Even if the little mouse is no longer useful, it is impossible for him to eat it.

The little mouse is still dead.

Uncle said that she thought of dirty things in her mind, too uncle is full of dirty routines.

So I don’t have to think about it.

Ning Shu looked at the wilting look of the little mouse, and it seemed that he was stunned. He suddenly thought of something and said to him: "Do you have to eat energy? Have you not eaten the world before?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it." The little mouse jumped up and became energetic. "The world is also possible."

The little mouse suddenly realized what he was, and lay down and said: "I am really hungry, believe me, I am hanging half a life now, just returned to the light."

Ning Shuhehehe, the heart of the little mouse has actually become more, and sure enough, the book has eaten.

It’s really a lot of people who are a lot of people, and they are mostly readers, and their minds are getting more.

Ning Shu is not convinced that the little mouse is hungry. He must be hungry. He sees the saliva flowing out of the energy body flowing into the river.

In exchange for the time when the race is still there, the break will not be so good, and you can throw away some energy.

The energy body that Li Wen gave her was also leaking out of the small teeth.

The phoenix that falls into the water is not as good as the chicken!

The little mouse is eager to look at Ning Shu, "Give me a world of origin."

Ning Shu turned his eyes, and now because of the problem of the law, many worlds have not produced the extra world, not to mention the world.

It is already very good that the plane can complete the world of the world.

"Why are you so useless, you know that you can eat, you don't do it, I want you to use it." Ning Shu said coldly.

The little mouse is not good, "I don't want to eat, but I still work all day, I don't do it, you kill me."

The little mouse is four-pronged, and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Oh, I can't cure you.

Ning Shu gently stroked the little mouse. "How can I kill you? I am a gentle person and never like to kill and kill."

"We count as friends too. How can I kill a friend and kill it cruelly?"

"But have you heard a sentence, there is no killing without buying and selling, and there is killing when there is a sale."

The little mouse was blown up by Ning Shu's hair, and it was blown up into a round ball.

Ning Shu gently stroked the neck of the little mouse, the small mouse black bean big eyes black and bright, full of complaints, "Are you a devil?"

Ning Shu: "...I am a witch."

The little mouse said: "As long as you give me a world source, I can stick to it for a while."

"You can't drink water every day, don't eat anything, and I am the same." The little mouse was pitiful, and his mouth whispered to Li Wen's name, saying that he couldn't wait for Li Wen's Barabala.

It seems that the time has come to the end of the dying, or the kind of death is not eye-catching.

Ning Shu slaps the little mouse to the sofa and says, "Wait, I will find it and see if there is any."

"Okay." The little mouse was in the spirit, and Ning Shu stared at himself and immediately groaned. "I am uncomfortable."

"I will go too," said the little mouse.

Ning Shu licked a small handbag, directly put the little mouse inside the handbag, squatting to the city of water, and looking for Sitian to see if there is a world source to sell.

When I arrived at the city of water, I drilled my head in the pocket of the little mouse, and looked around and said, "It’s so lively."

"It used to be more lively." There are fewer people coming here, and the upper limit is added. Now there is no law force, and there are fewer people coming.

Ning Shu said: "Remember to meet you for the first time, you don't eat pastries, how can you not eat these things now?"

"Those things are junk food for me, there is no nutrition at all, and eating too much is not enough. It is useless."

"The more you eat, the more hungry you are."

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse with suspicion. Now she has questioned the words of the little mouse. Does the ghost know if he is telling the truth?

Ning Shu also thought that if the little mouse can eat something that ordinary humans eat, anyway, she has a restaurant, and the little mouse can get some food.

Ning Shu came to the auction house and wandered around. The little mouse jumped over Ningshu's shoulder and looked around. Some of them said with excuse: "These tools are still very strong in making human beings."

"Human strength is not only creativity, but also the ability to explore and explore, and there is a lot of knowledge."

As soon as the little mouse hears the knowledge, it will be big.

Ning Shu is somewhat puzzled. The little mouse is also said to be with the human emperor Li Wen. How can he grow up a little? Even if it is a deaf ear, it should not be like this.

Ning Shu asked: "Is Li Wen not teaching you anything?"

The little mouse didn't care to say: "Teach it, I didn't learn, I always went to see Li Wen?"

Ning Shu: ...

"He is such a person, look at him like this, what is it good?" Ning Shu feels really incredible.

Little mouse: "You don't understand?"

Ning Shu: I am too lazy to move.

This is not a beautiful person, but I can still stare at people for so long.

"The city owner." Si Tian came over and gestured with Ning Shu. "The city owner has not come for a while, what needs this time?"

Ning Shu asked: "Is there a source of the world?"

Si Tian’s look is a bit embarrassing, “this...”

"There is still no, I don't want a large number, one will do." First, the shackles of the little mice are solved.

"Whatever the property." Is there any qualification to choose a taste?

"There is one, the world of earth properties, are you either?"

Ning Shu still did not speak, the little mouse nodded immediately, "Yes, want."

Although the taste of the earthworms is not good, it is full.

I ate it with my nose, and the little mouse was stupid and knew that it was different in the past, and I was not qualified to pick and choose.

Si Tian glanced at the little mouse that he spoke, and there was no surprised look on his face. After all, some creatures can speak, and there is also an IQ like a human eye.

Human beings are not the only creatures with wisdom.

"Tu," eat the earth, the soil is cheap.

Si Tian: "200,000 merits."

Ning Shu no expression face, almost licked his ear and asked: "How much, 200,000?"

I haven't come for a long time, and I don't know the market. How can the world's origins become so expensive? It is doubled.

No, it is many times.

When she bought it with Mei Ziqing, she only had four or five thousand merits. Now it has become like this.


Prices are skyrocketing.

Si Tian said: "There are fewer sources in the world now. If things are less, they will naturally be scarce. The value of rare things will go up, and the supply will be in short supply."

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