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If you want to do what you want to do, the following people will perform meticulously, even at their own expense.

Li Wen probably has no such subordinates and loyalty in this life.

However, the king of this race is very good to Li Wen, and he is full of satisfaction.

The little mouse thought about it and said, "I feel it, I don't like it."

“Why do you feel this way?” Ning Shu is a bit surprised.

"He always stands on the bow deck and stares at my people."

Ning Shu: "...I guess what he thinks is, don't say anything, the ruthless rivers and mountains are dead."

Little mouse: "...What do you mean?"

Ning Shu shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't mean anything, you bite."

The little mouse suddenly got up and his face was gone, his furry face was so distorted that his eyes could not be seen.

"The tooth hurts, don't bite, that person is a pervert, nothing to compress the space wall into such a way, can't bite."

An ordinary piece of paper is nothing, but five sheets of paper are a bit hard, it is still relatively easy, but a thousand sheets of paper, it must be biting.

Ning Shu: ...

Her chances of going out are even smaller.

Do you really have to pay a fine?

I don't want to?

The things that are in hand are still not hot to give to others, rely on Mao?

Then slowly, I feel slowly.

The little mouse smoked his nose and, like the dog, climbed to Ningshu and kept sniffing. "What energy do you have, so incense?"

Ning Shu said directly: "No."

Let's talk about the two energies of pear fruit.

The little mouse screamed: "I can't, I obviously smell it, what good things you have hidden."

Ning Shu said coldly: "No."

The little mouse anxiously turned around Ningshu, sniffing and sniffing.

Ning Shu annoyed, directly separated the small mouse by the space wall, the small mouse bite the mouth, and quickly bite the hole.

Ning Shu has also compressed the space wall to separate.

In order to eat it bit by bit, the little mouse does not care about direct teeth, and bite hard. Ning Shu uses the little mouse as a test piece to verify his own sentimental results.

The little mouse finally stopped before the tooth decay, and looked at Ning Shu with tears, you are ruthless and unreasonable.

Ning Shu has learned to compress the space wall and fold the space wall layer by layer.

Well, the truth understands, but how can we break through the layers of space?

It’s too difficult for ordinary people to walk through the wall out of thin air.

It seems that the house will be repaired. Now I have to demolish the house.

So still need violence.

Is it a brick and a brick to be demolished, when will it be removed?

Ning Shu has no way, only the most stupid way, find the location of a space node, and then step on it.

I don't know if there is any enchantment in the uncle. When I was throwing Zheng Qing in the imaginary, I could use the enchantment to buckle.

I hope she does not have the treatment of Zhengqing.

Ning Shu is like a draw line to make a hole.

This is a rather boring and boring process.

When did she break open directly?

However, the law of feeling space has been refined. With the passage of time, there are different sentiments.

Slowly come to worry.

The little mouse looked at Ning Shu and ignored himself, and did not let it close, and began to wake up and sleep.

I completely forgot that Li Wen said that he was waiting for them.

Ning Shu took out the last piece of diamond and finally saw it worn.

Finally I have to see the sky again, and finally escaped successfully.

Ning Shu releases his mental strength and carefully tests whether there is any enchantment outside. If there is an enchantment, the uncle will definitely feel it.

Tried for a while, no?

Probably the uncle doesn't think she can run out.

Ning Shu stepped on the little mouse, and the little mouse opened his eyes and saw a hole. Wow, "How do you do it."

"Of course it depends on the brain, you won't understand."

Ning Shu climbed out of the dog hole, the little mouse followed, and the space, Ning Shu immediately returned to the system space, and snorted.

Free air.

System Danqing: "... is this okay?"

You come out, but you still wear sin.

Ning Shu spread his hands indiscriminately, waiting for her to get the energy body.

Ning Shu took the rope and gave a cry and said, "Let's go to Li Wen."

The little mouse hated the collar of the neck, and I rubbed it.

He tried to take this thing down many times and could not get it.

Ning Shu and the little mouse came to the black hole before the black hole, and the whole city felt a little different from the second.

I can't say where it is different. I feel that these machines seem to be oily and cool, and they seem to have been repaired.

Is Li Wen already controlling the city?

When they saw them coming in, these machines did not attack.

About Li Wen really controlled the city pivot.

Without these mechanical obstacles, Ningshu and the little mice quickly reached the sword-shaped building of the city heart, passing through the wall and then trailing to the highest level.

As soon as I walked in to see the energy body of the rock formation, the energy reflected was very sharp.

But the protective cover around the energy body is still there.

Li Wen has not yet opened the protective cover, how to call her over.

Ning Shu licks the ears of the little mouse. "It's not that you want to see Li Wen, so I lie to me."

The little mouse screamed and struggled with his limbs. "No, I want to see what Li Wen is doing with you. You are sick."

Ning Shu: ...

It’s actually nothing to say, it seems to be such a rational.

So you can't stay with the little mice for a long time, or the IQ is suddenly unstable.

Li Wen came out, not wearing a white coat, but a thick protective suit with a weird weapon in his hand.

Ning Shu let go of the ears of the little mouse and asked Li Wen: "I am now a brother, do you have a way to open the protective cover?"

"Yes, for the time being, you can control the city for two hours. It is still possible to open this shield."

Li Wen opened the glass to change the passport, a huge sharpness seems to be able to destroy the power of the world from the gap of the passport to spew out.

Like the oncoming waves of the sky, the soul of Ningshu is shaved.

I am going, is this power so strong?

Ningshu has a bit of instability, not to mention Li Wen, who is close to the energy body, like a sailboat that has to be turned over at any time.

Li Wen estimates that this power is also a bit small.

Ningshu was difficult to move towards Li Wen. In this case, the station was unstable and how to cut the energy body.

Ning Shu used to help Li Wen stabilize his body shape and let Li Wen cut it.

But the closer to the energy body, the stronger the repulsive force felt.

Like the rejection of the negative pole of the magnet and the negative pole, I feel that I can't get close.

Li Wen:...

The helmet through the protective cover can see the expression of Li Wenxi.

Calling people over, the result is this! !

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