The Internet is the life of young people. Without the Internet, you can't know the entertainment news. You can't know what happened to Yu Xin recently.

He is just one person, what is unforgivable?

How can I get rid of this thing, something that I can't see.

He sometimes talks, sometimes doesn't talk, he doesn't know when he appears, maybe he is always by his side, watching him silently.

A person follows himself, looks at himself, and everything he does is under his eyes, there is no point.

Even taking a shower is a look at people, men, sometimes like to watch some special videos.

Then there is a person who is still watching alongside, and asks you if you are not guilty?

Guo Xiang did not know how to get rid of this invisible thing.

Suddenly thought of a way, in this way, he successfully saw Yu Xin.

That is to use your own life to threaten this invisible thing.

If this thing really likes himself and loves you, then you must be afraid that he is really dead.

Anyway, there is no fear of being favored.

So Guo Xiang sneaked to the top floor of the hospital, stood on the top floor and said to the air: "I know you are next to me, is it that I am dead, you will not follow me again?"

No one responded.

Guo Xiang: "Even if you don't talk, I know you are around."

Guo Xiang stood on the top of the building and was quickly noticed.

Someone committed suicide in the hospital upstairs, which is a very big thing for the hospital, and immediately called the police.

Soon the fire truck and the police arrived, and many protective measures were taken, attracting a lot of onlookers.

The police arrived upstairs and gave psychological counseling to Guo Xiang.

However, the police found that Guo Xiang did not listen to them at all, but a person spoke to the air talking to himself. When he was excited, he waved his hand and fell off the building without paying attention.

The hospital said that the patient is a neurologically problematic patient, a neuropathy, completely immersed in his own world.

The persuasion of the police is useless because the other party simply does not listen.

What to do, encounter a neuropathy.

However, Guo Xiang is very marginalized. If they rush to the past, they will certainly be shocked by him. Maybe they will jump directly.

It is impossible to infer a neuropathic thinking by common sense.

What should I do now, what should I do?

Can't just give up directly because he is a neuropathy?

The public is watching it, and it can save as much as possible.

Guo Xiang’s family was so scared that his legs were soft. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t expect Guo Xiang to be normal. Although he was very introverted, he liked to indulge in the Internet.

But never expected to get a neuropathy.

At this time, the family thought of Guo Xiang’s favorite female star. She was particularly obsessed with this female star. If she let this female star come over, maybe she can make Guo Xiang’s brain clear.

So Ningshu’s company received a phone call from the police. Some people who committed suicide need to cooperate with your company’s artists to help them, otherwise the situation is a bit difficult to end.

The company is very hesitant here. If it is really saved, it will be very helpful to the artist's image and have a positive energy effect on society.

However, if there is a problem, the image of Yu Xin is very bad.

The names of suicides are tied together and have a very big impact on the cause.

But if you can't help, if you are known, how many keyboard man on the network will whipping the artist, after all, life is so cold, you are so indifferent, see death.

In short, this is a thankless thing.

Li Jie asked Ning Shu to make his own decision and let Ning Shu choose not to go. If he chooses not to go, they will make arrangements immediately, but Ning Shu will not be able to go to the scene.

For example, the place to advertise is a bit far from the hospital and cannot be overtaken.

Ning Shu, of course, is going to go. In this case, don’t look at it.

Guo Xiang is not a climber to climb addiction, so if you have nothing to climb upstairs to blow?

Usually, there is nothing to threaten her with this method. Now it is to climb the building to threaten people.

How is this going?

Is Guo Xiang trying to use this method to threaten invisible ghosts?

It is a bit interesting. When she was Yu Xin, Guo Xiang liked to use this method. She became a ghost and followed Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang still likes to use this method.

"Well, if the situation is wrong, evacuate immediately, those police can't solve the problem, you are not an expert in this area." Li Jie, Ning Shu, "Don't be close, the nerve disease will drag you down."

You can't treat a neurological disease as a normal person. If you jump up and jump down the building, you will be bloody, and you will die if you are not dead.

For a person who doesn’t know at all, it’s already very human to be able to pass.

Ning Shu certainly understands.

I feel that Guo is really annoyed with this person, and whatever it does, it will affect her.

Ning Shu went to the top of the hospital and walked straight toward Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang went over and asked: "Guo Xiang, how come you are on the top of the building."

Guo Xiang saw Ning Shu, his expression was very painful, holding his head and licking his hair. "I really can't stand it. Do you understand the pain of being tracked by one person and being peeked by one person?"

Ning Shu: ...

Of course understand?

Isn't this what you do?

How can I not accept it when I turn to my own body, and I don’t feel sorry for my behavior when I look at Guo Xiang’s appearance.

I also don’t feel that I’m feeling that my actions have an impact on my idol.

It is about her being too tolerant and kind, so that Guo Xiang does not feel that there is anything wrong with his behavior.

Ning Shu said with a smile: "What is this? I am also a star. I am often followed by people, being photographed by people and being peeked. I know your feelings very much and feel the same."

Guo Xiang must cry. "Yes, it is such pain."

Guo Xiang did not seem to think that Ning Shu said that he was himself. Instead, he and Ning Shu looked at each other with tears in his eyes.

Ning Shu reached out to him. "Come on, the wind on the balcony is too big."

Ningshu is very gentle, and the stretched hands are like gelatin, just like tender onions, full of appeal.

Guo Xiang put his hand in the hands of Ning Shu, Ning Shu held his hand and took him to a safe place.

Everyone’s heart has to be lifted up. I saw that Ning Shu finally said Guo Xiang.

Once in a safe place, Guo Xiang was taken under control.

Guo Xiang was taken to the ward. In order to avoid such a thing, the hospital felt that the top floor should be locked.

A patient committed suicide in the hospital, which has a bad impact on the hospital.

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