Ning Shu is now curious about how to solve this problem in the end, Zhao Yi finally did not save money.

Now the situation has changed again. The people who are saving money are anxious. Those who don’t pay for it are not anxious, and they are very calm.

A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, nor is it afraid that these people will beat him.

Here is the city of law, these talents were fined, and they did not dare to come to Zhao Yi in the presence of two city owners.

Therefore, Zhao Yi is fearless.

Those who paid the money were afraid of what had changed, they were very anxious, they were suffering and lost, and they threatened Zhao Yi to pay.

But Zhao Yi is not moving.

Ning Shu hit a cockroach, drinking tea snacks and eating too much, a little tired, do not want to eat.

However, this play is more interesting and the situation is very deadlocked.

In the face of such a person who does not want Bilian, in fact, very helpless, gave him the money, it is really wrong, but do not give it, people can not go.

Someone said to Ningshu: "The city owner, we have all deeply realized our mistakes, can we go first, and will not make trouble in the water city in the future."

"This Zhao Yi, we all think that the city owner should keep him, educate him and let him know his mistakes."

Mom, this Zhao Yizhen is too disgusting.

These people are now facing a lot of Ningshu's attitude, want to go, but also Zhao Yi made a fire in their hearts, let Ning Shu sanction Zhao Yi who does not want to face.

Ning Shu shook his head. "Isn't it said that it was good? We must make progress together and jointly recognize the mistakes."

"Since he can't recognize the mistake, you should help him to recognize his mistakes." Ning Shu said with deep meaning.

Zhao Yi blinked and his body was a little stiff. What does this water city owner mean?

Other people face each other, this is what you mean, can you lie here?

The main name of the water city is this, right?

She didn't say it straight. She just wanted to let these people think about progress together and help those who didn't realize the mistake.

She didn't say anything, she didn't have a swearing, she didn't make people do it.

Cheongsam man:...

As the city owner of the law city, how can the squadron make trouble in his restaurant?

Seeing the excitement is not afraid of big things, but it is damaged, who will pay compensation?

The cheongsam male face stunned Ning Shu, Ning Shu said: "It doesn't matter."

After savoring the words of the city owner, these people all understood the meaning of the city owner and went to Zhao Yi.

More than one hundred people surround a person, and the psychological pressure of Zhao Yi in the middle can be imagined.

Zhao Yi’s voice was a bit stuttering and asked: “What do you want to do?”

"Zhao Yi, give the money, are you letting so many people accompany you alone?"

"Put your thoughts carefully, don't force us to do anything to you." Some people threatened directly.

Zhao Yi's face is red and heartbroken. I feel that these people are really stupid. Now they are still being used by the Shuicheng master. The Shuicheng master uses these people to put pressure on him.

Are these stupid people in their minds?

Ning Shu held his chin and watched the movie. It felt really interesting.

Compared to the feeling of boxing to the flesh, this method is more relaxed, and there is a feeling of control that is global.

Zhao Yi’s face was wronged and he was watched by so many people.

Everyone is a super-task, there are all kinds of means.

It’s hard to beat the four hands, not to mention the many people. If he says that he doesn’t say a word, he is sure that these people will be able to kill him.

This water city master is really a man who has no exercise, not to say that he can't do it in the city of law. Now he is allowed to do it.

Double standard, shameless!

Zhao Yi put his gaze on the cheongsam man and said: "Time city owner, here is the time city, or in your restaurant, don't you care?"

The cheongsam man said with a sigh of relief: "You can rest assured that I will try my best to protect you and prevent them from hurting you, but I can't know how many people I can block."

Zhao Yi:......

What is the best way to stop it? This is ambiguous.

Officials are guarded and sighed.

The hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, with so many people doing the right, there is a kind of maliciousness facing the world.

The people around him looked at him with contempt, and his eyes were full of malice, especially those who had contradictions with him. His eyes were even louder.

It is estimated that I can’t wait for these people to kill him.

And so many people do it to him, it is difficult to ensure that someone will not kill him directly under the yin hand.

The trend has gone!

Zhao Yi now has a sense of sorrow and sorrow in the Wujiang River. He bites his teeth and says to Ning Shu: "I give money."

Ning Shufeng said lightly: "Yes."

Zhao Yi took out the identity card, and the hand holding the identity card was shaking, eventually brushing 800,000.

Ning Shu looked at Zhao Yi and said: "You give one million."

Zhao Yi stunned and almost jumped up. "One million, I have to give one million."

Ning Shu said directly: "It is because you have wasted everyone so much time, there are so many people to help you realize your mistakes, time and energy are spent a lot, and you should receive more than 200,000."

Zhao Yi was almost suffocated by Ning Shu, and he gave more than 200,000 yuan.

His heart continued to scream and scream.

Compared with Zhao Yi’s grievances, other people’s minds are a bit more enjoyable, so you don’t give them, and now you need to give 200,000 more.

It’s so cool.

Some people are more unlucky than themselves, and suddenly they get some comfort. Even without knowing it, the hostility to Ningshu has been reduced.

I feel that the water city master is really refreshing, although the 200,000 is also cheaper than the water city master, but my heart is comfortable.

Especially when I saw that Zhao Yi was fed a sly feeling, it made people feel funny, let you do it, and now it is sanctioned.

Ning Shu said faintly: "If you don't give 200,000, you still can't go, you still don't realize your mistake."

When Ningshu’s voice fell, many people approached Zhao Yi and took a step to give pressure to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi took a few steps back and gave 200,000 more teeth and his eyes were red.

One million for the super-tasks, it is also a lot of money. When Ningshu became a super-tasker, the merits on the account did not exceed 100,000.

These super-taskers are richer than the former Ningshu.

Ning Shu reveals a smile like a spring breeze. "Now everyone recognizes the mistakes, and I have also ruined these video materials."

When Ning Shu said, he crushed the video material and turned it into a powder that floated out of her fingertips.

The people breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for the water city master."

Oh, no, what do you say?

It’s a dog.

"The space blockade is also solved. You can go, repeat it again, don't make trouble, and if you get caught, it's not so easy to pass."

Ning Shu waved his hand and solved the space blockade.

One solution, people will leave, and in a few moments people will go clean.

The speed is really fast.

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