He is looking for the master, the woman, and still beautiful, if it is a practitioner, it is better.

The cultivator's body is better than the average woman's body and gives more power.

Two of the best women appeared today, and the command of the master came over.

Just did not think of sailing.

There is only one man who doesn't look very strong. There is almost no aura fluctuation in the two women.

It doesn't look very powerful, it can be solved with a little charm.

This kind of fragrance is specially made, even if a woman who has been cultivated does not consciously inhale this fragrance.

Because of the aura, the practitioner's body is very eager for the aura, and will be absorbed by the body when the person is not aware.

Ordinary women have no way to detect them.

He couldn't figure out why these people didn't use the trick.

This is too ferocious to control the entire inn.

Otherwise, how can you call it?

Cold dust is also very surprised, looking at Ning Shu, she arranged the enchantment.

Not an enchantment, but she blocked the space in this room, and any movement inside could not be heard, and could not enter.

Enchantment does not necessarily have such an effect, and the enchantment will be broken.

But the space wall is not so easy to break.

When she is sitting in white!

"I was wrong, forgive me." This knee is very soft, and he kneels down and asks for mercy.

"I don't dare any more, I don't dare." A big man cried in a scary way, his nose and tears were down, very pitiful.

Oh, it’s too boneless.

He cried and observed the expressions of these people, and found that these people were all indifferent, but the young girl showed an unbearable color.

The man grabbed the hope of life and started from Yao Niang.

"Sorry, I am wrong, it is my fascination, I will not do such a thing again, I can lick my hand."

"Give me a chance to change."

It is quite appropriate for a strong man to use his wrist.

Yao Niang was a little cramped, her lips moved, she didn't speak, and Yao Niang, who had never encountered such a thing, was very upset.

I don't know what to do with it.

The man continued to work hard and bit his teeth and said: "I can lick one hand and one leg, give me a chance, beg you."

Ning Shu just looked at the man’s performance, and the cold dust felt that he was not qualified to speak and closed his mouth.

The trick is to look at it with sarcasm. The nature of the two feet is like this.

It is chilling to make evil.

Regardless of the murder of other creatures, it is not a soft thing to ruin your own compatriots.

I don’t think it’s necessary to bring Yao Niang out and let Yao Niang live in the mountains.

Come out with these dirty human beings, and sooner or later they will become dirty.

The dead woman is too annoying, but also deliberately brought people out, so that Yao Niang's body is stained with human filth.

For a time, only a man in the house played a one-man show, and one person mourned and mourned.

"Hey, have you made a mistake and haven't changed your chance?" Yao Niang asked Ningshu.

"Yes, I have to see what mistakes I made, and some mistakes are not qualified."

Ning Shu said: "Girl, I will take you to see some things."

Ning Shu grabbed Yao Niang, prepared space to jump into a room, ready to take her to see something exciting.

"Where are you going, go together, are you going to do it?" He looked at Ningshu with trepidation, just like the old hen of the Guardian.

"Well, together, take him with him and see if his mistakes are correct."

Ningshu directly arranged a space channel. After all, there are many people, and the space treaty is not good.

At the same time, these people are invisible and avoid being discovered at the time.

I am too lazy to listen to the man for mercy, and the vines reach into the man's mouth.

"come in."

Ning Shu walked in front, dragging the man away, Yao Niang quickly followed, and climbed to Yao Niang's shoulder.

The cold dust hesitated a bit, and followed up, my heart was horrified, what is this means?

I heard that flying in the sky, but it is unheard of to build a passage out of thin air.

Soon they appeared in a room, they didn't see anything, and the tip of the nose smelled a sticky smell.

There is a smell in the sweetness, and there is a gasping sound in the ear.

The pain of a woman's painful repression.

Yao Niang squinted and looked at one of the beds. A young man was tormenting a woman and doing something unspeakable.

The woman’s expression was so painful that the entire face was distorted.

It is hard to imagine how painful women have suffered.

I quickly used my tail to look at Yao Niang's eyes. Tai Nima was disgusting.

"Oh..." The man made a sound from his throat, trying to remind the master that someone was watching his living **** palace.

Han Chen feels that he has experienced countless moments in a day. As a man, when he sees such a scene, he will inevitably react and stand silently behind.

What makes the cold dust horrified is the means of Ningshu, so that the room has come to the room and has not been found.

The cold and awe of the heart is even heavier.

You can kill people when you raise your hand. You have to be so tossed. You just want to teach Yao Niang.

What to do, I want to hold my thighs.

The man on the bed became more and more diligent, changing various postures and tormenting the woman to death.

At the last moment, a painful voice was heard, and then the breathing became weaker and weaker.

The man slowly put on his clothes and did not look at the woman who died in bed.

Sighing and letting go of the tail, Yao Niang saw the woman on the bed screaming and suddenly alerted Song Shaozhu.

"Who, come out?" He has already set up an enchantment, how could someone come in, "Come out."

Yao Niang licked her mouth. The horror of the woman on the bed exceeded the image of Yao Niang. Before, she was still a young and beautiful woman. Now she has become dry, and the smooth skin has become crumpled and wrinkled.

Opened his mouth, like a dry corpse, the skin lost all the water, just like the bark.

Too challenging the world view.

Ning Shu said: "Do you think the mistakes made by this thief have the right to correct?"

"If he is qualified, why is the woman lying on the bed so innocent, is this fair to the woman on the bed?"

Yao Niang grinned and shook her head in tears, too challenging the world view.

Now Yao Yao’s little pity is not affected by such a scene.

"Who is, come out." Song Shaozhu only heard someone talking, not a person, but he could not see anyone.

Don't look at Song Shaozhu is called the young master, but in fact, he is very old. Now he looks like a young man. It is a year of life, especially from a woman.

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