He is the double standard of the red fruit. He allows himself to say that he wants to eat the worry-free ancestors, or in front of the Yao Niang.

But Yao Niang is not allowed to say that she wants to kill a bad person.

It is not human, but there is human straight male cancer.

Ning Shu wants to turn his eyes.

Ask others with the standards of saints and ask yourself with the standards of deaf people.

Ning Shu Chao Yao Niang asked: "How do you want to deal with him?"

Yao Niang shook her head. "I don't know. Anyway, I only know that he can't live."

As for how to die, Yao Niang’s knowledge is still too little.

The worry-free ancestors in the space can hear clearly and clearly.

I feel like I have to be arranged.

The worry-free ancestors now regret very much, but they are not regretting coming to trouble, but regretting too much impulsiveness. They rushed over to find trouble without being prepared.

I should know that I know that there is such a woman, if I know that there is such a woman, he will certainly not provoke, only kill the disciples of Taibaizong.

And only his body has a mark, indicating that the grandson only wants to kill him.

Obviously, the grandson also knows that real revenge is hopeless, so pick a soft persimmon.

In fact, it is not a soft persimmon, at least a disciple of Taibaizong. It can also pull Taibaizong into the water. If Taibaizong wants things to end, he must pay something.

The big bleeding sent people away.

Should not be so impulsive.

The worry-free old ancestors repented.

It is also the sorrowful ancestors of these years who are used to it. No one dares to provoke a poison. So I have developed the first virtue of Lao Tzu in the world. I have encountered this kind of thing, and you have to bear the Mahal Gobi directly.

Killing Laozi’s grandson, I still want to be better. I still don’t roll over and let Laozi kill.

Therefore, he was born in a worry and died in peace, and he was reflected in the worry-free ancestors.

The worry-free ancestors can't break the enchantment by exhausting the means. They can't help but be decadent. When they hear the discussion from outsiders, they feel that the whole person is not good.

Ning Shu said: "Do not care about her first, let's watch the fun."

Yao Niang said faintly: "Hey, I am afraid that someone else will see us."

I’ve gotten such a thing, people in the city probably know them, and they have to be stared at wherever they go. It’s people who watch their excitement, not because they watch the excitement.

I don’t think it’s a worry.

In the future, he refused to go out with the shackles and refused to write in capital.

Ning Shu thought about it and said: "It is also good. If this is not the case, no one will come to us for trouble without looking at it."

"Do you want to join a sect?" asked Ning Shu Yao Yao.

"Still forget it, I like to stay in the mountains." It was really too messy outside, and Yao Niang didn't like it.

There are many things in people.

Ning Shu said: "If you don't join, you have to be controlled. It's good to be free."

"Let's eat some delicious food in this city, then go to other places and turn around."

"Also turn?" Yao Niang frowned.

Ning Shu nodded. "Of course, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Where can I get there? Then I will take you to the endless void, where there is more and more boundless."

Yao Niang is lame, no, I don't, I don't mean no...

The cold dust is listening to the envy. Yao Niang is the child of other people's family. Some people hurt people and some people teach.

What good things are sent to her, not to eat the fireworks, watching pure and beautiful.

If you can live like this, who is willing to make yourself bitter, anyone willing to live a beautiful and relaxing day.

It is really important to have a thigh.

If he has a golden thigh like a red enchantress, he must wake up when he dreams.

Ning Shu took a picture of Yao Niang’s shoulder. “It’s still too little to know. Do you know what world is outside this world?”

Yao Niang numb face, "I don't know."

Ning Shu: "Reincarnation of the world is all about the world of the soul. After the death of the soul, the soul will return to that world."

"Hell?" Yao Niang suddenly asked in surprise.

Ning Shu nodded. "It can be said that you still have a lot of things you haven't seen yet. Never stop."

The world outside is more colorful, the stars and the sea!

Reincarnation of the world, hundreds of millions of faces, the void, the law of the sea, just think about how amazing the world is.

How fascinating and beautiful.

Those who are tireless in pursuit of beauty.

Yao Niang’s face is also awkward. “Wow, that’s really amazing.”

Dinner was sent by the city of Yucheng, very rich.

Since people have sent the rice over, it is natural to keep people here to eat.

The city owner also gave Yao Niang a small gift. It is a pet. It is white, like a rabbit and not a rabbit. It is quite suitable for girls.

It is about treating Yao Niang as a prostitute.

Yao Niang: ...

In the wild forests of the mountains, there are not many other things, and many animal beasts see more.

Even the furry and cute rabbits have seen a lot, cute is cute, and more immunity is seen.

But still thank the city owner for the gift, the city of the city of the city sent a cold dust, a spiritual device such a thing needs a spiritual master to build.

There is no one under the cold dust mites. As a foreign disciple of the sect, the thing like the genius is not with him.

Suddenly got such a valuable thing, the cold dust little family did not know whether the connection should not be accepted.

Obviously, the owner of Yucheng City felt that he had a close relationship with Ningshu, so he gave him a gift.

But he knows that they have nothing to do with him. Is it really good for him to use this instrument?

The cold dust is very heart-warming, but I also care about Ning Shu, I can only look at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu said casually: "If you give it to you, you will accept it. The elders will not give up."

"Yes." The city owner also nodded.

"Thank you for the city owner." The cold dust took his hands and the hands were a little trembling.

The first spiritual instrument in life, and it was sent by the city of Yucheng. In the past, such a character could not be seen far away. Now it is close to contact and has received a gift.

I really want to hold my thigh, he is willing to give Yao Yao something.

The city of Yucheng did not really stay for dinner. After leaving the gift, he was leaving. Before leaving, he asked Ning Shu how he planned to deal with worry-free old people.

The worry-free ancestors are really too poisonous. Even if they die, the body can pollute a big one.

The meaning of the city owner of Yucheng is to say that even if you want to kill, don't kill it here, or the whole city will be polluted.

Ning Shu just said: "I won't let him die so fast."

The cold back of the main city of Yucheng City is probably a torment.

Before the worry-free ancestors clamored to make people tortured to death, it is better to die than to die.

The city of Yucheng naturally does not ask the Father to plead for the worry-free ancestors, they have no friendship, and they will offend a strong person.

The defeat of Cheng Wang is now very obvious. He wants to speak without knowing what to do.

Stupids will not do such a thing.

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