Ningshu blocked the space around the restaurant, and even if these people use the system space, there is no way to pass it back.

The transfer needs space nodes. Now the space of this piece is blocked, the space nodes can't be found, and how can it be transmitted.

Ning Shu put down the teacup, smiled, sitting there straight, hands on his legs, and a little dignified feeling of a gentle look, it looks good.

But the people present did not feel that she was gentle, and that what she did, which point was related to the gentle word.

This is not anxious, it is actually contempt and disregard for them.

Because it is not afraid, it is so calm.

How hot it is.

So many people looked at themselves with resentful eyes. Ning Shu said: "Our thought work has not been done yet. In order not to let others disturb us, I have blocked the space around you. You can't go out for a while."

"When the ideological work is over, the space blockade will be lifted, hehe..."

Ning Shu sighed. "Everyone should have a deep understanding of their mistakes."

"After recognizing the mistake, you will be able to leave."

"And everyone must recognize their mistakes and then leave together."

The implication is that you can give money to leave, and everyone gives it before you can leave.

There is one person who does not give it, and everyone has to stay.

No matter what method is used, borrowing money or using something to mortgage, give money to leave.

The cheongsam man is speechless. How did this woman become like this? It seems that he knows her is not comprehensive enough.

The space was blocked, and people outside could not get in. The people inside couldn’t come out, and his restaurant was really rumored.

However, her space law? !

Her space law can block the space, and the sentiment is still very deep.

His space rules are still not getting started, and the brain is hurting? !

Not only is the cheongsam man horrified, many people are surprised that the space law and the time rule are two high-level rules that make it very difficult to understand.


The space blockade can't be solved by the people on the scene. If it is old, it is the embodiment of the space law, it is suppressed, and it is also better than Ning Shu.

But those who are present are not proficient in the rules of space, and can't get out.

The atmosphere is full of oppressive and violent atmosphere, except for Ning Shu and Qipao men, everyone is very dissatisfied.

Especially in a closed space, so many people, a little emotion will be infected and fermented.

Before these people were still very dissatisfied with Ning Shu, now they are locked up, and their faces are a lot dignified.

Ning Shu eats cakes and drinks tea, and leisurely drinks afternoon tea, completely unaffected by the emotion of fermentation, and occasionally talks with the cheongsam man.

Now I can see who can't help it.

As long as one person can't help but compromise, there are many people who follow the compromise.

The scene will be bloody, and those who are unwilling to pay will face the pressure of many people. Because they don’t pay, everyone can’t go.

What's more, these people had contradictions before, and maybe the contradictions will increase.

Before these people didn't want to pay, they only temporarily abandoned the contradictions and dealt with Ningshu.

But from now on, it is necessary to split internally.

Ning Shuwei smiled and waited patiently. It is only a matter of time to get 80 million, just wait.

Ning Shu couldn't help but touch his own skull. Hey, how can I be so smart?

You don't need a knife and a sword, you can achieve your own purpose, and it's just beautiful.

The air seems to drip into the thick blood, making people feel very uncomfortable, no one speaks, quiet and depressed.

It’s time to look patient and see who stands up.

The atmosphere is getting more and more dignified, but Ningshu is getting more and more relaxed, and the store has two cakes.

Ning Shu’s faint feelings in the heart, no matter how the heart grows, how to bounce the screen, or fear of fear, the surface should be calm, at least to the feeling of others is in the chest.

The challenge is psychological endurance and psychological quality.

A person stood up, looked ugly, and gnashed his teeth and said: "I am willing to give money."

Ning Shu nodded, "Yes, just go over, then stand on the other side and wait, wait until everything is finished, everyone will go together."

"Eight hundred thousand."

The man took out the identity card, endured it, took a deep breath, and gave the money.

As soon as the identity card is brushed, the man’s heart is relieved, and finally it is possible to end such a stalemate.

However, he still asked: "We gave the money, then the video materials."

Ning Shu said: "When all of you have paid the money, you will be destroyed in front of you. This is the case."

"Then you didn't copy it?" the man asked, but didn't want to be repeatedly threatened by such a handle, once in a while.

And the other party is still the city owner, the initiative is in her hands.

In the future, even if you want to make trouble, you will not come to the city of water.

Avoid the city of water as much as possible.

Eight hundred thousand merits, Zhen Nima is distressed, the ghost knows that the doll is the city owner, they are making trouble, and one person suddenly rushes over to persuade.

Your sister, people who have been fighting for fighting since ancient times, can’t fight.

Ning Shu said directly: "This is the original material. If it is destroyed, it will be gone. You can rest assured that I have never fried a cold meal. This matter has passed. I thought the glory of the city owner swears."

"Moreover, if I am looking for you again, is there any organization that can sanction me?"

These people are too careful. She can't fish if she gets a trip. Even if she is looking for trouble, it is a new excuse. It has always used an excuse. This is too low.

Ning Shu is determined to be a person with style.

As everyone knows, in the hearts of ordinary people, Ning Shu is a sinister and sinister woman, totally untrustworthy.

I heard that Ning Shu said that the people present were all sighed, at least there was such a loss of peace of mind.

When the man gave the money, he stood on the other side and waited for other people to pay the money to leave.

One person took the lead, and the people behind it felt that even if they compromised, there would be no shame, so someone stood up and paid the money.

When you pay the money, you will stand on one side.

As time goes by, the number of teams paying the money is increasing. In this case, more and more people can only pay with the big stream.

There is also no money, and the people next to you borrow money to pay the money.

Now it is the turn of those who have not paid the money to worry, there is a feeling of urgency and shame.

Everyone else has paid, and if they have not paid, they feel that they are behind.

When Ningshu drinks tea and eats snacks, he earns millions of merits in minutes.

The cheongsam man next to him looks envious, how much is this? !

I thought that this is a stable scene, after all, there are so many people.

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