Ning Shu also wants to find a silver hair man, ask why the silver hair man wants to tell her about the pear fruit.

Now I was thought of by the uncle who was shutting down the wall and what to do if I couldn’t get out.

Not fine, now I’m thinking about it, and it’s a penalty.

Ning Shufu stared at the uncle with no expression, and the uncle laughed. "You think you are right, you didn't make trouble?"

Ning Shu turned his eyes. "I feel okay, I am goodbye, I am a hero."

Uncle too has not wanted to talk to Ning Shu, and this kind of lie to deceive people who are ignorant.

Uncle took the rope and took the pear fruit home.

Ning Shu quickly asked: "How long do I have to face?"

Uncle Tai is so busy, shut her up here, maybe he turned his head and forgot, how long will she be closed?

It is difficult to protect the uncle from deliberately shutting her for a long time.

Ning Shu does not think that his space law is too strong. After all, the uncle is an old man who has succeeded in crushing her from her age.

The sentiment that counts out the time is definitely too strong for her.

I used to use resources to punish, and now I have to use the spirit to punish.

Thinking about it? !

Uncle: "Whenever you know it is wrong, sincerely realize your mistake."

Ning Shu turned his eyes, and the uncle and the things he did were the same. Auntie is right, too uncle is right, she is wrong.

Right, wrong?

According to what standard?

What standards, no standards, are based on the standards of the uncle.

If you are not convinced, you can get out of the way.

Ning Shu thinks again that Uncle wants her to take the initiative to pay a fine, such as the two energy given by the pear fruit?

Use actual actions to express your sincerity and deeply understand your mistakes?

Think of it this way, Ning Shu feels that the truth may be.


I would rather think about it!

My sister has endless days, no accidents, no eternal life, no more, more time.

Uncle is now so face-to-face, and wants energy to be so embarrassed?

Ning Shu said: "Judge, you can rest assured, I will definitely think about it, deeply understand my mistakes, and be a good young man who can stand up for organization."

I want energy, I am afraid that I will live in a dream.

The things in her hands will not be so easy to hand over.

Ning Shu said that he sat down directly and pulled out a strong kidney fruit. Anyway, he was so bored and had some snacks.

Uncle Tai looked coldly at Ningshu, who sneered, and the glasses flashed through the cold light.

Ning Shu: It’s a big deal to sit down...

Laugh at your sister!

Ning Shu also sneered a sneer, biting a strong kidney fruit.

Uncle too pulled and even pulled the pears that were tied like a scorpion.

Pear Fruit looked back at Ning Shu and said, "I want to say a few words to her."

Now the pear fruit is almost the fat sheep of the uncle, and the fat sheep is certainly not rejected.

Uncle stopped his footsteps.

Ning Shu looked at the pear fruit and wanted to hear what the pear fruit had to say to himself.

Pear fruit looked at Ning Shu, his lips moved, but did not speak.

Ning Shu scratched his head:? ? ?

What are you doing?

So faintly watching people not talking, so close, do not know that this person likes to be her, or else so far from seeing tears is what to do?

"To talk about, don't say go." Uncle is not so patient.

Pear fruit also knows that this is the last time I came here.

She will not step into this place anymore.

The sound of pear fruit is a little hoarse. "You will regret it."

Ning Shu picked up his eyebrows. "Is this a threat?"

Pear fruit shakes his head. "It's not a threat, but you will regret your life now."

"You are a slave, and you are required to obey. Your life and death are under the control of others. You must be born, you must die, you can be free to you."

"As it is now..." Pear fruit smiled. "Too uncle has all the benefits, but you have to be locked up here."

Ning Shu also sighed, "Where is the same everywhere, mainly looking at the strength, going to your race, when the sows of the birth, is committed to giving birth to powerful offspring, is it not a kind of sorrow?"

All the children in the people, when someone is not doing the same, is out of place.

Here is a slave, at least out of ordinary life, at least to pursue personality, no one will have children in the ear.

The information is strong and the races can be borrowed.

This is not a slave to another way.

Only by its own strength can break everything.

The pear fruit was silent for a while, her clothes had been wetted by the line, some had turned black and red, and her long hair was moving, giving a thrilling sense of beauty.

"Maybe you are right." Pear fruit just said this, turned to the uncle and said calmly: "Please send me back."

Pear fruit's pretentious calm has no feeling for Uncle.

Whether she is really calm or pretending to be calm, no one cares.

Ning Shu said to the uncle: "When time is up, remember to let me go."

Uncle Tai did not pay attention to Ning Shu, took the pear fruit and left, where the pear fruit passed, there was blood dripping on the ground.

Being locked up in a place full of **** smell is a bit difficult.

Ning Shuzhen licked the strong kidney fruit in the corner, thinking about something that was not there.

I came back and forth and thought about the things about Pear Fruit. I just sighed.

Pear fruit is now in such awkward position, it is entirely self-satisfied, it will be so embarrassing.

After the strong kidney fruit is finished, Ning Shu has nothing to do, especially in the closed space, there is no sound, no silence.

In fact, this environment is the most torturous.

Ning Shu found things to do, wiped the blood stains clean, after all, is the place where she faces the wall, so **** and unsightly.

The blood was wiped clean, and Ning Shu had the turn to do nothing.

Even the system space can't be contacted, and the system can't be contacted. If you talk to Dan Qing, the time will soon pass.

Time is hard!

When is the uncle coming?

Ningshu tried to break through the space blockade, and the space law still needs to continue to feel, otherwise the individual can lock her up in the future, really no dignity!

I always feel that I have to go to jail in the future. I have a lot of feelings about the rules of space.

The law of space is really good!

This stuff is really hard to understand.

Ning Shu hit the wall once and again, hitting the wall again and again, it hurts.

Without such a hard space wall, the uncle must have compressed the space walls of one layer and then made such a firm space.

Do not wear holes.

Ning Shu is frustrated, and his own space law is difficult to understand, but the law of space is so powerful.

The law of others playing space is very slippery. It is as difficult to come to her as it is to eat.

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