When Master Zhou heard this, his hair was erected, he was very annoyed, and he had another accident.

Master Zhou looked at Ning Shu and asked: "It's all like this, what do you bring her back?"

Master Zhou is a man. It is very simple and rude to be in such a situation. He directly says that he wants to drive out his heart.

"And, you ran outside in the middle of the night, and you are not afraid of anything. How do you know that she will have something going wrong."

Master Zhou is pure doubts, but he is not skeptical about Ning Shu.

Ning Shu sighed deeply and turned to melodious. "I don't trust Li Jia. Before Li Jia sold her heart to us, I was afraid that I would go back. Li Jia looked good and thrived. What awkward thoughts come out."

"I didn't expect Li's kid to dare to do such a thing."

"Master, I think we should call them back three, and the family has an accident."

"These dead kids don't know where to go, where to find?" The power generation address does not know, what is the use.

Master Zhou is very embarrassed, especially now that he is still fighting, and the ghost knows if his son is doing something.

It is said that the woman's fault is not a qualified daughter-in-law, all day long, annoying.

Even if a man needs to support his family, women must bear certain responsibilities.

I can't be fortunate enough to go out at home. I still have to look at her when I return home, listening to her.

Now that this is happening, it must be crying and robbing the ground, and it is necessary to die.

Master Zhou’s hairline has moved up a lot, and his children are debts.

I didn’t feel anything before, but now I’m getting more and more annoyed, and Zhou’s daughter-in-law’s innocent body is gone.

Master Zhou is really...

Don't donate the eyes of the three sons, there is no.

Ning Shu said: "You can send a newspaper, although the news will be slower, you should be able to see it if you are lucky."

"Hey, let her stay at home for the time being. If something goes out, the three children can't resent us for a lifetime, just a pair of chopsticks."

Master Zhou touched his head. "Well, listen to you, look at her, don't hang your neck again, don't let her die before the three turtle sons come back, lest they think they were killed by us."

"We are treating them harshly."

Ning Shu said that he understood, let Zhou master rest well, do business in a hurry, now in the war, the food is tighter, eat some food.

Get free of food shortages.

After that, Master Zhou went to the newspaper, looking for a larger newspaper, and let the newspaper report to the general newspaper of the big city to get a message.

Just saying that there is something wrong with you, you will not see her last side if you don’t come back.

Master Zhou can guarantee that if the three turtle sons see this news, they will definitely run back.

I feel so hungry and woke up.

In the face of the exquisite room, I feel a little bit responsive, but the tears burst out, how should she face the three young masters.

She has become unclean.

When I saw that my heart woke up, I immediately took the fragrant chicken soup to the bedside and said to my heart: "Miss, you are hungry, hurry and drink some soup."

How hungry it is to eat without a day.

The heart is not deaf to the fat words, fat can not only guard, staring at the chicken soup and chicken pieces drooling.

Such a fragrant thing actually does not eat.

Anyway, fat is not understanding what the heart is sad, at least until now, fat do not know what happened to the heart.

Anyway, Miss Xinxin has a melancholy temperament, which has always been the case.

Good things don't go out of the way. Everyone in Zhou's private family said that Miss Xinxin had gone back to her family's family and was taken by the man.

For the gloating, watching the lively, gossip, all kinds of eyes are brought together on the heart.

But she didn't go out, she was immersed in sorrow, and she was fading away from the three young masters.

In the past, I felt that I was not worthy of the young master of the Zhou family. She was a rushing child who was sold to the Zhou family.

Now even the chastity is gone, and it is even less qualified.

The more I think about the world, the more I feel the darkness of the world, the more I feel uncomfortable, I can't face the strange eyes of the young master.

The heart is soft and hungry, but also check up and find the rope to drop yourself.

But I was immediately pressed by the fat cockroach. "Miss, you are weak now, can't get out of bed, what do you want to tell me."

"Go away, don't worry about me, don't worry about me." But the power is not good enough to be fat, and it is not allowed to move on the bed.

For a moment, I was reminded of the shadow that was pressed against the bed, and the bullets could not be invaded. I began to scream and scream, and the whole week could hear her screams.

The fat cockroach was frightened by the screaming of the heart, and quickly released the hand that pressed her shoulder, and saw the heart tremble, fearing something, the first reaction in the mind was to find a lady.

Ning Shu went to the heart of the room, and his heart was still screaming, shrinking himself into the corner of the wall, curled up into a ball, his face was white and his face was terrified.

"Mrs. Miss Xinxin, what's wrong with this?" The fat man always keeps his heart, but he doesn't know that everyone in Zhou knows the situation.

Ning Shu just said nothing, and did not say anything to comfort him. Now he can't hear anything in this state.

Not to mention that the three young masters will come back, and they will be more irritated if they listen to them.

Ning Shu let the fat cockroaches look at the heart and do it, give her something to eat.

Fatty said that it was very difficult, saying that Miss Xinxin did not eat anything at all.

Such a hunger strike will definitely be starved to death.

Starvation is not so easy, starving to death, this is how much courage it takes, because of hunger, the friction in the stomach is very painful.

In front of the food with a variety of colors and flavors, people will rush to eat without regard to it.

If you are worried about such a thing, there will definitely be two men coming back, and the worst will definitely come back.

If you can only come back one, Ning Shu guesses that the person is about the boss.

Tossing a circle, to the last boss is the loyalty of the heart, the heart is Zhou Bocheng's rushing bride, although the middle of the fork, and a problem, but finally together.

I feel like this, I don’t know if the boss will be married.

Even if he became a relative, Ning Shu felt that this incident is also a thorn.

According to the character of the heart, once the two face red face, the heart is estimated to start swearing, do you dislike me and dislike my past.

With my heart open, I know that it is such a thing, I am leaving, I am leaving.

Ning Shu quickly swayed the terrible scene in his mind and felt that the boss was really not easy.

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