormal. /p>

The little devil's steel fork was inserted into the body of the bug, and it took a lot of effort to pull it out. /p>

I went, the little mouse has this ability, actually able to let the worm into the violent state, the strength has more than doubled. /p>

The worms became stronger, and the questers on their side entered a state of fatigue. The front line pressed back and retreated. /p>

Before the little devil tied these worms like the paper, now it is the potato, can be plunged in, but it takes a lot of effort to pull it out. /p>

After a while, the little devil was tired. /p>

After all, it is a child, the strength is limited, Ning Shu said to her: "Stay for a while, see you sweating." /p>

Little Devil: "Do you look down on me?" /p>

Ning Shu: "???"/p>

What happened to this child? /p>

My mother, how is the governor how to educate, how is this axis? /p>

"You look." The little demon suddenly turned, his body became a lot bigger, his hand became bigger, and the black steel fork became red, as if the black iron was red. /p>

The temperature is high at first glance. /p>

The little devil holds a steel fork, just like a skewer, a string of worms. /p>

The temperature of the steel fork is very high, and the insects that penetrate the body by the steel fork are all painful and eventually burned to ashes. /p>

The steel fork is so hot, and the little devil does not feel the same. /p>

Ning Shu thumbs up, how can you be so good? /p>

The little devil lifted his chin. /p>

The current little demon is about the child who came home from kindergarten, and he is eager to learn something from his parents. /p>

For the little devil who loves performance, Ning Shu is very praised, come on and kill the insects, so that their pressure can be smaller. /p>

I am still very unfamiliar with such scenes. I have been smashed and condensed several times, mainly because there are too many worms. /p>

The cockroach is in front and bears almost all attacks from the worm. /p>

Fortunately, it is to shape the merits of the golden body. Otherwise, the enormous power from the insects directly collides with the head of the skull. /p>

At the beginning, I was also in a hurry. It was so many cockroaches gathered together, even if it had already begun to run in, but it was really on the battlefield, and various situations will occur. /p>

Ning Shu said: "Don't worry, take your time, don't ask to kill the enemy, stabilize it, you can stick to the end of the battle." /p>


These worms entered a violent state, and they didn't know how tired they were, but they couldn't do it here. /p>

Ning Shu thought of the good habits and the water law and the soothing agent. /p>

After playing for so long, everyone was very tired. Ning Shu merged the water law with good wood rules to form a drop of green water droplets. /p>

These water droplets drip like raindrops on the people and into the soul. /p>

The clerk behind him suddenly felt a spirit, like a bucket of cool water poured on his body, refreshing, exhausted and eliminated, and spirited. /p>

The scope of Ningshu's release is not large. It is only the executor's side. The people on the other side of the army use merits, which is much stronger than the toughness of the quest. /p>

With Ningshu's assists, the clerk feels much better, but some people look at Ning Shu's eyes are particularly complicated. Speaking of it, many of these people have a grudge with Ning Shu. /p>

At the beginning, many of the avatars were looking for Ningshu's troubles. Now Ningshu still helps them, and the heart is really complicated. /p>

But now everyone is going to be on board, there is no need to entangle some things in peacetime. /p>

Even if there is any friction in the future, you have to live on the battlefield. /p>

Everyone suppressed their distractions and began to kill the enemy. /p>

The momentum is unexpectedly twisted into a rope to resist the insects. /p>

The bugs on the boat jumped like thunder and walked up and down the deck. The next subordinate comforted the little mouse. "Wang, don't worry, you will tear the opening soon." /p>

To be honest, these people are very upset when they see that their king cares about a plankton-like human. /p>


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