Ning Shu is a bit stunned, maybe peek at the consignor's not only to be voyeuristically, but also to peek around.

Is it really so curious about the private life of a star?

Ning Shu feels that moving is a must, this apartment is no longer suitable for people to live.

Must move to a safer place to live.

In places where security is relatively strong, the consignor is actually good in order to save money. The security measures are also good, but in the end, it is not comparable to some villas that are single-family.

In a single-family place, each household is far away, even if you want to peek, it is not so easy.

However, the price of such a place is really scary. Although the commissioner can earn some money, most of the money earned is taken away by the company, and the rest is the trustee.

So it is still difficult to buy a villa. The tens of millions of villas have to be purchased at one time, and they can't be taken out. It is also painful.

Ning Shu pulled the curtains up and used the mental power to scan each other at night. He found a middle-aged man living opposite the balcony, and was now peeping at her through the telescope.

Probably she pulled the curtains up, the other side peeked, it looked very annoyed and snorted.

Ning Shu quickly called her agent and asked her to come over tomorrow morning. Something told her.

The agent's agent, Li Jie, is a smart and capable woman. There are not many artists under her hand. Only three artists and three artists have developed very well. Generally speaking, the more gold-licensed brokers, the more they will not spread. But alone to assist an artist.

Including the artist's styling, even the public platform to send a message will be carefully handled and packaged.

There are more artists under a broker, and certainly can't care about every artist, and can't consider everything.

The new debut artist, then thrown to a broker like a thing, and then began to cooperate, sometimes encountering things, the broker does not know, worry, but can only deal with it.

Li Jie directly asked: "Whatever you say directly, just fine."

Ning Shu said: "Li Jie, I was peeked, it is opposite, there is a telescope."

Sister Li was shocked and said quickly: "Why don't you tell me earlier, how did you find out?"

"I just discovered it unintentionally, and there is a telescope on the opposite balcony."

"Well, I will arrange it right away. You are at home, close the window and pull the curtains up." Li Jie quickly said to Ning Shu, "I will come over to find you and find a place to live again."

Li Jie was so anxious that Ning Shu felt that she was just like a fragile glass doll.

A girl with no hands at all.

Soon, Li Jie drove over. After knocking in the door, the first sentence was to let Ningshu move.

"I said that I should change a place, but I can't bear the money. I can't go to the rich area to rent a house. It is also safer.

Tens of thousands are reluctant to buy a house, so rent a house is always OK.

Ning Shu nodded and said: "Everyone listens to Li Jie."

Ning Shu only said that there was a voyeuristic thing on the opposite side. He did not say anything about Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang’s thing is that Ning Shu only wants to deal with himself.

Knowing that the fewer people are the better, and even if Guo Xiang had any problems, no one doubted her head.

The speed of moving is very fast. This apartment was originally sent to the trustee by the company. Now it can be sold without selling it. In fact, it can also sell some money. Ningshu did not move the house.

Li Jie temporarily found a luxury hotel for Ningshu. The next step was to find a house for Ningshu.

In such a quiet, well-preserved area with very good security measures, many villas in these places are uninhabited. If you rent, those who have money may not even see such a rental fee.

The house was vacant and the various furniture inside was destroyed.

Li Jie is also looking for a relationship. She finally rented a house for Ningshu. Of course, there are also companies that contribute.

Ning Shu glanced at the key and expressed his gratitude to Li Jie and made more contributions to the company.

When Ning Shu touted people, he was particularly sincere and looked directly at the other side. He also sent Li Jie a set of valuable cosmetics, so that Li Jie felt that his fortunes were worthwhile.

Yu Xin, an entertainer, is still satisfied. After all, she can make money for the company. Nothing will kill her.

Of course, the agent is not a slave to the artist. It is a relationship of mutual cooperation. Ning Shu is so smart and makes Li Jie naturally soft.

Also an artist in his own hands, who is not good to her?

Ning Shu quietly moved, let Guo Xiang emptied for several days. At the beginning, Guo Xiang thought that he was staggered with Yu Xin, but it was staggered for several days. Guo Xiang felt wrong.

I immediately asked someone to inquire, and I heard that Yu Xin had moved.

Guo Xiang suddenly felt that he had been deceived. Before they were all chatting, the next second, people moved, and the feeling of ruthlessness was about this.

Guo Xiang was uncomfortable in his heart. In order to find Ning Shu, he spent a lot of effort and money. He learned that Yu Xin had moved to the rich area and suddenly felt that it was difficult.

The security system of the wealthy area is naturally not mentioned, and it is impossible for strangers to go in.

As Guo Xiang drove a broken van, wanting to enter the rich area, it is basically a idiotic dream.

For strangers, security guards pay great attention to it. The value of a person who lives in it is tens of millions of dollars. If something goes wrong, these security guards can't afford to pay for their lives.

And the job wages here are quite good.

So Guo Xiang can only wander around the rich area and simply can't get in.

Guo Xiang feels very painful. He has not seen Yu Xin for several days and has not photographed her.

When she photographed her voice and smile, when she took her look down, her heart was full of joy, satisfaction and satisfaction, and it was uncomfortable not to take pictures in one day.

It’s about addiction, and it’s addictive.

Now Guo Xiang is addicted and deeply immersed.

Once you haven't harvested, you can't master all the processes of the idol day, which makes him feel very disappointed and self-repentant.

Even the idol journey can't be mastered, and it's not a qualified fan to know what the idol is doing.

And the sense of frustration that was abandoned, the idol moved, but did not tell him.

Ning Shu used his mental power to see Guo Xiang like a headless fly, so anxious, watching makes people feel ... and cola.

Ningshu has applied for a change of car, it is no longer the previous license plate number, which is not a big deal for the company, it will be changed.

Guo Xiang was squatting at the door, watching all kinds of luxury cars coming in and out.

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