Yao Niang still can't stand the temptation of the flower world. As for the Zongmen life, it is not important for Yao Niang.

However, I was still a little curious about Zongmen life. I was asking about the cold dust on the Zongmen.

The cold dust honestly told Yao Niang that there is competition in the Zongmen, there are intrigues, there are oppression and oppression, and unfair things abound.

Everything speaks with strength.

There are rivers and lakes in some places, and there are contradictions in rivers and lakes.

When Yao Niang heard it, she suddenly lost her longing for Zongmen life. It sounded like she was not comfortable in the deep forest.

Yao Niang asked, "Why do you want to join the Zongmen?"

Cold dust...

This is really a bit of a fire, and it feels like why you don’t eat meat.

There is no food, so why not eat meat.

Han Chen took a look at Ningshu and said, “When you join the Zongmen, you can get the exercises, get the secrets of cultivation, get resources, and there is no white lunch under the sun.”

Not everyone has a chance to be strong. Even if they have talent, if there is no one to guide and no resources, they will be wasted their talents and become an ordinary person.

After a hundred years, it became a flaw.

Like a Yao Niang, there are powerful people guarding them. They don’t understand the bitterness of loneliness and loneliness.

Yao Niang is the flower of the greenhouse, and some people care for someone to care for.

It is impossible to say no envy.

Yao Niang sighed, there was no other feeling, let the cold dust want to vomit blood.

Oh, someone hurts is good.

The cold dust said to Ning Shu; "Let's go back?"

"Of course." Since it is necessary to travel thousands of miles, of course, it is necessary to come out with one footprint and one footprint.

Cold dust "...but if you really use your feet, you can't catch up with the big ceremony."

The world is very vast, and the practitioners are flying in the sky. Wherever they really walk on their legs like ordinary people, ordinary people have to use horses to travel.

Ning Shu, "Let's hurry up and pause in the lively place."

Ningshu took two people to jump directly into the space, and a few jumps could jump to the town or the city.

With the strength of the cold dust, it is still unable to adapt to the discomfort caused by the space jump. Every time it stops, it is dizzy, and I don’t know where I am.

Who am I, where am I, what happened?

This position has been changing, so that the worry-free ancestors who are looking for Ningshu are just wanting to marry her.

The mark is just crazy, it will appear here, it will appear there, it will be very fast, what is special about it.

The grandson’s name card has been broken into pieces and he can’t die anymore.

First, I went to the Zixia Mountain, collected the body of my grandson, and saw the hole in the grandson. I can imagine how much pain I suffered during my lifetime.

This mark jumped very fast, and it was here for a while and then ran to another city.

Almost in the blink of an eye, something can be so fast.

The worry-free ancestor felt that he was being shit, and chased the mark and ran far.

The last mark finally stopped.

All the factions of the various factions gathered in Yucheng, where they recruited disciples. This is the time when the most lively time in Yucheng.

People from all over the world, including the royal family, will come to Zongmen to enroll.

"Wow, a lot of people, the clothes on that person are so weird." Yao Niang’s eyes are not enough to look at, looking around, lingering like a sparrow.

A variety of fresh things bought a big bag.

As a man, the cold dust is of course a person who wants to mention something, and his hand is full of things.

Yao Niang buys food, eats nothing at all, and all the rest are stuffed for cold dust.

The cold dust feels really painful.

In the end, it is a big city. Ning Shu and Yao Niang’s faces are not conspicuous here. People who see them have the most eyes.

Probably the enrollment is imminent and I don't want to cause trouble.

The inn is naturally full, and I can't live at all. I can only sleep on the street.

However, the cold dust found a small yard for Ningshu and his party. Although it is very small, there is a place to rest. In a city full of people, it is not easy to find such a small single-family house.

Ning Shu gave the best dust stone of more than ten pieces of cold dust. It was regarded as the care of the cold dust during this time, and it was poorly given to Yao Niang as a servant.

Some of the cold dust received the Lingshi in a flattering manner. At first glance, it is the best spiritual stone. It has a pure and rich aura, and it is a surprise.

The most important thing is that this thing is given by the red demon girl, the red demon girl.

Did not die in the hands of the red demon girl, the red demon woman gave him something.

“Thank you for your predecessors, thank you for your predecessors.” The best stone is hard to come by, and it has given more than ten pieces.

Ning Shu said with a cold voice, "You are familiar with this place, and take Yao Yao out to play."

"Okay." The cold dust now does not dare to have any intentions for these two beautiful women.

He wants to live.

"Who killed the grandson and grandson, and rolled out." A thunderous roar rang through the whole city.

Everyone raised their heads and saw a black spot on the horizon. The black spots were getting bigger and bigger, and they soon appeared in the sky above Yucheng, suspended in the sky above Yucheng.

"It is a worry-free ancestor."

"The worry-free ancestors are not retreating for a long time, how come out."

"The killing of the grandson, Song Shaozhu was killed."

"Who is so daring."

The worry-free ancestors are very hot-hearted, making one hand poisonous, playing poisonous people, that is even poisoning themselves, testing various poisons on their own bodies.

Some people say that if the worry-free ancestors die, the place where the corpse is located will not be born.

It can be seen that the worry-free ancestors are poisonous, poisoning such things hurts others, and the worry-free ancestors use their poisons to damage their bodies, so the children are thin.

The son is a human being who can't cultivate. The only thing that contends is to have a good-natured grandson.

The worry-free ancestors used their grandson as their own ancestors. Now that the grandson is gone, I can imagine how angry I am.

No one is willing to provoke a worry-free ancestor. After all, being stared by a poisonous person, the means are still unpredictable, and it is as thorny as it is, and it is not safe.

No one knows what Song Shaozhu’s actions are. Of course, I know, and I’m still so mixed, I haven’t been killed yet, it’s because of my worry-free ancestors.

The Song of the Song Dynasty is dead, this is a good thing for Tianda, at least not worry about his sister, or the sisters of Zongmen.

Everyone is curious who is so courageous to dare to kill Song.

All the factions stationed in Yucheng have entered a state of preparedness, and they are afraid that the worry-free ancestors will run away, and the whole city will suffer.

If the person who killed the Song Dynasty Lord was in the city, he would hand over the man, so as not to harm the entire city, and the recruitment of disciples would be hindered.

Ning Shu snorted, and some surprised to pick a brow, actually caught up here.

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