Pear fruit's brain is probably filled with hormones, there is no gap, otherwise how can you not even know the road of your own home. Please Baidu search (good book network) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

Uncle was walking in front and took her home. As a result, she followed and ran.

Ning Shu looked at the twisted pear fruit, quite a bit hate iron.

Ning Shu feels that he can't kill the uncle. If someone can sanction him, Ning Shu is quite happy.

Nothing else can be done, at least 6666 is still ok.

The elders of the pear fruit race also said some polite words with the uncle, but they were indifferent and did not answer.

"That's too uncle, we are gone. This Nizi is young and will not bother you again in the future." The old woman said kindly to the uncle.

Did not regard the uncle as a junior.

Said to pull the hair of the pear.

A group of people came to pick up the pear fruit. It seems that the pear fruit is not in a low position in this ethnic group, but it may also be against the uncle, fearing that too many uncles have come to so many people.

Uncle Tai faintly said: "If you want to go, you can get the bill first. She has a lot of things on my site."

The old woman's skin shook, but she still asked: "Well, what's the uncle?"

Uncle Tai: "Three energy bodies."

Ning Shu: Hey...

Pear fruit is something that can be eaten, can be worth three energy bodies, my God!

This is simply extortion, can't bear it.

The old woman grabbed the hand of the crutches and stunned and said with anger: "What is the pear fruit that eats so much? Can you eat three energy bodies so much?"

Uncle: "How do I know what she ate, the bill is so much, you want to know what she ate, let her vomit it out for you."


Are you a devil?

Everyone looked at the pear fruit in the eyes, and the pear fruit was confused and especially confused.

Ning Shu snorted in his heart. At this time, how can he not be clean and not disgusting? He also vomited and said it.

I am going, too uncle is really...

It’s very expensive to say that Uncle’s appearance is expensive, but it’s definitely a matter of doing something.

Sending the pear fruit back, you can get rid of the estrus pear fruit, but also extort a stroke, simply don't be darker.

The old woman's tone was a bit cold, and she said to the uncle: "Uncle, you are a little inhuman."

The women behind the old lady stood close together and pulled the pears behind them.

Pear fruit can't see the uncle, and actually jumped up to see, there is no one, anyway, Ning Shu looked at the amount of help.

Her brain was burnt out by the kidney adenine.

Uncle took a raised eyebrow. "So, you want to get credited."

"So, the future of your future family, don't give money everywhere to eat white food."

Old woman:...

The old woman clenched her crutches, gnashing her teeth, and the sound was from the cracks of the teeth, and it was so sinister that her face was old and old.

"Uncle, are you going to tear your face?"

Uncle uncleed the pear fruit, and the pear immediately squinted at the uncle and walked over. Both eyes were stunned, but they were caught.

A group of women hated iron and fell into steel, and the old woman's teeth gnawed and squeaked, and the body was very strong, so that the pear fruit was awake.

Ning Shu silently stepped back a few steps, using the uncle's body to block others from sight.

This grandmother shouldn’t have to go away. This race is violent and there is no reason. Ning Shu does not want to be a torn target.

Let the uncle go to attract hatred.

The old woman’s expression was particularly distorted, especially wronged, but in the end she did not violently walk away, but said with a rough breath: “Three pieces are not, one piece.”

Uncle: "Five."

Old woman: "Two."

Uncle: "Eight."

Old woman: "...three three pieces."

"Give him." The old woman now does not want to see the uncle.

A woman took a box and put three energy bodies into the box. The energy body has a male fist size, which is not too small.

The colors are different.

The three energy bodies are so good, it’s so easy and comfortable.

Ning Shu feels wet hands, looking down, the small hand of the hand is not staring at the energy body, the mouth is dripping with the same waterfall.

I want to rush to take a bite, but I don’t dare, the saliva is the same as the money, and Ning Shu’s hands are wet, like washing hands, sticky, can make Ning Shu disgusting, throw him directly opened.

Uncle took the box, looked at the energy body inside, covered the lid and closed it up, said faintly: "When her estrus period has passed, she can still be a guest."

The old woman snorted and almost spit out, almost all of which could not be controlled.

Ning Shu thinks that pear fruit will not appear in the organization. After all, the cost is so expensive, the energy body is not something ordinary.

If you think of pear fruit, you will be forced to come by people in the family.

"I'm going."

"No, you don't want to go."

Enough to make these people feel bad about these energy bodies.

This is the root of the grass, it is estimated that the uncle will not suffer from the harassment of the pear fruit.

Things are done.

If the borrowing is the ethnic characteristic of the pear fruit, then the pear fruit should be borrowed from the uncle's species, and the whole family should know it.

It should be the default attitude. It is of course a good thing to borrow. If you have not borrowed it, there is no loss.

But the species was not borrowed, and now the energy body is lost. The pear fruit is about a bear child, so that these women can't wait to beat a pear.

And I didn’t think too uncle... shameless.

It’s about a lot of loss, so that the pears that are estrus are sober, and staring at the uncle, this person is really bad!

In the future, she could no longer find the uncle, and this time, the elders in the family could not even find a male for her to let her through the estrus period.

No, that is not as good as it is.

Uncle Tai turned a blind eye to the pear's resentful eyes. Pear sighed and sighed and said something to the old woman's ear, and his eyes continued to look at Ningshu's body.

Ningshu suddenly had a bad feeling, and immediately smashed into a group to reduce his sense of existence.

The old woman said to Ning Shu: "Little friend, I heard that you are a friend of my family, whether you want to sit in our family."

Ning Shu:? ? ! ! ! !

She is an insignificant person, what do she mention?

Uncle, like Ning Shu, did not speak.

Ning Shu smiled and waved and said: "No, next time, I still have something?"

Nothing to do, to be diligent, to be traitorous.

Ning Shu's eyes turned, and the soul was blessed, and he thought of the mark of Leifa.

This thing Ning Shu has forgotten on one side, mainly because his own soul is not strong enough, waiting for the strong and then fusion of the Ray法 imprint.

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