Chapter 3603 The Devil

Is this a jealousy?

Touching porcelain?

Hard to say that it’s so embarrassing with the uncle?

Ning Shu: "→_→, it is really no good."

Pear fruit: "Leave me away."

Ning Shu transferred the topic, "How long do you want to purify."

"It takes a while, the time will not be short, and I don't know how much time it will take." Pear is also afraid that Ningshu will take care of the borrowing and answer the question of Ningshu.

"This way." Then she is leaving, can't stay here all the time to see the pear fruit, they purify the law sea.

It is better to go to the baby, to do the task, or to deal with the star stone.

She is not here to keep the situation in the law sea better.

Ning Shu said: "Then you cheer, I am gone."

Ning Shu glanced at the uncle with pity eyes, and the superiority of the eternal life to those who are about to be fart.

The blue ribs of the uncle's forehead jumped, and the mother's mental retardation.

Ning Shu patted his **** and went back to the system space.

The little mouse lie on the sofa and feels awkward.

Ning Shu said: "Okay, let's go find the baby."

The little mouse looked at Ning Shu with amazement. "Are you a devil?"

It's all like this, let him go to the void.

The void is so dangerous, it must go all out. How can she go to the void in this state?

Do you have to squeeze it like this?

It can be uncomfortable now.

The little mouse has a drum and a drum, and the beards on both sides of the gang have shaken, the eyes are crystal clear, and the tears are coming out.

Don't mention more wrongs.

Ning Shu: "...What are you crying?"

"Is it so stinky, are you crying?" Ning Shu was very surprised. He took the neck of the little mouse and put it in front of him. He wiped the face of a small mouse with his hand. "How so delicate?"

"Spell your sister." Being stunned, the little mice are more wronged. Before the tears are squatting, this will be one after another.

Tears drip in Ningshu's hand, Ning Shu threw it on the sofa with some disapproval. "Oh, don't cry, girls don't cry like you."

"Oh, only girls can cry?"

Ning Shu looked at the little mouse. "Well, don't look for the baby. If you want to vomit, don't spit on the ground. It's also a king of the family." A little shame.

Little mouse: "Isn't people still vulnerable?"

"Yes, yes." Can't afford it.

Since the situation of the little mouse is not good, Ning Shu will not take it hard.

Now the emotion of the little mouse is so big, the void is so dangerous, it is not too easy for the little mouse to do things.

The little mice are like this. Ning Shu feels that he is still a gentle person and should care.

Oh, the eternal life is so gentle.

The little mouse was lying on the sofa, and he looked at Ningshu indifferently. He couldn’t help but say, "I am like this, you are not comforting me."

Ning Shu: "...How do you want me to comfort you?"

The little mouse feels that Ning Shu is really not on the road, "use some substance to comfort me."

Ning Shu sighed, and suddenly realized, and then asked: "What kind of substance?"

It’s stupid to look at the little mouse, “like the world.”

Ning Shu: "I can give you peace of mind, use material is too vulgar, too insulting you, I know that you are not such a small mouse."

Little mouse: "...please insult me."

"No, I understand."

The little mouse suddenly turned a blind eye, and he was forced to give him the world.

How to buckle something from her hand is so difficult.

A stingy.

Ning Shu opened the system to exchange the mall, intends to redeem the Gu Gudan, to do the task.

It is the right way to do the task. When she reincarnates the world, when there are more souls, and all of them collect more soul fluid, she may not have to do the task.

Her current soul is not strong.

Ning Shu said to Dan Qing: "Go to the task."

Dan Qing said a good voice, and then he wants to say it again, and then he wants to say something. Obviously, there is something unspeakable.

"That, that..."

Ning Shu: emmm...

"You said directly." Ning Shu said.

"I can't say it." Dan Qing sighed.

Ning Shu: "Then don't say it."

Dan Qing: "I want to say."

Ning Shu: "Then you said."

Dan Qing: "Then I said."

Ning Shu took a deep breath, "You said."

Can you simply point it out.

Dan Qing said: "You don't have many titles, they are the title and blessing given by the commissioner."

Ning Shu nodded, "Well, yes."

It seems that there are quite a few things. She has never been so concerned about these things, and it seems that it is of no use.

Dan Qing hesitated and said: "Can you give me these titles?"

Ning Shu asked very calmly: "What good is this thing for you?"

Dan Qing said: "These titles will bring certain air transport and faith to the clerk, but because the actor is not suitable to enter the world with air transport."

"But it's better for the system."

Ning Shu picked up his eyebrows. "Is that the case?"

Dan Qing said: "This is the case, you can ask other clerk, usually this title is given to the system by default, but it can not be given."

Is there such a hidden rule?

Why did Zheng Qing not want to ask her before, probably disdain such a thing.

I can't look down on the little bit of the ants, and I can't even see the air.

In the previous years, Ning Shu felt that his life and working conditions were abnormal.

Mainly encountered an abnormal system.

Dan Qing: "The system has been deprived of memory. The past is not remembered. Compared with the quest, the system sacrifices a lot and gets less. In other respects, it will make up the system."

"I can't say it before."

Ning Shu: "This way."

Since this kind of thing is not very helpful to you, it will help the system, and Ningshu will not be embarrassed.

I opened the property sheet and accumulated a lot of halo from the task to the present.

The mother of the world (the blessing of the Queen), the sister of the model (Chen Chen’s blessing), the leader of the aura (the blessing of the grass), the lifelong friend (the blessing of Miao Miao Miao)

Healing the wounded hand (Blessing of Su Su Niang), the founding woman (the blessing of Chen Ermei), the legal woman (the blessing of Chen Ning), the **** nemesis (the blessing of Jasmine), the more ethnic communication (the blessing of Bai Sanniang), the heart of the brave (king British blessing), bloodthirsty tyrant (Blessing of Ni Bingyan) peace and joy, lucky halo, belief in aura, longevity.

There are 15 halos.

But carefully calculating, in fact, not too much, after all, she did a lot of tasks.

Ningshu suddenly felt that he was not a qualified task.

Thinking more, I thought I had a lot of aura.

Lose your face.

Ning Shu Chao Dan Qing asked: "What aura do you want?"

For Ning Shu, who lives forever, these halos help her little.

It's useless to put it here, it's better to give the system.

(End of this chapter)

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