Ning Shu still decided to repair the doll, and the doll is already familiar with the work, and it is not necessarily suitable for others.

The chat system scanned the doll and sent his image over.

Ning Shu has already prepared for it and needs a lot of money.

Changbo replied: "Is this the doll I sent you? This is not a doll. This is rubbish. How long has it been? You actually toss the doll like this, you, you..."

"Don't scream at the dolls, it won't hurt, you will be tossed, and this is my perfect work, you don't care so I am very upset."

Ning Shu: emmmm......

Pretend not to understand what Chang Bo said.

Anyway, I have nothing to do and what cannot be described.

There is no such thing as a doll.

How could she do that kind of thing for a robot, she is looking for a real person torment.

Ning Shu asked: "How much does it cost?"

Chang Bo said: "Wait, it is very serious, you need to check it out."

Ning Shu glanced at the dolls, the dolls were all expressionless, although they were very beautiful and perfect, but they were not angry, and the beautiful also gave a plastic feeling.

For a while, Chang Bo said: "Are you sure you want to fix it? It is very expensive to repair. If you really need it, you can't leave it alone. I can send you a new one and add some new features."

Ning Shu: ...

This old dirty turtle.

Ning Shu did not want to talk to Chang Bo, and a wretched breath rushed.

On the wretched and boring, it is the cheongsam men who can't catch up with Chang Bo.

Ning Shu’s mind could not help but emerge from the Chang Bo production doll, making a wretched smile.

Thinking more, Ning Shu feels that all the dolls made by Chang Bo exude an indescribable wretched atmosphere.

Even the current doll.

Ning Shu: "How much is it?"

The topic is no longer awkward, Ning Shu does not know where to go, it is estimated that Changbo should discuss what features to add.

I just can't see it.

Ning Shu suddenly wondered how the sales of Chang Bo's dolls were, but I didn't want to ask. If I asked, the topic would probably develop into an indescribable discovery.

Chang Bo: "It is about 80 million merits."

Ning Shu swears at the heart, 80 million merits?

It is estimated that making a doll can't cost so much, and the repair costs so much.

It is still not worthwhile to calculate it carefully.

Ning Shu’s heart was a little shaken. He said to the doll: “You have recorded the people who made trouble before, do you have any contact information? It doesn’t matter if you don’t have contact information. You know the name.”

One party has difficulty supporting all of them, and 80 million Ningshu decides to raise crowdfunding!

These scars can be caused by those people. Shouldn’t they be compensated? Shouldn’t you give a mental loss?

If you know these troublemakers, Ning Shu can go to the door one by one.

The doll nodded and said: "I know, although I don't know the name, I recorded it."

Ning Shu: ...

Good job!

Is this a driving recorder?

As long as there is such a thing, I am afraid that I can’t find someone?

"Give me the video information, you go back to the factory to fix it." She is going to start raising money.

It’s not okay to make trouble in her place and hurt her.

The doll asked: "You have to fix me, this is not a wise choice."

Dolls only choose a better solution.

Ning Shu waved directly and said: "It doesn't matter, it's not using my money."

The doll did not speak again.

Ning Shu sent the doll away, began to watch the video materials, and looked at the people who made trouble here. The eyes of the dolls have the function of video recording.

The doll almost recorded every troublemaker, especially the face, when everyone has a positive face.

Although the dolls have no emotions, the intelligent analysis is comprehensive and even more thoughtful than others. What is lacking is creativity and imagination.

However, people on these videos did not know Ning Shu.

茫茫 茫茫 actor, how can she know a lot of people.

Just know people, don't know the name and contact information?

This time you need a person with a wide network of contacts.

Well, I thought of a big health cheongsam man.

Ning Shu took the video material to find the cheongsam man.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, Ning Shu saw that the cheongsam man was talking to a girl. The cheongsam man shook with a fan and swayed.

Ning Shu did not pass, but sat down at the next table, ordered tea and pastries, silently watching and listening.

The cheongsam man saw Ning Shu, and he sent the man away after saying a few words to the girl. He sat down and poured a cup of tea and asked, "What about me?"

"I can't come to you if I have nothing?"

The cheongsam man snorted. "Everyone can't see it at ordinary times. It must be something when it appears."

Ning Shu praised, "You are very smart, it is time to test your strength."

Ning Shu took out the video. "Help me see if there are people you know. I know the name and contact information. I am looking for them to be kind."

She wants to make a donation, and just pull out the radish to bring out the mud, know one, since it is a dry shelf, then I will know each other.

very good.

The cheongsam man picked a brow and said, "What are you doing?"

Cheongsam men began to watch the video, probably understand what Ning Shu wants to do?

When I started to look at the information, I listed several names. With so many videos, the cheongsam men actually knew more than half of them.

It is enough to see how wide the cheongsam man is, and the name of the social flower is given to the cheongsam man.

This makes Ning Shu a little self-defeating. Can people know so many people?

Probably she is a little autistic.

Ning Shu said to the cheongsam man: "You help me to send a message to these people, let them gather, I have something for them."

The cheongsam man picked up his eyebrows. "At least let me know the ins and outs of things?"

Ning Shu Barabala said the ins and outs of the matter, and then said: "You said that I should not pay attention to compensation."

Cheongsam man:...

There seems to be nothing to say.

Cheongsam man: "In fact, everyone is solving contradictions in private. They are usually in the system space, and there is no way to meet them. They can only come to these places."

Ning Shu: "Can you go to the void?"

The cheongsam man turned his eyes. "Not everyone can go to the void. Generally speaking, it will not be very big."

"Although it is not allowed to fight, sometimes there are problems in the mediation between the two sides, and it will be done."

"The relationship between people and people always has to be contradictory. Is it not solved?"

Ning Shu shrugged his shoulders. "They solve the contradictions, it doesn't matter, but the problem is that the person who hurt me, I have to pay compensation."

How can I fix the doll without money?

"It is also unfortunate that they are not good enough to catch it. They can only recognize it." Luck is not good.

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