Gu Qing’s current reputation is stinking on the streets. Who dares to use it, and isn’t he afraid of being boycotted by his own investment?

Even if Gu Qing is now regrettable, it is useless. Things have already been done and they have to bear the consequences.

However, at the time of the cancellation, Gu Qing found Ning Shu, let Ning Shu help her to ask for help, but the company did not cancel the contract.

Now Ningshu is the pillar of the company. If Ningshu helps to ask for help, the company will consider it.

However, Ning Shu did not pay attention to her. Is this to treat her as the Virgin Mary? You have not done anything to do with me. You actually let me plead for you.

Can't do it.

Gu Qing also knew that he had no position to ask for Ning Shu, but he had no choice but to accept such a fate.

It’s already like this, and if you don’t realize it, Ning Shu won’t be soft.

After that, this underwear advertisement actually fell into the hands of Ningshu. It was originally settled in the ancient clear, and now it has become Ningshu.

For this advertisement, Ning Shu did not want to pick it up. Li Jie also felt that the advertisement was poisonous and let Gu Qing overturn, so let other artists.

The lack of an advertisement has no effect on Ningshu because she has received a script. This script is quite good, and Ningshu has also made a decision.

And the role is more pleasing, although not an important role.

Ning Shu feels that I can try it and take it step by step.

After taking the script, Dan Qing informed her that she could leave the world.

I don't have to film, and it takes a lot of fun to pick up the script.

It’s a blessing to film, and it’s best not to shoot or shoot.

Ning Shu immediately said that he would go back. After all, Yan Yang was a troublesome person. He didn't want to deal with it. It was too annoying.

Back in the system space, Ning Shu began to absorb the power of the soul of the commissioner.

Some of the power of the soul contributed by the commissioner is their own, and they are not worthy of sharing with the organization.

Ning Shu opened the property panel to see the income situation.

Name: Ning Shu

Age: 27

Level: Super Quest

Scoreboard: (10 million is set for a score card.)

Soul value: 35+1

Health: 32+1

Wisdom value: 43+1

Lucky value: 29+1

Charm value: 19+1

Mental strength: 44+1

Force value: 31+1

Qualification: 38+1

Faith: 25,000

Merit: 0

Soul strength: 5+10

Permission ticket: 0

Pure heart: no

Comprehension Rule: None

Building the world: reincarnation of the world.

Props: Calm Aura, Centering Amulet, Amulet 4, Upgraded Amulet +2, Faith Bell

Honorary title: God of War, unselfish ancestor

Skills: five-ring shooting, level wrestling, peerless martial arts, achievements, level of poison, low-level business management knowledge, primary code programming, junior lawyer skills, heavenly masters, primary cooking skills, level embroidery skills, Garbage hypnotism.

Halo: Mother of the World (Blessing of the Queen), Lawyer Sister (Chen Chen's Blessing), Leader's Aura (Blessing of Grass), Lifetime Friends (Blessing of Miao Miao Miao)

Healing the wounded hand (Blessing of Su Su Niang), the founding woman (the blessing of Chen Ermei), the legal woman (the blessing of Chen Ning), the **** nemesis (the blessing of Jasmine), the more ethnic communication (the blessing of Bai Sanniang), the heart of the brave (king British blessing), bloodthirsty tyrant (Blessing of Ni Bingyan) peace and joy, lucky halo, belief in aura, longevity.

Complete the entrusted person Yu Xin wish, the task completion degree is 100%.

Get 10 points of the score card, 8 points of the attribute point, the power of the soul of the soul of the soul of the commissioner.


50% of the power of the soul, not bad, half the power of the soul.

After absorbing the power of the soul, Ning Shu feels that the power of his soul is stronger.

Sure enough, the task is awesome.

After absorbing the power of the soul, Ning Shu said directly to the system: "Go on the task, don't stop."

Only when you do the task can you have the power of the soul.

Egg white: "Or go to deal with the star stone first, or there will be a backlog, and do a lot at one time."

"And it's time for you to change jobs."

Ning Shu: "...why I ended up with a shift to work."

"Please don't doubt the computing power of the brain."

Ning Shu: ...

"The main system has not told me to deal with it, I will sleep for a while." Ning Shu lay directly on the sofa, ready to sleep.

Ning Shu feels that he has a traumatic sequelae of war and must sleep.

"Don't bother me."

Ning Shu sleeps comfortably, and then according to the position of the space node to the place where the plane is broken.

As soon as I arrived at the place, I saw that Uncle was dealing with the Star Stone, and next to it, I ran away with Little Loli.

The little Lolita squinted and stared at the uncle, his eyes were the same as the perspective eyes, and he could see through the uncle.

Uncle saw that Ning Shu came and threw the props directly to Ning Shu.

Lolly Loli grinned. "Can't you be better to people?"

"Even if it is borrowed, it will be a matter of course."

"It’s so boring."

"Hey, you are here." Xiao Loli greeted Ning Shu, smiled very sweetly, and did not happen like anything before.

Ning Shu felt a bit horrible, and took the props to start dealing with the stars.

The whole person is about to say something about the imprint of Leifa.

Sure enough, the next second was open. "You haven't got the imprint of the law."

Ning Shu: ...

She can go to fortune telling.

The rule of law should be incorporated as early as possible to make her die.

"How do you like the uncle, talk to you and ignore people, do you organize this bird's virtue?"

The little girl rolled her eyes and asked: "I used the natural stone of our giants to change with you."

Ning Shu: "What is Yuanshi?"

"It is our race that was born, and everyone's body has an energy body."

Ning Shu: "..."

Lying in the trough, energy body?

Are you still carrying energy bodies at birth?

Do you know that you are so bad?

Ning Shu asked: "Is the energy body I understand?"

It is the energy body of the birth of the void, and these things can be born together.

"What is your expression, how do you look like a countryman?" The little girl sighed. "There is such energy, enough for us to grow and say the energy we need."

Ning Shu sighed, yes, actually owns the energy of growth. So, this race does not need energy, and the energy that comes with it is enough for them to grow up.

Why are these races so good, can they be so capricious?

Although the violent walk is not sensible, how many people have really ruined such a race.

The time when you lose your mind is the most terrible time of this race.

Also special energy.

Ning Shu no face, face to face such a race, it is really helpless.

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