If there is an energy body in the center building, it is really earned.

Not only the energy body, but also the technology left by this race, this is also a treasure.

The development of science and technology can only be explored a little bit. Now, the technology of such a fork is also a weapon in the hands.

In short, the central building must go in and see.

It is best to get the energy body, and it is good if it can get other things.

The little mouse asked: "Don't we always be here with it?"

Ning Shu: "Let's wait, there is more time."

Maybe you are waiting outside.

Ning Shu feels that since stealth has no effect, it is invisible, not disappearing out of thin air.

I found it when I touched it.

So this is not enough.

So many machines, the entire city is Skynet.

any idea?

Ning Shu thought in mind how to not alarm these machines.

Maybe as long as there is energy fluctuation, it will be noticed.

Should not carry a small mouse, the little mouse is a creature, the body has a breath of life, she is a soul, it is a mass of energy, it should not be noticed.

Even if you notice it, you should not find it.

Sure enough, the little mouse is a dragged leg.

Ning Shu said to the little mouse: "Next time I go, you don't have to go."

The little mouse quickly said: "Don't go, it's useless to go, wait for the next time."

"When is the next time?" When is it waiting, or the things inside will be taken away.

I always feel that there are people in the center building, and maybe even grab something.

Go in and have a look.

Ning Shu first steals himself, and then slowly explores the head to see the situation outside.

The little mouse now regrets bringing Ning Shu here, and now she is full of babies, is it terrible? !

Something that requires money.

The little mouse still wants to say something, but the people in front of him are gone.

"Where, I don't want to take me, who will give you a corpse?" The little mouse wants to go out and can't find a place to go out.

Thinking that since it is the world, it has directly smashed the plane, but when I think of Ningshu’s cold face, I dare not move.

Tear off a few books and follow them, if you marry her world.

Hey, the little mouse took a breath, and couldn't imagine what expression she was when she was going to die.

Ning Shu has reincarnation of the world, the machinery that has gathered together has spread, and the city has been restored.

Ningshu carefully avoided the machinery, but accidentally touched something, and the city rang a sharp and harsh alarm.

Then the whole city began to stir up.

Ning Shu: ...

I went, what happened to me.

Ning Shu feels that he has been very careful, and he still has encountered something that he does not know.

The mechanical and cold alarm sounded in the city, "alarms, alarms, enemy incursions, destroying enemies, destroying enemies."

Because Ning Shu did not live, may not be able to capture, causing the alarm to be ringing and not finding the target.

The entire city is all sorts of machines looking for targets.

Ning Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and that was the case.

Try to shield your energy body, otherwise your soul will fluctuate.

Even if there are fluctuations, it should be smaller.

She could not be found for the time being, and she could not find it afterwards.

Ning Shu quickly went to the center building, and touched the door, but could not find the entrance to the building.

Ningshu wandered around the building and didn't find a place to get started. Don't talk about it, the whole building didn't even have a seam.

How do you get in?

Too high-tech, Ning Shu is quite awkward in the face of this high-tech.

I saw so many machines coming out of this building before, so I walked in and saw that there was no door.

I finally walked to the door, and I didn’t even have a door.

The sound of the alarm is getting more and more urgent, more and more sharp, and there are a large number of machines coming to this side.

Ning Shu reached out and touched it, hoping to find out what organs can go in.

"Warning, warning, unidentified objects."

Ning Shu: ...

I just touched it and I was noticed.

This stuff can be smashed.

Then a large number of machines came out of the building and went straight through the wall from the building.

Drilled directly like this.

Is it enchantment?

Ning Shu tries to shrink all the souls into a small group and attach them directly to the machine. Maybe it can be accessed by machinery.

Ningshu adhered to the machinery and wandered around the city. The alarms were always ringing again, but the target was not found and it was temporarily retreated.

Looking at the wall closer and closer, Ning Shu prayed in his heart, but don't be found, popped up.

Ning Shu does not know whether this wall will exclude himself.

Near, near!

Ning Shu’s eyes widened and he watched the machine pass through the wall, and he passed through.

Ning Shu took a long breath and it was not enough to come in this way.

Entering the inside, it is a huge, incomparable place like a city, full of science fiction, and more importantly, this place is full of various machinery.

The number is unclear.

This is how much machinery, a huge mechanical army, if this thing goes out, the destruction of the plane is a matter of minutes.

What a huge amount this is.

This is just a place to place machinery and go to other places.

Entering the inside, the channel is quite a lot, Ning Shu casually found a channel, converge on his own soul fluctuations, walking in the channel.

It's really too big, there is a huge factory, the smell of various smelting metals is full of the taste of iron shovel, all kinds of automatic.

Even if there are no ones, there are still one machine after another in this huge factory.

It’s so spectacular.

But where does the energy of these machines come from?


Then visit.

It seems that there is no danger in it.

You should go on to go further. The building with the huge swords towering into the clouds is definitely more than that.

Below is the factory, there should be something more important.

She has to go up to find the energy body, maybe she can find a way to control these machines.

If you can control it, it will be a big boost.

Ning Shu went to the passage above, and the more the door was banned, the more severe the place, Ning Shu could not enter, all kinds of restrictions.

Once Ning Shu is hard to touch, an alarm will be issued.

Ning Shu did not dare to move.

All places are spotless, clean and fresh, no one, no idea how to keep it so clean.

In short, the various systems in the central building are very difficult to understand.

At least with the knowledge and technology of Ningshu, there is no way to understand.

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