Ning Shu observed the uncle while eating, and took a sip of tea to clear the taste in his mouth and said: "Look at your skin gray and white, in fact, you are already dead."

Uncle Shu took a look at Ning Shu. "Seeing that people die without seeing the skin is to look at the eyes."

Ning Shu shook his head. "No, it is looking at the skin, the blood is not circulating, and the skin immediately responds."

Uncle snorted, "My cells are all in the world, there is no such thing as blood."

Ning Shu: ...

Ok, I really can't use the body of ordinary humans to identify uncles.

I really want to take a knife and take a knife to see if there is no blood.

But if the skin is pierced, how many worlds have collapsed?

There are probably more than 37 trillion cells in a person's body. Mom, is there really so many worlds in the body of Uncle?

Don't believe it?

But what makes Ning Shu not so cool is that she told the location of the uncle's energy body, but the uncle is too calm, not happy or disappointed.

I always feel that the information I got is not worth the money.

Ning Shu asked: "Do you know this place?"

Uncle said in an understatement: "Even where you can find, you feel that other races in the void will not be found."

Ning Shu: "→_→, why is the glaciers not yet developed?"

Since you know that there is an energy body inside, why not develop it?

Uncle Tai: "Everyone does not develop by default, it is a sustainable development route."

Ning Shu: "Cut, isn't it because it's too cold, can't you develop it?"

Let the thing throw directly into the slag, such energy, even if it is a void, it is estimated to be enough.

And look at the iceberg, I don't know how long it has been, I don't know how to plan it.

I always feel that the void is too lazy, so I am too lazy to take things that take time.

Uncle nodded, "This is also one side."

Ning Shu asked: "Can you cut it out?"

Probably not, if you can, why not dig, and look for energy bodies everywhere?

Uncle too did not deny, "One is that mining is really difficult, and the second is that once someone develops, those who are too lazy to count will get on."

Ning Shu: "...What hair?"

Uncle: "...all hairs are fine."

Ning Shu snorted, really dirty.

Ning Shu poured a cup of tea on his uncle, saying: "It is difficult to mine, but it is still exploitable. You see that you are now walking dead and need energy."

"Law the law, it also needs energy." In fact, the current law of the sea has more energy estimates.

However, it can be delayed for a while.

Uncle saw Ning Shu, his slender fingers took the teacup and took a sip. "It has always been lazy, now I care about these things?"

Ning Shu: ...

When was she lazy, and it was really a fight to live, and the result was still lazy, it was a big embarrassment!

She is a very serious person.

Ning Shu said: "There is a place in an organized place. I sincerely hope that the organization will last forever, and will be immortal, and teach you the power of the world."

The Lord of the East teaches the gods! ! !

Uncle Tai said faintly: "You want the energy body, holding the organization to make the scorpion, is not going to be part of it."

Ning Shu is really wronged, and her original intention is really pure.

Even if you want to make a point to the whip, let the whip evolve.

But soon Ning Shu reacted, and the uncle asked: "Are you in the center?"

"Have you seen the glacier?"

Uncle: "Of course."

Ning Shu: "The nonsense, certainly not in. You don't know that there are a lot of energy bodies embedded in the glacier, and there are energy bodies of various colors."

The uncle slightly shakes the hand of the cup and makes a slight meal, but still expressionless. "The glacier is difficult to cut. I don't want to spend a lot of manpower and resources to do such a thing."

Ning Shu turned his eyes, obviously it was mining difficulties, and the general soul went in and finally frozen and annihilated.

Therefore, ordinary clerk can't go in and mine.

Moreover, Ning Shu feels that even if he is a big man, he will not be able to resist this cold energy.

Is it possible to exploit non-human beings in the organization, but even the living creatures in the void may not be able to withstand such temperatures, and may freeze like ordinary humans.

To put it bluntly, in fact, the cost performance of mining is not good.

Ning Shu: "Don't mine, has it been scamming the energy body by the pit?"

Uncle: "...the pit is abducted??"

Ning Shu nodded, "Pit!!!!!"

Uncle is a big deep pit of God! ! ! !

Uncle put down the teacup, "Okay, you don't have to worry about these things, it doesn't matter if you worry about it."

Uncle stood up and took a step to go. Ning Shufeng was generally in front of the uncle. "Don’t you want to carry me secretly mining?"

Uncle: "I am not as cumbersome as you are."

Paralysis, where is she wretched, where is it lazy?

Ning Shu asked: "Then where are you going next, I will follow you, you must go to the glacier."

"I have a problem, I know that there is such a place, mining has long been exploited."

Ning Shu shook his head. "No, you must go to the glacier deep in the snow and snow to confirm whether I am telling whether it is true or not. Whether the glacier is mixed with the energy body."

Uncle: "...I don't know how long I have lived. When I am bored, I wander around. I have been to places you have been to. I have been to places where you have not been."

Ning Shu frowned, "... are you showing off that you are very old?"

Is this something to be proud of? It’s not dead.

Ning Shu smiled. "The explanation is to cover up. Concealing is telling a story. If you say so many words, it is clearly guilty."

Ning Shu wants to shoot the uncle's shoulder. "God, you don't have to look at it. I will take you, I will mark the space."

Uncle's shoulder stunned and avoided Ning Shu's hand, Ning Shu did not care.

"But it's really cold, it's freezing directly. If you want to go, you can find Changbo to get some tools to keep warm." Ning Shu said that he wants to fight.

"Right, I can't do my soul now, give me a little soul fluid to add it."

Uncle Tai looked at Ning Shu with a sneer. "I really dare to speak. I feel that I have made great contributions. Is this going to be like this?"

Ning Shu licks his hair. "Of course, otherwise I will risk the information brought about by the freezing of several times."

"Don't bring ordinary clerk into it, it will be frozen directly, and the speed dog will take it."

The blue ribs on the forehead of Tai’s forehead jumped. “When did I say that I would mine the glaciers?”

Ning Shu snorted, some unfortunately, "not mining, a lot of energy."

There is no way to rely on your own strength.

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