The little mouse came to Ningshu and asked: "Whoever shut you here, I have been looking for a long time, and the taste is light."

Ning Shu has an ominous premonition in his heart. "What smell?"

Is the little mouse peeing on her body, and she has a small mouse urinary smell?

The little monkey is looking for someone like this.

Ning Shu finally changed from the urge to pull his teeth to a panic.

I rub!

Ning Shu noodles looked at the little mouse with no expression, and the little mouse said without hesitation: "With me for a long time, my body will always be contaminated with my pheromones."

"What is your expression? I told you that there are my pheromones on my body, and my people and subordinates will not attack you."

Ning Shu rolled his eyes. "Do you still have ethnic groups and subordinates?"

Ning Shu raised his arm and smelled it. He always felt that he had a strange smell on his body and a taste of a dead mouse.

She doesn't want to get the taste of a little mouse at all.

Oh, it’s disgusting!

"Can you give me this pheromone, what flavor did you give me?" The feeling is that he is walking on the road, a dog suddenly tilted back, and a feeling of urinating against her jeo.

It seems that the little mouse can perceive Li Wen, probably also the credit of pheromone.

This is a bit special... disgusting.

Ning Shu wants to jump to the pool and wash the taste of the soul.

Of course, if you jump down, you will be born. It is best to pour a little bit of water into the pool to best.

Ning Shu did not want to discuss the issue of pheromone and asked: "What are you doing for me?"

There is a little mouse here, maybe she can go out.

But the problem is going out, and maybe it will take a longer time next time.

The little mouse said: "Li Wen called you to go."

Ning Shu: "...How do you get in touch with Li Wen?"

The little mice are not in the system space, how can they contact Li Wen so far, is there any special contact between the two people?

But if there is a special contact, then why wasn't the Luffin connected to Li Wen for so long?

Little mouse: "I went to find her. You don't know where to go. I am bored in the system space alone. Danqing doesn't talk to me. I am really bored."

Ning Shu: ...

Danqing does not want to be mentally retarded.

It is her, she does not want to care about the little mice.

Ning Shu asked the space in his hand and asked: "What is Li Wen looking for?"

The little mouse directly said: "He let you take things in the past, and that energy body has been taken out."

Ning Shu was excited immediately, so fast.

It’s still that Li Wen’s work is reliable, and the words are counted, and she is given to her.

Just now she is still thinking about how to cultivate the goddess whip sister, now there is energy body, if the **** whip absorbs such sharp energy, it will definitely further.

But she is now confining, is it really good to go out now?

Ning Shu is a bit tangled.

Anyway, Ning Shu feels like he has been in space for a long time, but the time outside is not known.

Without the release of the uncle, if she ran, what would happen.

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse, and the little mouse took two steps back. "What is your look?"

Ning Shu said: "You hijacked me, I am innocent."

Little mouse:...

Neuropathy? !

Yes, it was the little mouse that hijacked her. Ning Shu said to the little mouse: "Next, I will go out and make a big hole."

The big mouse black bean big eyes turned and said: "Give me a world source, I will bite."

Hey, I also learned to rob the fire. Yes, good, IQ has improved, but have you thought about the consequences?

Ning Shu made a slamming sound from the nostrils, and looked at the little mouse with a blank expression.

Eat me with me, rely on my family, now let you do something, but also want benefits, about not enough hungry.

Ningshu decided to hungry for a few more years. He was so hungry that he could even eat glass **** and wood chips.

The little mouse also snorted. "You don't want energy, don't even forget."

Ning Shu pointed to the small hole of the size of the fist. "You roll, don't appear in front of me, don't rely on my system space, go with your Li Wen."

"The temper, now women are all going on, not like the girls in Li Wen's harem, gentle and considerate, talented, chess and calligraphy." The little mice feel that they are still not stunned, and the other party will blow up.

What woman.

Ning Shuhe sneered a sneer, "Your Li Wen is not an emperor, who is patient and waits."

That is the boss, the parents, the service industry, of course, to serve the food and clothing parents, and then promoted to raise salary, Ronghua wealth.

Li Wen is a beggar, gentle and considerate, talented, and the girl who plays chess and painting will not look at him more.

Therefore, there is no causal relationship at all.

Moreover, the little mouse has a rather narrow view of the woman's world, and he will only hold things with Li Wen's harem.

Perhaps at that time, the little mouse was the emperor's pet, and the harem scorpion must of course find ways to be good for the little mice, so that the impression of the woman in the little mouse is superficial.

Teach you to be a man today.

The little mouse said that he was rather a comfortable person, and his heart sighed against the space.

It turned out to be a small hole. Now it has become a dog hole. Ningshu climb is definitely able to climb out, but not willing.

"Bite bigger, I want to go out."

"I am tired, I don't want to bite." The little mouse is a fart. The stock sits on the ground. "It's too hard, sour."

Ok, she is jailbreak now, and jailbreak pays attention to what a good posture.

Ning Shu went down and climbed out of the dog hole in the upper body, but there was a pair of black shoes in front of him, and the eyes went up again, seeing black pants.

I don't want to guess the shoes, who is the owner of this pair of pants.

Ning Shu silently returned to the hole, and the little mouse was still wondering: "Don't do it, what are you going to climb back?"

"I still can't go, Li Wen is still waiting?"

Ning Shu shouted loudly: "Well, you are a dead mouse, actually hijacking me and threatening me."

Little mouse:...

Is it nerve? !

Ning Shu crazy to the little mouse to wink, the little mouse is very helpless said: "This space wall is really hard, so much worse for the teeth, it will be such a big hole."

Ning Shu: ...

I would like to see what my teammates can be stupid.

It’s fatal.

Why do the little mice have so many operations?

Uncle did not come in, just sealed the hole and did not speak.

Now it is time to lock up the little mice.

Ning Shu is attached to the wall of the space. He wants to hear if the uncle is walking, but there is no sound outside.

Maybe it is gone, maybe the space wall is isolated from the sound.

Ning Shu sat down in the corner.

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