Nausea is disgusting, but Yu Xin doesn't want to make a big noise, so she calls the man privately and says that he should stop bothering her, and he is very polite to say thank you for loving me.

However, Yu Xin thought too simple. This male fan received her phone call and was particularly excited. Although his whereabouts were exposed, he was even more unscrupulous.

Every day, various kinds of sneak shots, all kinds of sneak shots, even squatting at the door of the house, hungry to eat some convenient things, bread instant noodles and the like.

After a long time, Yu Xin couldn't stand it anymore, let this man not follow her, don't follow her.

But the man said with conviction: "I like you, really like you, not only you on the screen or you in real life."

The act of illegitimate rice disrupts public order and poses a hidden danger to public safety.

This kind of harassment in the name of love is awkward.

And this man still calls her from time to time, even if Yu Xin changed the number, this person can still get her number.

If Yu Xin walks closer to a man in private, it will not work in private.

If you are known by this illegitimate rice, then you will immediately call to swear by Han Xin’s behavior, saying that she will be rumored to be with other men.

You should keep your pure image, and a pure woman will not meet other men in private.

He also hates iron and steel, the kind of empathy, the kind of ideal with a lot of many added to Yu Xin's body.

Whether it is a private party or an open party, this man will sneak into the scene, a mad shot against Yu Xin, and all kinds of props are well prepared.

Since it is a sneak shot, then all kinds of props are indispensable.

This man is simply immersed in the life of Yu Xin, without the free space of private life, every move is in his monitoring.

Because of this, Yu Xin moved, and set up several passwords for her security door, at least four fingerprints.

However, this man through other channels, spent a lot of money to buy the address of Yu Xin, and then guarded, but also found the Han Xin family, nothing to expose the family of Yu Xin.

Yu Xin’s family is an ordinary person who has been exposed to such a sneak shot. This makes Yu Xin the most intolerable. It’s just that he is so crazy about himself, but he is involved in the family.

The star is just a job, the fan consumes the idol, can understand, but the star family is not a star, and there is no obligation to be consumed.

Yu Xin had no choice but to report to the police, and regrettably issued a statement on the public platform.

This kind of thing can only be done sooner or later. If you want the other party to want to be exposed, nonsense, and preconceived, it is useless to explain.

More than one star is troubled by the problem of illegitimate rice, and it is called by someone in the middle of the night. When you stand next to you, you are afraid of fear.

Yu Xin chose the alarm and couldn't bear it.

The illegitimate meal was also detained, but did not make any excessive behavior, such as murder and arson, which was released after a while.

However, when he came out, he still did not change his previous behavior, and even increased his efforts. He called Yu Xin and said that he did not hate her alarm, and still liked her.

As long as a girl is supposed to be there, a pure girl should remain independent and cannot be rumored to be inexplicable to the inexplicable man.

And he said that she would supervise her, avoid her making mistakes, and can't watch her gossip with other men.

And this is the identity that feels that his idol is very red, entertainment circles, there must be a lot of people who want to bundle sales with their idols, want to red, and their own love beans.

My love beans, I am guarding.

Perhaps this strong sense of responsibility drives people to repeat one thing without feeling exhausted.

The fanatical look is comparable to the sect.

Yu Xin is powerless. Even if she is alarmed, she is detained, educated, and released after a while.

Nyima is desperate.

If you just track the harassment, you can forget it. The turn of the thing is met with a man and a man in Yu Xin.

In fact, this man is a friend of Yu Xin, and there is no other relationship.

However, I learned the private life of Yu Xin’s private life and photographed the scene of two people eating.

Even if Yu Xin is disguised, all kinds of hats and sunglasses are on the body, so I can't wait to wear a mask.

But a veteran illegitimate meal, all kinds of idols are printed in my mind, and it can be seen from a background that this is not my own love beans.

In short, only what you can't think of, there is nothing they can't do.

Overturning the wall with the key is all the necessary skills, pick-up, love the various studios and announcements can not miss that is the most basic occupational conservation.

The man photographed the scene of Yu Xin’s eating with a man, and he was angry with him. It felt like he was being betrayed, and his beliefs collapsed.

The man said to Yu Xin, you are pure, you should be pure and innocent, know why I powder you, just because you are pure, there is no negative news.

There is no news of any bad sleep.

But what are you doing now, sneaking up to meet men to eat, and then what else to do.

This man adds all the virtues of women, even the traits of women that they fantasize, to Yu Xin.

Perhaps this man was hurt by a woman in life, and he imagined a perfect woman. Yu Xin is a perfect woman in his heart.

He was furious about Yu Xin’s behavior and even started.

When Yu Xin was struggling, the broken glass was directly drawn to the eyes. At that time, Yu Xin felt that his eyeballs were fainting, and a strong and sharp thing pierced his own eye.

The man was frightened and fled the door.

Although this man was arrested and brought to justice, he was sentenced, but Yu Xin’s life has not been with his career.

I haven't heard of a half-hearted person who can be a star. One of Yu Xin's eyes is completely invisible. The eyeball is grayish white, not clear, and the pupil is gone.

Only one eye can be seen.

Yu Xin was dismissed by the brokerage company and fell to the point where there was no work to pick up.

The commissioner is young and beautiful, this is her capital, but also wants to hone her acting skills and take a TV drama.

But when her eyes are blind, she has to leave the entertainment circle.

The commissioner was really reluctant, and he had been ruined in his life. The other party was only sentenced. After all, there was no killing, and she only had one eye.

Life is still there, but it has lost everything.

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