Zhou Bocheng went to the heart of the room and then pulled back and cycled several times.

It seems that every time I am doing enough mental preparation to find my heart, but when I get to the door, I will retreat.

I don’t even dare to see each other, let alone talk.

This is deadlocked.

I don’t want to see anyone in my heart, but I am looking forward to Zhou Bo’s every time.

The woman is pleasing to her own, the previous heart is very decadent, and now the boss is back, it is very quiet to clean up.

The bed sheets in the room were changed.

Fat is too busy to do, it seems that this is fat to the side of the heart, the first time to work.

Fat is not at ease, and I am afraid that my heart will make things that hurt myself. While wiping the furniture, I have to look after my heart.

I am locked in the room, left and right, but I can't wait for Zhou Bocheng to come over.

Before I was worried, I had to hammer my stomach. Now that my mood has stabilized, I haven’t hammered my stomach any more, but my child in the stomach is still repelling.

These two people are still like this, Ning Shu urged Zhou Bocheng: "Do you talk to your heart?"

"What, you still don't tell her?"

"The children in her belly are getting bigger and bigger."

"Go and talk with your heart, maybe you will be very happy."

Zhou Bocheng said with a face and decadence, said to Ning Shu; "Mother, I feel that my heart may not agree, I feel that I am not worthy of me."

This is of course, it is impossible to make a fuss for a while, to ridicule you without temper, and to have no energy to pursue her failure.

This is the inferiority of the heart, and I am anxious more than anyone else.

Ning Shu encourages his daughter-in-law like a good mother. Go on, it’s okay, you should fight for your own happiness.

Zhou Bocheng had the encouragement of Ningshu and came to the room outside the room.

The heart of the house heard the footsteps and there was expectation in the eyes.

In the end, Zhou Bocheng rang the door and trembled and said that he came in.

Zhou Bocheng held his breath and went in, but found that the taste of the room was not unpleasant, but there was a scent, and the heart was cleaned up properly.

Zhou Bocheng relaxed a little, and walked to the bed easily. He sat down and asked softly: "Hey, how is your body?"

I shook my head, "No, I am not good at all, Master, what should I do?"

"People like me are no longer qualified to live in the world."

Zhou Bocheng immediately whispered, "Whatever nonsense, everyone is qualified to live in the world, you just don't have a little bit of detail, you don't know that the world is different from the previous world."

"How many beautiful ladies are there in the Shili Ocean, the style of the foreign style."

He was so eager to hear the same scene, but he did not see the scene, but his eyes still showed admiration for Zhou Bocheng.

Zhou Bocheng slammed the iron and asked: "Hey, this child, do you want to?"

"I, I don't know?" The heart was very confused. "I reasonably said that this child should hate him, but he is an innocent little life."

Zhou Bocheng sighed and said to his heart: "If you want to be born, you will be born, I will raise him, be jealous, and get along with me."

I felt very moved and then refused Zhou Bocheng. "This is not fair to you. I can't do this. I

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Already a woman who is not clean, and a child, she is not qualified to stand by you. ”

Zhou Bocheng took the heart of his hand. "Your child is my child. You don't want to encounter these things. You are worried about me. I really want to take care of your mother and son."

My heart rested on Zhou Bocheng’s shoulder. "Master, thank you, you are such a good person."

Zhou Bocheng; "So you agreed?"

"I need to think about it." He said.

Zhou Bocheng is very happy, this means that the heart will agree, in the end is to pursue the girl who has longed for many years, even if it is a bit embarrassing.

Zhou Bocheng feels that with his love for her, these are not things, and will definitely pass.

Going around and wandering around and seeing the development of the world, Zhou Bocheng’s vision has exceeded this small town.

Zhou Bocheng left the room of the heart, did not pay attention to the complicated eyes, the pain in the eyes and the determination, and the determination to be determined.

Zhou Bocheng ran to find Ning Shu, and he said to Ning Shu that he could agree to make a living.

Ning Shu smiled and said yes, from now on, I will start to buy things for personal use.

The news that the young master had to be married to the family was directly blown up in the Zhou family.

People are talking about it all, they feel incredible, they are not worried, and they are still pregnant. The young master still has to be married to her. The young master is crazy.

This is an incredible thing. There is also a memorial arch in the town, which is a symbol of honor.

This town, everyone is feudal and old-fashioned.

In short, it’s said that the young master is a fool and he is very embarrassed.

Master Zhou was so bad that he died on the spot, or Ning Shu was convinced that he couldn’t be a pro, and rest assured.

Master Zhou squinted at Ning Shu. "Since you can't be a pro, how can you give him something to be used for? It's all you used to. I just kicked him out of the house and drove him out."

"I really can't afford to lose this person. I have to go out to do business. I don't want this old face."

Ning Shu just smiled and didn't talk.

Zhou Bocheng fell a few people, the reason is that Zhou Bocheng was heard when chewing the roots, but still chewed Zhou Bocheng's tongue root.

I was so angry that Zhou Bocheng drove these few people out of the Zhou family, eating the family's meal, and chewing the tongue of the owner's house. Really.

Zhou Bocheng was very upset and could only vent his anger on these people, even if these people pleaded for an apology.

There is no way for these people to come over and ask for Ning Shu. Ning Shu said to Zhou Bocheng: "People live in the world, that can not be said by people, then again, you have to worry, this must be to bear, you will Accept the criticism and ridicule of others."

"This is still the beginning. People on the back of the face are talking about you. You choose this path. This is no way."

"Can you send down these few people, can you get the people in the town, people who know this?"

Anyway, Zhou Jiatong’s ill-concealed rumor has been rumored. Now Zhou Bocheng wants to worry about it. It is even hot water, which is called a fierce.

Everyone else should be a joke.

"Boss, you don't stay at home, go out and have a look, the town is so big, Zhou family is also famous in the town, unless you walk with your heart, or live here, always to be discussed. ”

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