Chapter 3606 High Tech

The little mouse was violently touched by the sudden gentle touch.

Actually, I played a chill, and I looked at Ning Shu’s eyes as if I were watching the flying fairy.

Mannyma is terrible.

Ning Shu asked softly: "What's wrong?"

"Where can you be normal?" The little mouse is all goose bumps under the fur.

Ning Shu no expression, "You said how much you are, I am too gentle to you, you are not good, you are not good, you have said that I am not gentle."

The little mouse took a long breath and said, "It’s normal."

Ning Shu: ...

So what?

Ning Shu hardly hugged the little mice into the direction of the law sea. The closer to the law, the more the sea was born, and the more directly it was soft in the neck of Ning Shu, stretching his tongue and taking a circle in his eyes.

Smoked to lose consciousness.

In the middle of the law sea, the pear fruit and her people are still purifying the sea of ​​law, and the lustrous luster is crossed into the sea of ​​law, as if it is a trickle.

However, there is still no change in the law of the sea. These fluorescent waves drip into the sea and cannot be a little bit embarrassing.

Hey, Ning Shu sighs, I feel that this purification is not useful at all. For the law sea that is about to die, any means is futile.

Even eating Xiandan is the same.

It’s really decadent to think about it!

Uncle is not here, it is estimated that he is busy.

Ning Shu turned away from the law sea with a small mouse, for a while, the little mouse was a little sober, and looked at Ning Shu with anger.

"I am like this, you actually have to let me go to find the baby." The little mouse said with a weak voice.

Ning Shu: "I know that you are the strongest."

Little mouse:...

Going away, didn't you see that I was weak?

Ning Shu said: "Where to go to Li Wen first."

The little mouse asked: "Go to Li Wen to dry up."

"You, you..." The little mouse looked at Ning Shu with the look of the devil. "Do you still want to enslave Li Wen?"

Ning Shu touched the little mouse and appeased: "God, God, I will not enslave Li Wen, I will only enslave you, don't be jealous."

Little mouse: ... go to your sister's jealousy.

Ning Shu and the little mouse came to the black hole and entered the technology city. They smoothly entered the center building and saw Li Wen’s neat hair, a white coat.

Suddenly there is a whims of technology geeks.

In short, the temperament became a little unspeakable to abstinence.

About men wearing white coats, there is a feeling of holy abstinence, and in contrast with the identity of men, it has caused this feeling.

I don't know how long Li Wen will stay in this city.

The little mouse jumped and jumped toward Li Wen and jumped into Li Wen’s arms.

Li Wen touched the little mouse, and there was a ride that didn't touch it. He asked Ning Shu: "What's the matter?"

Ning Shu sat down and said: "Emperor brother, is there any instrument for detecting, you can find treasures in the void, mineral energy things."

Ning Shu feels that it is impossible to rely on a small mouse. It is necessary to resort to the means of technology.

Although the people who built the city are human beings, the technology is very difficult. The city where the artificial black hole is hidden is even the energy body.

There should be a means of detection. After all, there is such a large piece of energy, which must be detected. It cannot always be found by human eyes.

People do not have the talent of a treasure hunt like a small mouse.

So there must be a detection instrument.

More protection is also good.

Although the little mouse has talent, but where to go is completely a few chaos, where to go where to count, very capricious.

Li Wen rubbed his head and his fingers held the position of the temple. "I think about it."

"It seems to be such a means, it is a small detector."

Ning Shu immediately said: "Emperor brother, give me a few."

"Go to the first floor and look for a detector that looks like a bee."

The first floor seems to be a mechanical manufacturing center.

Ning Shu smiled, "Thank you, the emperor." Then he pulled out the little mouse of Li Wenhuai. "We should go."

The little mouse was plucking his limbs, struggling to reluctantly go, and reaching out to Li Wen, made Ning Shu feel that he was a bad mother-in-law.

Ningshu iron and stone heart, holding the little mouse head did not go back, went to the first floor to find the detection equipment.

The detector refers to the size of the bee, the whole body metal, and the metallic luster.

There are not many detectors, more than ten, and they are left in the corner.

Some of the detectors lacked arms and legs, and Ningshu found more than a dozen of them from a large number of insides.

Not bad.

The little mouse inserted his arms and looked at Ning Shu uncomfortably. "I have it, why do I have to bring some garbage."

Ning Shu looked at it with tolerance. He was tolerant of mental retardation. "With these things, you are not much easier. I am reducing the burden for you."

The little mouse paused for two seconds, "reasonable." A bit of suspicion did not accept this explanation.

Ning Shu: Hehe...


With the detector and the little mouse out of the city, then released a detector.

The detector flew around and flew around Ningshu, which was exactly the appearance of a headless fly.

Ning Shu: ...

Probably there is no energy body metal at all, and the detector has no target.

Ningshu took the detector and set it up. It took a long time to go, and the temper came up almost to the trick. It’s really hard to do.

Fortunately, these detectors are working.

Ning Shu simply put all the detectors out and flew in different directions.

The little mouse ringed his chest, his legs and his chin looked at Ning Shu. "I can guarantee that none of these things can be found."

"If you are not damaged, you will break into a place that you should not break in. You will be pinched."

"After all, there is no consciousness, and you can't control these things."

Ning Shu touched his chin. "I still thank you for reminding me."

Ningshu attached some of the mental power to these detectors.

Little mouse:...

Fucking, suddenly realized that this is a denial of its ability, because it is not believed to make these gadgets.

The little mouse looked at Ning Shu uncomfortably. "Since I don't believe me, I don't bother to go, follow me and don't believe me."

"I'm going back."

Ning Shu: "Are you stupid? These things are running in different directions for us, saving us from running."

"I don't want to be lazy. You have to exhaust yourself. You have to sniff it all the time. Then, even if these things really enter a place that should not be entered, they are destroyed. It doesn't matter to us."

"Who cares about these gadgets."

Little mouse: " seems like this."

The little mouse was convinced.

Ning Shu turned his eyes and didn't know what to say, no guilt.

A shiver of string, Ning Shu said: "Start, go to the void."

(End of this chapter)

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