This girl is so good that she climbed out of her stomach. Although she has no blood relationship with her, the fate is here.

And still accept the things of this Shantou mother, still have to do something.

Just relax and relax.

So many years, why bother? Now that all the things have been done, will the rest of life not be too boring?

It seems that her sister is not appropriate.

Ning Shu thought about it and said, "You still call me."

The little girl snorted and nodded.

The other party is an elder and naturally says what it is.

"Yao Niang, she is called Yao Niang."

Ning Shu felt like she had asked her name before, and said to her, "I didn't seem to be the name last time?"

As for the name, Ning Shu does not remember.

I looked at Ning Shu with a contemptuous look. "The name was not good before, so I went out for a walk and gave the child a nice name."

Well, as the **** mother who is not responsible for the pickpocket, Ning Shu is not qualified to question the embarrassment.

Take a sentence, at that time, where are you?

Ning Shu became a dumb gun.

"Yao Niang, you don't take any medicine, I am going to heal him. When he is gone, let's start retreating." Ning Shu said to Yao Niang.

"When the cultivation is done, I will take you to the rivers and lakes."

"Okay." Yao Niang showed a pure and happy smile.

Ning Shu walked into the room and glanced at the man on the bed. He took out a few pieces of Lingshi and arranged a gathering of spirits to absorb the surrounding aura.

Since it is a practitioner, the body naturally absorbs the surrounding aura.

Yao Niang looked at it curiously.

The cheats of this man's cultivation are a bit special. Even in the coma, the body whales around the aura, and the face is much better at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Yao Niang’s expression was very surprised. Chao Ningshu said: “Uncle said that people who practice outside can fly in the sky, very powerful.”

"Your uncle is right, when there is no absolute strength guarantee, can't you just run outside and know?" Ning Shu quickly gave Yao Niang a concept that the world is very dangerous.

When the cold dust woke up, I found two women at the bedside, one ice muscle jade bone, the eyebrows with eyebrow makeup, and the clothes with bare shoulders and waist. He had never seen any woman wearing such style clothes.

Looking at himself condescendingly, his eyes were a little indifferent.

And next to the girl, youthful breath, wearing a long skirt, the eyes are pure and curious.

Two beautiful women.

The lips were chapped and I couldn't help but stick out my tongue. Head. Hey. He whispered and said, "Can you give me some water?"

He was able to feel the rich aura around him, and he was a little shocked and full of aura.

In the Zongmen, only the inner door can be cultivated in such a rich and aura.

Absorbing the aura, the silky aura enters the body to nourish the dry body.

"Good." Yao Niang immediately went to the cold dust, and the cold dust struggled to sit up.

With this cold woman watching him around, he can't really let this little girl feed himself.

"Is you saving me back, thank you for your help."

Ning Shu said faintly: "It doesn't matter, you have a better taste."

The cold dust suddenly caught, this is what I mean, want to eat him?

The wound on the cold dust gradually healed, revealing the original face, very handsome, and the forehead has a hair hanging down, which makes it even more chic.

Even Yao Niang couldn't help but look at Ning Shu strangely. Isn't it like a uncle, it is a beast.

Anyway, uncle is that he is a beast.

But the uncle always despise human beings as two-legged monsters, but he never said that he would eat humans. This monk actually wants to eat humans.

Ning Shu showed a smile of harmony. "Just kidding, how can I eat people?"

"Yao Niang, it's time to have lunch, what do you want to eat?" He climbed in and spit.

The cold dust on the bed bulged the drums, and a blood-red snake spoke like a big snake.

I heard that the spirit beast has the same intelligence as human beings.

"Hey, two feet blame, are you awake?" 蚯蚓 squirming body climbed to the bed.

To be honest, the cold dust has never seen such a disgusting beast, but watching the other two women are calm, and of course he can not reveal a disgusting expression.

"Wake up, thank you for your help." The dust felt that these three are spirit beasts.

Two adult-shaped spirit beasts, one that is not yet adult, but speaks very smoothly, and obviously has already been wise.

"Nothing, it is that Yao Niang brought you back. Although I hate two feet, but..."

"More words, go to cook." Ning Shu interrupted.

The cold dust saw this creepy cockroach go indignantly, already low, it seems that the strongest here is this woman.

To be honest, she dresses up like this, her shoulders are leaking out, and her two thin arms are swaying out, thin shoulders and lines, so people don't dare to look at it.

Even the woman in the brothel did not dare to wear it, but she did not wear the glamour of the woman in the brothel, but she did not dare to give birth to her heart.

When did this forest have such a powerful beast?

It’s so uncomfortable that the cold dust is like a needle felt.

The cold dust snorted. He snorted and lay down, pretending to be uncomfortable, avoiding the gaze of two women.

Mom, don't look at it.

There are big and big charms, small and small and pure, and there are few such beautiful women in Zongmen.

The slightly talented girls in Zongmenli have eyes on their skulls.

And it is still a beast, and the body is full of mystery.

Ning Shu: ...

Looking at the trough, what eyes are they looking at?

Is the brain in the scene of yy mother and daughter flying?

Ning Shu encountered a lot of stallions, what sisters, the emperor, and the mother and daughter.

Ning Shu wants to buckle this blind eye.

When the cold dust rubbed his eyes and confronted her eyes, she felt a pain in her eyes and felt like she was going to be paralyzed.

So the cold dust did not dare to read more, and quickly closed his eyes.

Oh, it’s so ridiculous.

I don’t think so much when I look at it in a big way. If I look at it, my eyes will open immediately, and I can’t tell the wretchedness.

Do you think you are a little girl shy?

"Yao Niang, come with me." Ning Shu is ready to teach Yao Niang peerless martial arts.

The secret of peerless martial arts does not pick the roots, and the upper limit is very high.

Although the name dog is a little bit, it can't be used.

When to give a resounding name to the peerless martial arts, and it is a name that is earth-shattering and resounding through the void.

Well, the name has to be thought out.

Ning Shu let Yao Niang sit on the plate and tell her the practice method of peerless martial arts.

Then she arranged a gathering of spirits around her, and it was surrounded by Lingshi.

Sorry, Lingshi is more willful.

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