When the uncle came, he ridiculed and despised Ningshu.

Liren looked at the uncle with his eyes open, and looked up and down the uncle.

Uncle Shu looked back at him, and the golden silk glasses flashed through the cold luster, standing in a straight posture, the wind clothes were slightly moved, and the thin lips squatted coldly, lining up the woman in front of him more humble and weak. It’s all about making a speech.

Liren removed his gaze and did not look at the eyes of Uncle.

Uncle helped the frame, but he said nothing, but the atmosphere became dignified and low, and the pressure became very low and low.

It makes people feel heartbroken and their heart is uncomfortable.

Ning Shu: "It's a bit embarrassing. It is unwise for this woman to find a judge."

Uncle’s appearance fee is very expensive, and the uncle has never returned empty-handed.

Once you find a uncle, it means to be the same, even if you want a fair, in turn, the uncle will find a reason for you to save money.

Before she said that she could compensate this woman, but there is a pig teammate who is arrogant and makes others hate it.

Liren tightened his brow. "Is it going to hurt you?"

Ning Shu licked his mouth. "What do you say?"

Liren: "I'm sorry."

The woman over there finally touched the ins and outs of the matter and said that it was full of sweat and was overwhelmed by the uncle's momentum.

Uncle too unhappy, "Is this happening?"

The woman said slyly: "It is not a trivial matter to set up people in the mission world to target other missions."

Uncle Tai directly asked about the situation in the world of the main system task, and each task person will have a record of the task, and the truth of the matter will be known.

I didn't bother to listen to the two sides. I didn't have this time, so Ningshu didn't even talk about it. The uncle said directly: "It was the tasker who first made trouble and started a conflict."

"Ah?" The woman was stunned. "This is impossible. It is obviously him."

"Nothing to worry about, take the things of the dead slain to make trouble, is it really free?"

"The power of the soul doesn't want it, you can donate it."

The woman's face is whitish and pale, and her face is dissatisfied. The uncle is not the person who looks at the face. He directly said: "The penalty is one million merits."

The woman is now not only white, but even tears have come out, grief and incompetence but helplessness, dare to speak.

One million merits is not a small number for the incarnation of the law, especially now that the law incarnation has no tax, and the channel for making money is small.

One million merits are enough to make a woman cry.

The woman pointed at the person. "Well, he killed the clerk in the mission, shouldn’t he be punished?"

Too uncle said indifferently: "Of course, the punishment, you take a dead mission person to make trouble, so that you want to make trouble, the power of the soul does not want, you can apply for wipe."

Uncle Tai did not care what the relationship between this woman and the dead actor, in his eyes, the actor was dead.

It’s really not idle to hold this head-to-head trouble.

Woman: ...

Actually speechless.

The woman took a deep breath and she wanted to see how the judge punishes the two men.

"I accept the punishment." The gas bombing, the loss of a person, and the loss of millions of merits now, what is this called?

However, don't steam your head and fight for it, just let this person not be happy.

Ning Shu Yi listening to the uncle's opening is a million merits, the whole person is not good, mmp!

Uncle looked at Ningshu and Liren. Liren was quite manly at this time. He was in front of Ningshu and confronted the uncle.

Uncle Tai said indifferently: "It is really skillful to kill each other in the mission world."

Liren was under the power of Uncle, some could not help, his body was a little trembling, Ning Shu stood behind him, saw his legs a little shaking, it is estimated that the support is a bit hard.

Uncle Tai slightly stunned, looking at Ning Shu behind the Liren, "hidden what to do, when the trouble is not very troublesome."

Ning Shu dialed a person and argued: "I didn't make trouble, I just passed by, and I didn't inform the organization. It didn't matter to me."

Too uncle sighed twice, "one person and one million."

Li Yi listened to one million, the brow was tightened, one million merits, I ask, where is he going to get a million.

Sure enough, Ning Shu knew that it was such a thing, and he stepped on the feet of Liren, and he screamed.

Uncle Wang looked at Ning Shu with warning. "Let's make trouble, manage your own people, and kill you directly next time."

Killed and killed, ╮(╯3╰)╭.

Ning Shu turned around and sorted out the collar for the Liren, and tried hard to show the red fruit that was exposed. It was very hard. "One, set, want, good, good, listen, talk, or you will be shot." Kill, you know?"


Become a punching bag? !

Uncle: "Hey, the world is your two hottest eyes."

Ning Shu: It’s good to be spicy.

One of the uncles of the uncle was gone, and the air pressure was not dignified.

The people present were relieved to breathe a sigh of relief. Ning Shu did not look at the woman, and turned and walked away.

It is good to have something to solve privately. If the organization is involved, both parties will be half cool.

The organization is going to pay the fees and mediate a hair.

"Hey..." the woman shouted.

Ning Shu and Li Ren looked back at the same time and looked at her with no expression.

Ning Shu: "What are you going to do, have you already given the result, it is your person who wants to make trouble."

Anyway, the same goes to the end, everyone should not think too much.

The woman has nothing to say, but her heart is wrong.

Ning Shu looked surprised and walked two steps toward the woman. The woman subconsciously retreated two steps. When she reacted, she was very upset.

Doesn't this show fear of her?

The woman is a bit afraid of Ning Shu's own imprint of the law, although it is also punished, but she feels that the judge is biased towards her, at least with Ning Shu, the tone is familiar.

Ning Shu looked at her. "What else do you have, has this matter not been resolved?"

Ning Shu looked at her with a brow, she is also very upset now, a million merits, and inexplicable, a million of merits are a good bit of a mouthful.

Ning Shu's face is not good-looking, and the woman's heart has already retreated. One million merits are gone, and if the law imprint is taken again, the blood will be lost.

This Ning Shu is a devil, the devil who specializes in stealing the law, but still alive.

The more women think, the more they feel that they can't stay for a long time. The more they look at it, the more they feel that Ningshu's face is beginning to distort, and the next second will come to her.

The woman turned and ran away, and disappeared instantly.

Stand up and raise your eyebrows:...

Scared away and was scared away.

Liren looked down at the weak little girl, the white skin, the sweet peach mouth, the apricot eyes, and the exposed shoulders looked round and small.

Very ferocious?

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