Even if you are reassured, it is also a person who is immersed in the feudal society and knows that chastity is bigger than a woman.

The young master married her and will definitely be laughed at. The master and the lady will definitely not like her.

I am worried, tangled, want to be close to Zhou Bocheng, but the reality...

Just like the previous three-choice situation, now I am also conscious of the desire to fulfill others.

"Master, you shouldn't marry me, any woman is better than me." Looking at Zhou Bocheng, he was pleading.

Zhou Bocheng decided to look at his heart. "Are you serious?"


Zhou Bocheng: "Then I listen to you, if I let you be so painful, then I choose to give up."

Zhou Bocheng said that he turned and left, leaving the heart of the cockroach.

"Oh..." Ning Shu, who is a melon seed, laughed. In some cases, the communication between men and women is really about playing the cow.

I am not good at saying that Zhou Bocheng can find a better woman.

In fact, I hope that Zhou Bocheng said that you are the best woman. In my heart, no one else can match you.

I don't want to be married to you. I actually hope that Zhou Bocheng said, I must marry you as a wife. You deserve to be with me.

As a result, Zhou Bocheng really did not get married, which made the heart hurt a little?

In fact, I just want to increase my position in Zhou Bocheng's heart.

I don’t know if there are a lot of problems between them. The pressure from outside is great, and I use my own life to increase my weight.


Sometimes it is much wrong to do more.

"Hey..." Ning Shu feels that this task is almost the same. This task is not difficult, it is very easy, look at the play every day, licking the seeds.

These people are just a lot of drama.

Look at this unbelievable, desperate and painful expression, I don’t know if I will hang it again.

Ning Shu feels that if she hangs again, it really cuts off the possibility of her and Zhou Bocheng.

Hanging and hanging is really annoying people, it seems to be swearing, making people feel resentful.

And you don't care about your life, but also expect others to care more.

Ningshu 嗑 melon seeds are a bit dry, dry a cup of tea, refreshing.

The heart was stagnant for a long time, and the tears were drained. I reacted and said to the fat man: "Help me put my clothes away."

"What clothes, what are you doing?" asked fatly confused.

"Retract the parcel, I have to leave Zhou." He said with tears in his heart, his voice was hoarse.

Fat is even more confused. "Miss, why are you leaving, you are not in good health now, I am going to find my wife."

Fat rushed to find Ning Shu, Ning Shu let fat back, went to Zhou Bocheng, said to him: "He wants to leave Zhou."

Zhou Bocheng took a long breath and his face was full of fatigue and intolerance. "Mother, what do you mean by your heart?"

Ning Shu said: "All the actions of the people are just to attract your attention. Now I am going to leave Zhou, do you want to stay?"

Zhou Bocheng sighed. "I am going to talk to her."

Ning Shu also followed, and in the heart of the room, the heart has begun to pack up and pack up his clothes.

These clothes are actually prepared for her by Zhou, and they are all good clothes.

Zhou Bocheng asked: "What are you doing?"

I was saddened by Zhou Bocheng’s bitterness. "My current status is not suitable for staying at Zhou, so I should leave."

"Thank you for the care of the young master and his wife."

Zhou Bocheng is somewhat impatient, and his tone is naturally not good. "If you want to go, you have to wait until your body is better, then you just have a slippery tire. Do you care about your body?"

Zhou Bocheng does not know what he cares about, what is in his heart, his body and life do not care.

"I am better off, I am not good at Zhou family for Zhou, and my reputation for Zhou is not good."

"Where to go, wait for your health to go, you can rest assured, I will not force you to be with me." Zhou Bo took the package in her hand.

"I am going to tell you one thing. I have to leave home recently. I have to go out and do not feel uncomfortable."

The heart is completely forced, "You, are you leaving?"

Zhou Bocheng nodded. "Yes, so don't worry about how I will treat you."

I was so excited that I caught Zhou Bocheng’s hand. "Is it because of me, because I left you."

She burst into tears and was blamed and annoyed.

Zhou Bocheng opened her hand. "No, it is my own going out. The world is undergoing tremendous changes. I just want to go out and have nothing to do with you."

Zhou Bocheng even said that it has nothing to do with the heart, but he firmly believes that it is his own reason, so that Zhou Bocheng wants to escape.

He cried and said: "Master, don't leave, I am willing to be with you."

Ning Shu: ...

I want to squint a bit, I feel a little too self-righteous. When others still love her, I don’t think so. When others don’t love her, this kind of behavior is quite sad and ridiculous.

Zhou Bocheng shook his head. "I said, it doesn't matter to you. Since you want to leave Zhou, leave it after you have a better body."

"Let's raise your body, you will meet better people in the future, people who are better for you."

Zhou Bocheng returned the words that he said to him to her. After he finished, he left, leaving a reaction to the heart.

About the heart did not think that she wanted to go, Zhou Bocheng will leave her, but no, but also learned that a sunny day, Zhou Bocheng, who had just returned home, had to leave home.

This this……

Ning Shu said to his heart: "Let's raise your body, don't think too much."

The chicken is flying, and I said that it is much wrong to do more, thinking that Zhou Bocheng will fight to save you?

Think too many series.

When you love you, you can be tolerant. When you don't love, sorry, who are you!

In my heart, I guess I have to be wronged. The big pig's hoof has changed. He is not good to me.

Ning Shu also left, leaving the heart of crying and crying.

Zhou Bocheng’s departure from home attracted the strong opposition of Master Zhou, and he ran back and ran out. There is still no such family in his heart.

But Zhou Bocheng insisted on leaving.

Master Zhou’s dislike of his heart has come up again, definitely because of her.

Once or twice, do you want to toss people so much, what is wrong.


Ning Shu is very much in favor of this matter, and persuaded Zhou.

Let Zhou choose between the two choices. One is to let the boss become a close relative, as long as the boss is at home, the two are entangled, and the ghost knows that there will be no accident.

The second is to let the boss go out to meet the world. After a long time, the mind of the heart is weakened.

Master Zhou decisively chose two.

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