Stimulated. Love.

Cheongsam man:...

Why are you going to die?

Bad woman.

Lose his restaurant.

The pear's nose fluttered and rushed to breathe. Some gnashed and said: "You can shut up."

Ning Shu’s nostrils are in the sky. “What’s wrong, it’s hurting, and now I’m angry.”

Pear fruit feels that his brain is chaotic, and the voice of the other party is transmitted to the ear from afar.

She knows that she is going to run away, plus it is easier to run away because of her passionate emotions.

In the eyes of the pear fruit, the reason has disappeared, and the whole eyeball is covered, and the blood is red.

Now, in the eyes of Pear, there is only one person in Ningshu. Her only goal is to kill Ningshu.

The cheongsam man shouted to Ning Shu: "You are going out, don't play in the restaurant."

The cheongsam man saw the pears that suddenly swelled up and the heart was so tired.

Ning Shu's body was flexible and pulled out of the restaurant. The pear fruit turned and chased away from Ningshu. Directly remove the door, step on the heavy footsteps in the time city to chase Ning Shu run.

Cheongsam man:...

I go!

Ning Shu ran in front of the side and waved at the pear fruit, come on, happy!

The pear fruit has gone, the body has become bigger, but it is a bit clumsy.

She gasped in a hurry, her eyes were red and there was only one bouncing target.

They are very easy to run away from this race. They usually have a good self-cultivation, but the pear fruit is now in a state of love, and it is more likely to run away.

Being neatly scorned by a humble and small human being, Ning Shu was indifferent to her recruiting and even sneered at how she could stand it.

I have to tear this **** ants.

Pear fruit has a high degree of violent walking, and the strength is greater. Even the speed is much faster, and it is necessary to catch up with Ningshu.

Ningshu speeded up the speed, and left to avoid the attack of the pear fruit, but it did not fight with the pear fruit.

Many clerk on the street looked up at the rushing pear fruit.

what is this? !

They have all avoided, and some people watched the excitement.

Ning Shu waved while running, chasing me, chasing me, I will let you know...

Because the pear fruit ran away, the body was large, and one foot stepped on the bluestone floor, and the floor was even stepped out of the crack.

Some of the building's tiles have been affected, falling on the ground and falling into pieces, quite a bit of a mess.

Ning Shu: ...

Lying in the trough!

Suddenly there is a bad feeling in my heart.

Whose loss is this loss?

According to the urinary nature of the uncle's work...

It must be counted in the pear fruit... and her head.

your sister!

She has to hurry to the void. As for the damage in the city of law, it doesn't matter to her. I don't know, it's not clear, it's not me, I didn't do it.

I thought that I had notified Uncle, he could come soon, but he ran a few streets, and neither of them appeared.

Where is the eccentric puncture?

Yes, it must be like this.

Can not let the uncle seize the handle, although she did not start, she was chased and run.

Ning Shu wants space to jump away from the law city to the void, but jingle, the head hit the wall of space.


Someone blocked the space and could not go.

The uncle was suspended in midair, looking at Ning Shu and the pear fruit without any sense of wisdom.

Pear fruit saw that Ning Shu could not run, and excitedly ran towards her.

When the space is blocked, it can only be run in such a small place.

Ning Shu Chao Taishu ran over and ran and shouted: "Helping you, killing people."

Taishu avoided Ningshu, stood aside, and looked indifferently at Ningshu, who was chased by pears and evaded the attack of pear fruit.

In the eyes of pear fruit, there is only Ningshu. Her goal is Ningshu. As long as Ningshu is shredded and killed, the state of violent walking will slowly weaken.

But again, this has side effects.

A large amount of energy is gathered in a short period of time, which will definitely lead to a weak period.

The uncle stood on the side, but the pear fruit was ignoring the uncle, and there was no such thing as a uncle in his eyes.

Ning Shu: ...

What is this person's fault, does not stop the pear fruit?

Just watching them both of you chasing me?

Lying in the trough, this person is really bad.

Ning Shu is leaning against the uncle's side, even if there is no uncle in the eyes of the pear fruit, it will definitely attack the uncle.

When Ning Shu was close, the uncle was gone, and Ning Shu was almost vomited by the big fist of the pear.

Ning Shu: "Nervous disease, what are you doing?"

The uncle snorted. "I don't like to fight, then fight, I watch you play."

Ning Shu turned his eyes and really wanted to kill this, she had already created conditions for the uncle, and as a result, she was actually pitted with her.


Ning Shu’s heart is burning, and the old lady has to fight back. She used to avoid it before, and it was unreasonable to be beaten.

Uncle is really a dog man, it is too tempting.

Ning Shu raised his momentum to fight with the pear fruit, but the uncle started this time, and his hand extended a black rope to the pear fruit.

The black rope tied the pear fruit and made her unable to move.

The pear fruit struggled, but the more struggling it was, the tighter the rope was, and the rope became thinner and liked the steel wire.

Although the pear fruit is violent, it still feels pain, but the pear fruit without the sense of wisdom will not stop struggling, the more struggling and tighter, the **** smell in the air.

The pear fruit was hurt by the rope and the blood flowed out.

Ning Shu: ...

Just spurt the momentum to dry with the pear fruit, the result is too uncle's shackles and hands-on, this gas is not up, it is terrible.

Feeling a fist on the cotton, Mannyma is uncomfortable.

Gradually, the rushing pear fruit slowly calmed down and the violent period was over.

The pear fruit recovered his mind, and some looked at Ning Shu and his uncle in a blank way. He moved his body and found himself tied up. He snorted.

Pear fruit licks Ning Shu, "despicable."

I was caught by the uncle too, and I wanted to understand the pear fruit. Ning Shu pit her.

Deliberately stimulate her.

Uncle opened the door: "Pear fruit, what do you want to do here?"

Pear fruit denied it. "I didn't do it. I just played with Ning Shu."

Ning Shu shivered, "No, she wants my will to die, wants to kill me, I am hiding in Tibet, but fortunately, you are coming."

In my heart, I have already broken the corpse of the uncle, but Ning Shu has to tremble to defend himself.

Pear fruit: ...

Rolling the **** solicitation, soliciting a fart, I knew that I would die directly.

People like this have been recruited into the family and still don’t know what will happen.

Despicable, shameless!

Humble and disgusting human beings.

She had really licked the dog's eyes before, and was deceived by Ning Shu's sly words.

Uncle Shu took a look at Ning Shu and looked at it like a white-eyed eye. He said to the pear fruit: "It seems that I have to send you home again."

The face of the pear fruit has changed, and it seems that I have thought of some kind of picture, Nima's.

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