I think that the okra is like a small quest.

"What is identity? I thought everyone was a scent, and it was a friend." Okra said.

Ning Shu feels that okra is about to be too boring to live, to hide his identity and play with others.

It is reasonable to say that playing with such a big sister, the benefits are certainly quite a lot, but the book is offended.

After the judges left, the white form of the book was ruined and the momentum was very weak. "What do you want?"

"Not so good, it is for you to open the restaurant, you can not open the waste even the restaurant, it will be useless."

"The organization is raising too much waste." Okra shook his head and exclaimed.

After watching it for a while, Ning Shu also felt boring. It should be clear and clear. He asked the book: "Do you participate in it?"

The book shook his head. "The city owner, I didn't, I really didn't participate in it. I just didn't remind you, it didn't hurt you."

Okra smiled a little. "Book white, you are a lie, you are a lie, you say ten sentences, ten sentences are fake."

Okra said to Ningshu: "If you feel that you have been pitted, then you must be pitted by her. One hundred percent of things, she can abandon other people's minutes and selfish people for their own benefit."

The book said with hatred: "I am selfish, you are not knowledgeable, you dare to say that you are the one who has dedicated himself to the world."

"Our selfishness is to protect our own things, not to share, and your selfishness is based on sacrificing others' interests."

Ning Shu looked at the book in a bad way. "So you are noisy?"

"You don't want to listen to her. I really didn't participate in it. I am at most squinting and there is nothing hurting you."

"But after you took the restaurant, how did the restaurant come, maybe you should ask someone to ask what is going on." Ning Shu said faintly.

The white face of the book became unsightly. She looked for Ning Shulai and wanted to let Ning Shu help. As a result, there is now more trouble for a person to find her.

It is the fault of the okra.

Before Ning Shu did not know the character of the book, the most wanted is the book white-eyed, can only say no reminder.

Reminder is a sentiment, no reminder is the duty, Ning Shu just no longer has a book.

But now it seems that there are a lot of books in it.

It is necessary to investigate.

Can't be counted by people.

Ning Shu thinks that this person is really fine, saying that she wants to offer her, let her shelter her, and sell her secretly.

This wave of operation is really a sigh?

The white look is getting more and more desperate. She looks at Ning Shu and Okra. "You are bullying, what is the skill."

"Oh, you said that you are bullying, it is because I am strong." Okra said unscrupulously.

"Allow you to calculate others and not allow others to deal with you. Who do you think you are?"

The irony of the okra is very harsh, and the white skin is rubbed on the ground. In the face of so many people, there is no intention to give her face.

The book’s face became cold and cold. “That’s hard, I’m going to die and you will die.”

"It doesn't matter, see who is dead." Okra has absolute confidence in his strength.

As for Ning Shu, I can’t die at all, so it’s impossible for Shu Bai to pull him alone to die.

And the strength of the book has long since stopped.

Can not do the task, all the energy is placed in the restaurant, such as the foreign object, in addition to if you do not encounter danger and will not die, the book can say nothing.

Offended the okra, it is almost impossible to open a restaurant in the law space.

Ning Shu felt that the okra was quite tolerable, and it was forbearable until the law disappeared.

Usually, you can't find trouble for no reason. After all, the rule space is forbidden, and most of the time is in the restaurants of the French city.

Either go to the system space, except for these two places, there is no way to go to other places.

The law space has a natural protection for the book.

There is no law now, this space has become an ordinary space, and there is a revenge for enmity and enmity. When do you not do it at this time?

Ning Shu thinks that Okra is also about to test the bottom line of the organization. If this happens, if the organization ignores it, then waiting for the book will be a cruel result.

Ning Shu and other places, there should be other people behind the book, after all, there is no strength in the book, you need to find a backer.

Now the back of the book has not yet come out, and it does not appear at this time.

If the book does not call your own backing, I am afraid that it will be cool.

Now waiting for the back of the book.

Ning Shu originally came to see the excitement, but now it is also wrapped in it, but Ning Shu is willing to spend some time, after all, suffers, can not eat white.

It doesn't make sense to be counted, so forget it.

Fortunately, she is not a life-and-death relationship with Shu Shu. If it is a life-and-death relationship, it will be more difficult to be sold.

The more people onlookers, the more Ning Shu and the okra are calm, and the book is not good.

Many people pointed at the book and whispered.

The book is so sad in her heart that she has lost her reputation in the city of law.

The killing is just the beginning, the okra is like this, let her be such a person in the future, will there be business in the future?

She has become a joke, will there be business in the future?

Being pointed at.

The book looked at the okra, "He didn't have you in his heart, never put you in the heart."

Okra: "You can't beat me like this, he doesn't have me in my heart, only you, then what, I don't care, I just pity for him, and sacrifice for a woman like you."

Ning Shu suddenly a little bit better happened? Is it like the girlfriend of the cheongsam man, who sacrificed for the beloved?

In the confrontation time, the giant star and the uncle came.

Giant star?

The book is called the giant star?

Ning Shu laughed, and things are already obvious.

Uncle saw Ning Shu and Okra, and looked cold and cold.

The book saw the giant star, and said with a sad face: "It’s the two of them who made trouble, smashed my restaurant and prepared to fight in the restaurant."

This time, Shubai directly pulled Ning Shu down the water and complained to the giant star.

The okra ring arm looks at the white show.

Ning Shu read the book, did not speak, but in the heart has already sentenced the book to death.

Some things I thought I had figured out, and the result was such a thing.

I don't want to do anything, I am sorry, and there is something that the faction of the giant star is doing to myself.

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