At the same time, Ningshu uses a strong mental power. When the worm is about to explode, the corpse of the worm is broken like a needle.

As the body becomes larger, the insect's defense will be much weaker, and the swelling will make the skin weak.

Although the puncture will still burst, but this energy will be much smaller.

"Oh..." In the void, there are countless gorgeous colors of fireworks. The sound doesn't feel like a busy one, and the monks blow up people.

Some of the responders who did not respond quickly were killed by such energy.

In particular, the law is incarnate, and once it is killed, the imprint of the body floats out.

The law imprints this kind of thing is still very eye-catching, although there is no tax now, but one more law has one more energy, and its own strength is enhanced.

Seeing these imprinted laws, some people are in a hot heart, and they ignore the danger to seize the mark. Once a person has greed, the greed is full of mind, nothing else.

The aftermath of the explosion was killed, not to mention the imprint, now that there is no life, and the mark on oneself has become ownerless.

Ning Shu looked at these floating law marks, but in the explosion area, it was really heart-warming.

Ning Shu hesitated a little, and rushed over, grabbed a rule mark, the energy of the explosion radiated on the body, it hurts very much, and the soul has to be cracked, but fortunately, Ning Shu is immortal, and immediately returns back. .

"I am going, you really don't want to die." The cheongsam man said sourly, he also wanted the law imprint, but did not dare to rush.

Not everyone is like this tiger.

Ning Shu looked at the law mark, which is the imprint of silver lightning.

"It's actually Ray's Law." The cheongsam man was a little surprised. "What is Leifa's avatar, actually dead?"

Can understand the law of Lei, it must be tens of thousands of knots of thunder, the law of the thunder of this yang is very harmful to the soul.

The soul belongs to the femininity, and if you feel the thunder of the thunder, you will definitely be scattered.

Ray Law.

Ning Shu does not know if his energy can withstand the Thunder, but it is a bit of a harvest.

And if you can really control the Thunder, the restraint of other missions is relatively large.

When fighting, a thunder can beat the other party's strength, at least let the other party's state is not very good.

Sure enough, murder and fire gold belt, war money is the best to earn, but the premise is that you can live.

The place where the explosion exploded was marked with several laws, and the people present at the scene were seduce all the time, letting the blind people rush over.

Ning Shu did not dare to go, although it will not die, but it hurts, the power of the explosion, so that the soul is almost broken.

The little mice stood on the deck, watching the gorgeous explosion point, getting farther and farther, and these self-explosive forces eventually became the size of the stars.

"The bastard, I will never spare these people." The little mouse bites his teeth.

"Wang, these tribes are all dead, all for the sake of race." The subordinates next to him persuaded that it was worthwhile to complete the entire race with less sacrifice.

The eyes of the little mice are red, and half of the numbers are self-destructing.

Half the number is a terrible number, but only continuous explosions can block the pace of these people, otherwise everyone may be caught.

The subordinate said: "Wang, don't look for that human being. The ants have the way of ants. We have our way. You and him are not the same people."

"Wang, you sacrificed so much for him, he knows, he disappeared without a trace, and he did not put the king in his heart, Wang, he is using you."

In order to persuade the little mice, the subordinates can say that these words can be regarded as IQ explosion.

At the same time, I feel a little helpless. I feel that this battle is a bit ridiculous. How can we lose so many people for a weak human being?

However, these subordinates do not hate the little mice. After all, the king is everything, and the king is not wrong. Even if the king is wrong, the person around the king is wrong.

For example, this time is because the weak human being is the fault of that human being.

Wang Zhen is too poor to be deceived by a human being.

The little mouse twisted his brow. "I have to find Li Wen."

Subordinates: ...

When he went to die, he found what he was doing. Now that he has lost so much, he should recuperate.

While talking, the boat suddenly paused and then stopped.

Outside the cabin is a black-pressed army.

"Wang, we are surrounded." A subordinate came in and said something in panic.

"What's going on, catch up so soon?" The big explosion formed a barrier line, and it was impossible for those people to pass such a big explosion and appear in such a short time.

"Wang, they must have been ambushing here beforehand." It seems that the other party really wants to kill them.

Directly destroy the family.

The little mice rushed out of the cabin and stood on the deck to see that they were surrounded, and the number was still quite large.

Certainly not the previous batch, this must be ambush.

Sure enough, human beings are treacherous creatures, both hands.

Is this really going to kill the family this time?

I have lost half of it before, can I lose it again?

They have become a shackle, and the number of each other is large.

The leader is a man with a silver hair and a book in his hand. The book looks old.

Under the circumstance, I feel that there is no way to escape the birth of this day, because the number of people nowadays is already half self-destructive. Now these people are not enough to fight against these people.

What's more, the whole is now in a period of weakness.

Even if the IQ of the bug is not high, I know that the current situation is very unfavorable to them, not to mention the instinct of survival is very sensitive.

The subordinate said to the little mouse: "Wang, we all blew themselves, you flee."

The little mouse has a red eye, and the blood is so red that he seems to be bleeding. He looks at the silver-haired man. "You are really hateful, hateful. I shouldn’t have let go of your broken face."

The silver-haired man’s expression is calm, and the roar of the loser does not have to be placed on the heart. With a wave of his hand, the army immediately takes out the weapon.

The shells blew directly in the insects, and Peng slammed a lot of smoke, and the smoke quickly spread.

The worms absorbed the smoke and soon began to sneeze one by one. The body swayed and fell down.

"It's so mean, actually use the rejuvenation grass." The most hated grass of the worm is the rejuvenation grass. For the worm, this thing is just like the sleeping pills. It has advantages and disadvantages.

The silver-haired man looked at the worms and said calmly: "On, all annihilated."

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