Estimated that the treasure has run out of sight, suddenly exploded, and then ran as if burning the butt.

These monks are going to give up the land of the Zixia Mountain.

It is estimated that it has been a long time.

It seems that it is difficult to find this treasure.

The cold dust asked: "Can you find treasures?"

Ning Shu rolled his eyes. "How do I know, when I am a god?"

Cold dust: Is it not God?

Red demon girl!

Demon girl!


The demon is still very godful!

Yao Niang did not care about any treasures at all. She said: "If we still go back."

She thought it was out to play happily, buy things to buy gifts, but did not expect to encounter this thing.

Ning Shu said: "When it comes out, why are you going back so quickly? The next time I don't know when I can come, so I have to cherish this opportunity."

And I don't know what kind of treasure is, I am a bit curious, I just want to see this treasure. As for whether I can get it, Ning Shu is very Buddhist, and I don't care.

Yao Niang: ...


I want to go home.

Ning Shu used the mental power to scan the purple summer mountain over and over again. In addition to opening the purple summer mountain, Ningshu expanded the mental power and expanded the surrounding area of ​​the purple summer mountain.

The entire purple summer mountain is intertwined with all kinds of gods, and the practitioners are looking for treasures.

When the treasure is lighted up, it disappears without a trace. It is suspected that there is no treasure in the purple summer mountain.

The carpet-style search failed to search out, and the news that there is a treasure in Zixiashan is almost a fake news.

Some practitioners' faces are not good-looking, they waste time and they don't have any gains.

If you don't find any treasures, but if you find other treasures, you can't find them.

There is no better medicine.

waste time.

Ningshu continues to expand his mental strength. Anyway, the sea of ​​consciousness has the spiritual power of condensing into a star, such as the net weaving, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

A small green spot was found in one place, and this green dot represents vitality.

And the distance from the Purple Summer Mountain is already very far.

If this little green dot is a treasure, then this treasure is really running very fast and moving very fast.

No wonder there is nothing in Zixiashan.

Hey, this is simply the suppression of IQ. Everyone knows that they have to run, and these practitioners are still looking for their place.

IQ is worrying!

It is estimated that the practitioners feel that the treasures have no ingenuity, and at most, they are the most talented treasures of the heavens, and they will definitely stay in the same place.

Tiancai Dibao is not easy, and it takes a lot of time to grow up.

Ning Shu said: "Now the space is going to jump, and it is tight."

He asked: "Looking for something small?"

"There is something that looks quite like, you can go find it." Ning Shu started the space jump directly.

The cold dust has not yet reacted, and I feel that my current state is very strange, just like falling from the sky, the surrounding scene is blurred.

He wants to vomit.

Fast parking, he wants to get off.

Jumping in several consecutive spaces, once stopped, Yao Niang and the cold dust all supported the tree and wowed.

I am so sad that Yao Niang, "I don't feel bad, come drink some water."

Yao Niang took the water bag and licked her mouth. The cold dust looked at the cockroach and wanted to drink some water.

He glanced at him. "It’s too shameful for a big man to spit it out."

Very double standard!

Cold dust: ...

Isn't a man a human?

The cold dust does not expect to get water from the temperamental beast, to the surrounding stream, licking a little water, and looking up to see a radish on the opposite side of the stream.

White chubby, radish with forked legs, green on the head.

Cold dust rubbed your eyes, radish?

He is afraid of an illusion.

The radish found the cold dust, and the radish with two forked radishes ran away, jumping and running very fast.

The cold dust has not yet reacted, and the radish runs without a shadow.

Ginseng, cold dust has never seen such a huge ginseng, and it looks so white and tender.

How to look is radish, tender and tender.

"What is that?" asked the cold dust to Ningshu.

Ningshu has extended a lot of vines to trace the radishes, while using the space law to lock the radishes.

Ning Shu said very calmly: "The refined water radish."

Cold dust: ヽ(●-`Д'-)ノ

The radish looked fat, and ran fast in the mountains, jumping and jumping from one treetop to another.

A flexible fat man, avoiding vines.

Ning Shu extended his hand, and the hand seemed to cross a long distance and grabbed the radish directly.

The radish was soft, screaming, biting in Ningshu’s hand.

The cold dust saw the radish in the hands of Ningshu, and suddenly wanted to smash it directly. Nima, how did this happen? The thief chicken was terrible.

What is this means?

Is it shrinking into size?

Mom, the red demon woman is even more terrible than the rumors, but also mysterious.

"Catch, what is this treasure?" He looked at the radish, "it looks ugly."

The crow said that the pig was black.

Ning Shu was bitten by the radish, and there was some confusion in his heart, and the feeling of irritability seemed to have a fire in his heart.

Ning Shu’s heart meditation on the curse of the heart, suppressing this irritating feeling, and turning the radish in his hand over and over.

The cold dust next to it has already turned red, away from Ning Shu and Yao Niang.

Now he has an evil thought in his heart and wants to do bad things for two girls.

Ning Shu picked up his eyebrows, "Spring. Medicine. Fine?"


Yao Niang: ...

Cold dust:! ! !

Is there such a natural treasure in the world? !

She is a soul, no flesh. The body is actually affected.

Or this thing is a hook. It leads to the evil thoughts, evil thoughts, and greed in the hearts of people.

"I am not a spring medicine. I am just able to keep fit. Men take a bite of gold. Guns. No. Down." The radish suddenly began to open, and then regretted why he wanted to say so.

Ning Shu: ...

Cold dust: ...

Yao Niang: ...

I really want to go home now.

What are these things, and the outside world is so hard to understand?

Ning Shu snorted, "It turned out to be kidney."

If you want to use radish to make alchemy, it is simply the gospel of men in the world.

I don't quite understand why this world has to produce such a wonderful thing.

Is there too many men in this world, so gave birth to such a thing to save the world man?

I am afraid not.

This thing can seduce the negative things in the heart, and the attack means a bit interesting.

The air became hotter and hotter, as the man's cold dust was the most affected, his face was flushed, and he snorted, directly spouting nosebleeds, and quickly licking his nose! !

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