Ning Shu licks the fire beads and relies on the fire beads to warm, but still feels colder and colder.

Obviously, there is no body, but it feels like the body is frozen, and the action is particularly slow.

The soul is covered with a layer of frost, it is so cold.

Ning Shu does not know if he can stick to the place.

The little mouse is walking in front, Ning Shu quickly catches up, picks up the little mouse and holds it in his arms. "Give me warmth."

His soul is frosted, but the little mice don't.

Putting the little mouse in his arms, I feel a warmth from the hand.

Yes, the little mouse is warmer than the fireball.

The fireballs are now dimmed, and the heat on them has been consumed.

Usually I feel that the little mouse is not hot, this will feel extra warm, probably a constant temperature.

Little mouse: "Where, you are so cold, let go."

It struggled on all fours, but was squatted by Ningshu.

The more you walk, the colder you feel, the more you can't help but tighten the little mouse. You know how to wear more, at least you should get something warm.

The little mouse didn't say it beforehand, probably didn't think about it in the past.

Ning Shu was stiff and asked: "How long is it."

"It’s early." The little mouse said indifferently, "Where is this?"

Ning Shu:

it's too cold.

Her brain was frozen and she began to get confused.

The little mouse looked at Ning Shuyu, licking his body and asked: "Would you like to go back."

“Is there really energy in that place?” Ning Shu asked inexplicably.

The little mouse nodded. "Yes, but there is no way to get it. When I get there, I can't freeze it. It is the land of death. Even the creatures in the void can't hold back."

Ning Shu wiped his nose and always felt a runny nose.

"I want to see." Ning Shu said, she wants to determine whether the place really has energy.

The little mouse looked back at the same wretched Ning Shu, "Okay."

Ning Shu feels that although it is cold, it is hard to die, there is a will to die, and it can be a while.

I took out a fire bead in my hand, and added a small mouse. It didn't feel so cold. The pace of advancement was much faster.

Walking, there was a blizzard in front.

Ning Shu looked at the blizzard, the whole person was speechless, I have never seen such a big blizzard, the snow has the size of a palm, and it is dense, white, and the wind whistling.

It’s amazing to see it from afar.

Ning Shu had a point that he didn't want to go. He asked the little mouse: "How far is it?"

The little mice are bothered to be annoyed. "It’s very far away. We are just on the edge and we have to go through the blizzard to reach the glacier."

"That is an unimaginable, wide glacier."

Ning Shu hammered the hammer's own trembling legs, looked at the whistling cold wind, sucked a cold breath, walked for so long, or space jump, distance is so far from the edge.

Ning Shu said to the little mouse: "How did you get in before?"

The little mouse: "Of course, by the race, relying on a large number of energy bodies to get warm."

"I just wonder what is inside, and I am playing into it."

Ning Shu:

Some people have money and are willful.

Ning Shu took a deep breath and took out the fire beads. He said to the little mouse: "Let's go in."

The little mouse shook his head. "No, you will die."

"No, let's just pass it back."

The little mouse sneer at Ning Shu. "You think this wind is screaming, the storm is raging, and even the space nodes are disordered."

Ning Shu was hesitant, and he hesitated to hear the little mouse.


Ning Shu stretched out his foot and tried it on the edge of the snow. He suddenly felt his feet frozen and quickly retracted.

"It's really cold." Ning Shu said with a hand.

The little mouse has a bright eye. "When is that going home?"

Ning Shu: "Go, you can afford it."

Ning Shu holds a small mouse and leans forward into the snow.

The whistling wind and snow penetrated the soul, and Ning Shu was awkward, so cold.

Stepping on the thick ice and snow, leaving a string of footprints fleeting.

Ning Shu tightened the little mice, absorbing the heat from the little mice, and the little mice were pulled over.

"Mom, yeah, yeah" Ning Shu did not pay attention to being riddled by the blizzard, leaving a string of Ning Shu's voice in the air.

In order to avoid losing with the little mice, Ning Shu holds a small mouse, this is her source of heat.

The little mouse turned into a pool of water, and Ning Shu was wrapped up and escaped from the hurricane.

Ning Shu fell down and felt that he was a sticky liquid. This should be the body of the little mouse, wrapped her up and warmed up a lot.

It was impenetrable, and I felt that the cold outside could not be blown in.

"Dry beautiful." Ning Shu praised.

Little mouse: "Come on your mother, thank you very much, give me ten world sources, and swear, if you are good, who will not say it."

Ning Shu: "Well, if you don't like it, I won't say it."

Little mouse:

With a small mouse membrane protection, Ning Shu feels not so cold, but also a lot faster.

I encountered a hurricane and avoided it, but I was often stunned by the hurricane.

The colder and colder, even with the protection of the little mice, the coldness came in.

Once again, it was taken away by the hurricane. After getting rid of the hurricane, the little mouse changed back to the appearance of the mouse, lying in Ningshu's arms and sucking his nose. "It's really cold."

Ningshu has not reacted yet, and it has frozen in an instant. Ningshu instantly became an ice sculpture, and his expressions have solidified.

Ning Shu:

I am going to say hello before you change your body.

It is now ice sculpture.

I can't imagine how ugly my present expression is.

There is no way for the little mouse, only the hand is attached to Ningshu, and the constant heat gradually melts the Ningshu brand ice sculpture.

Cold and hot contact forms a majestic white smoke.

The little mouse is really a creature in the void. He used to say that he is useless, but in the environment facing the void, it has a natural advantage.

She has become the existence of the hind legs, that is, there is a will to death, frozen into ice sculptures are not dead.

The shape of the little mouse is less than before. "Nima, the energy I stored in my body is gone, no, no!!!!"

Ning Shu touched the little mouse. "It doesn't matter, I will give you a world source."

"One hundred world sources can't make up for the energy I lost. Is this how long I have stored the heat? Do you know?"

"No, you don't know at all." The little mouse is very sad, hating himself for taking care of her own brain to bring her to this place.

In order to eat a little bit, the result is lost, the more you want to be less reconciled.

It has to be eaten back.

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