The thunder beast was touched, woke up, opened his eyes, and his eyes had a thin film, and the current was drawn through it.

There is electricity in my eyes.

The beast saw that it was Ning Shu, hit a nose, moved his body, re-slid his chin on the ground and went to sleep, and ignored Ning Shu.

Ning Shu approached and touched a hand, the current spread all over the soul, the electric eye turned straight, the whole person is not very good.

It is also very painful, and the hot tears generally hurt.

The Thunder beast opened his eyes and stared at Ningshu. I don’t think anyone would be so self-abuse.

Ning Shu is very nervous in her heart. She always feels that she has to be a little reluctant to integrate Ray Law.

Ning Shu Chao Lei beg asked: "What do you eat?"

It seems that I have never seen a thunder beast to eat. The beast is also a living being. Although it has not been corrupted by the reincarnation of the world, there is basically nothing to eat in the reincarnation world.

What does the Thunder eat?

The beast will not speak, just hit a ring.

Ning Shu did not expect the beast to answer her. She just found a topic to ease her nervousness.

Ning Shu took out the mark of Lei Fa, a very delicate silver lightning.

The electric light flashed slightly above, and a subtle squeaking sound was heard.

"Hey..." The beast saw the mark of the Lefa, and actually stepped back two steps. The two front paws slammed on the ground and watched the Raymond imprint with vigilance.

The thunder of the body began to sizzle and became purple, and there were two round lightnings at the foot.

The Thunder beast entered the battle form, his eyes fixed on the Leifa mark, and he looked at it with a little fear.

Ning Shu: ...

It’s hard to get the courage to merge. The likes of the beasts directly dispel the courage that Ning Shu’s heart can hardly swell.

The body of the Thunder beast has been polished by lightning all the year round, and it is a purple nine-day **** thunder. The body has already been tempered very powerfully.

At least in this aspect of the mine, no one should be able to compare with the beast, the beast is this performance, a lonely soul, even more stunned.

Especially the thunder and lightning spirit.

Ning Shu Chao Lei beg asked: "This is not awesome. If you are powerful, you will nod."

The Thunder beast stared at Lei Fa, and it seemed that it took a long time to understand the meaning of Ning Shu. He snorted and nodded.

Ning Shu sighed, put away the mark of Lei Fa, and returned to the system space.

Can't be so sloppy, let's do some preparatory work, lest you collapse.

Although it will not die, but it is not allowed to blow up at the moment of integration.

Ning Shu returned to the system space, the entire system space was messy, things were turned upside down, the little mice turned into human figures, turning things around.

The Ningshu that the little mouse saw, turned into a fist-sized rat.

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse with no expression, and asked faintly: "What is this doing?"

In a mess, every time you come back, the confetti of a place is the same system space as the garbage dump.

How can a little mouse be so uncomfortable?

Ning Shu wants to lick his neck and let him spit out the world of the earth properties that he ate.

The little mouse said: "I am looking for a small snack that Li Wen will send you."

"I didn't say it, have you finished eating it?" Even though Ning Shu's heart has already begun to brew a storm, but the face is still very calm, and the little mouse has gone.

The little mouse is very wronged and said: "I don't know if you are telling the truth, you can only find it yourself. I know that you came back so early."

"I originally wanted to pack it up before you came back."

Ning Shu wants to blow its dog's head and let its brain splash.

Ning Shu said softly: "You said, what should I do with you?"

The little mouse opened the distance and looked at Ning Shu a little scared. He said, "Don't be like this. Whenever Li Wen is like this, I know that he is angry."

"I will pack it up."

The little mouse started to pack things as he said, and from time to time, he looked at Ning Shu, and Ning Shu sat on the sofa, silently, looking at the little mouse.

Ning Shu thought about it, decided to spend some money to ask about it, and left the system space directly to the consulting room of the Water City.

Ning Shu went in and sat down to wait for Sanliang to come out.

Not long after, the silver-haired man picked up the curtain and came out of the back room, holding a book, the book cover is kraft paper, with a special grain, it is very old and heavy.

Carefully counted, Ning Shu felt that he had never seen a silver-haired man for a long time.

The silver-haired man sat down and asked, "What should I consult?"

Ning Shu opened the box and said, "I want to integrate this rule. How likely is the chance of success?"

Even if you have an operation, you need to know the chances of success.

The silver-haired man looked at the mark of Leifa and shook his head. "To merge, it is impossible."

Ning Shu was very surprised. "How could it not be integrated?"

Originally thought that it would be difficult to integrate this, but the silver-haired male directly gave an impossible fusion, this...

"Is the original law of Leifa incarnation?" It is impossible to fuse. Is it true that the rule before the rule is a fake?

Silver-haired man: "The pseudo-laws are incarnations, and even the 1% of the power of Ray's law is not integrated. If it is integrated, it will soon be scattered."

Ning Shu: ...

Lying in the trough? ! !

real or fake?

Ning Shu is not calm, can't this stuff be used?

"The task of the soul state is unable to fuse the Ray法 imprint. In my record, no one succeeds, one is restraint, and the other is that even if it is integrated, it must suffer the thunder of lightning, and the soul can't resist lightning. Refining, dying sooner or later."

"Don't expect tempering to quench the soul, it is impossible, it will only make the soul weaker and weaker."

"This law is very lethal, just fierce, the state of the soul can't be controlled, hurting people and hurting others."

Ning Shu took a sigh of relief, what is this, she can't use this stuff?

Is it a useless thing?

Ning Shu asked: "Is there a person with a body that can be integrated?"

Pear fruit and her want to mark the Ray Law, it is estimated that they want to merge.

Silver-haired man: "...all said that this is a hurtful person, as long as the fusion will hurt the body to the soul."

"Even if there is physical damage, have you ever seen a thunder?"

Ning Shu: ...

Cry, is this something useless?

The fusion of her body is the imprint of the law that has no harm to the body. Now I have a Leifa, and I am thrilled to throw it.

Keep it, it seems that there is no egg to use.

It’s a Thunder, it’s such a tall thing.

Silver-haired man: "What else to ask."

Ning Shu knows that when the silver-haired man says this sentence, it is the time to check out.

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