The little mouse snorted and was very unhappy. There was a day in front of people and another person, how to see how bad.

Especially disgusting.

This place can't stay any longer, it is going to find Li Wen.

Ning Shu was held by a child, a little tired, a little unbearable, and said to him: "You sit well."

Three or four-year-old children looked at her unclely.

Ning Shu hugged him and set him aside.

The child reached out and asked Ning Shu’s neck. Ning Shu shook his head. "No hug."

He is not sure, so he insisted on reaching out to hold Ning Shu.

Ning Shu said a few times, but he did not understand, or open his hand to hold.

Ning Shu was very helpless. He could only let him hold his neck. When he was holding Ning Shu, he smiled and smiled silently.

Didn't make a sound, Ning Shu couldn't help but open his mouth, didn't he have a tongue, why didn't he always make a sound.

When you open your lips and look at it, you have a tongue.

Ning Shu said: "Ah, you learn from me."

The child followed Ning Shu.

take it easy.

First, give your child a name.

After Ning Shusi thinks about it, he must give the child a loud, famous name.

Cut the sky!

This name is good, Ning Shu admire his talent.

Ning Shu said to him: "In the future, you will call the sky, and cut the sky."

The little mouse rolled his eyes. "It’s hard to hear, spicy ears."

"What's the matter with you?" Ning Shu glanced at it.

The little mouse felt very hurt and snorted and asked: "I have no ice, I have to eat energy."

Ning Shu couldn't help but say; "What kind of strength do you have with children? So you are still an elder, what do your elders think about with a back?"

"Adults must have the weight of adults."

Little mouse: "Hehehe..."

Ning Shu feels that his neck is so tired, and it is really tired to be licked by the neck.

And there is a little extra thing that really makes people speechless.

Ning Shu set aside the hands of the sky, stood up and took his hand and said: "Go, I will take you to leave."

If you continue to do so, your neck will be broken.

Looking at his hand was held by Ning Shu, he opened his mouth and smiled, full of envy.

The little mouse looked at the two faintly and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ning Shu: "Ready to see if the ice bricks are gone."

The little mouse immediately said: "I will go too."

Ningshu took the two small tails to the city of fire. The temperature of the city of fire is hot, even the residual or rule power is also very high temperature.

There is no abnormality in logging, and Ning Shu will look at himself and smile at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu also smiled a little, and my heart was a bit guilty. It would be a lovely little Loli.

Came to the city government, a heat wave came.

When I saw the magma in the middle of the city's main house, the ice bricks were still the ice bricks, and the melt sputum bubbling, and the ice bricks were not melted.

Auntie has been guarding this piece of ice bricks, which makes Ningshu feel awkward.

Ning Shu said to the aunt: "You don't have to keep guarding all the time. In fact, this thing is not easy to melt."

"Don't look at this is just a small piece of ice brick. In fact, it is a vast world, a glacier in the whole world."

Auntie, "It’s so big, no wonder it hasn’t melted."

The thick layer of ice that has shrouded outside is still not melting, and the inside is a glacier.

When the outside melts, it will slowly melt inside.

Then a big piece of iceberg melts and surely the world is full of water.

If you let the aunt keep guarding, you still don't know when to stay, which will delay the time of the aunt.

Aunt said: "Then I will come back and take a look after doing the task."

Ning Shu nodded. "Yes, staying here is a waste of time."

Aunt looked at the child she was holding, and couldn’t help but ask: "Where is the child."

"Very cute little girl."

Ning Shu: "...a word is hard to do."

The little mouse directly said: "Not a little girl, a boy."

Auntie’s expression is also a bit difficult to say, and some condemnations look at Ningshu. “Since it’s a boy, you shouldn’t wear it like this, which will make your child’s gender confused.”

Ning Shu: " may not believe that he is a newborn baby now, without thinking."

What boys and children have no strange concept at all.

The ghost knows why the child is wearing a skirt.

Maybe she is learning her, but she has grown a...

Auntie wanted to pinch the face of the sky, but the sky fell directly behind Ningshu.

Auntie did not care about the attitude of cutting the sky, said with a smile: "It's so cute, let the children wear the right clothes, and I will send you next time."

Ning Shu did not refuse, and someone sent something, of course.

Although it is just clothes.

Aunt left and went to do the task. After all, her current soul is weak and she is going to do the task.

Ning Shu looks at the little mouse and looks at the ice bricks, so I feel so sad.

The glaciers of the Sangliang family have melted, and theirs are still a piece of ice bricks. The gap is a bit big.

If you look for them, it is estimated that they will be exploited once again. Half of them will be turned over, and they don’t know how much they will be left. If they are found again, it is estimated that there will be no more.

In particular, it is necessary to give the little mice some, at least not one piece.

Seriously, this can get these, or the little mice have made great contributions. With her strength, there is no way to resist the cold.

So even if the time is longer, you can't go to find them.

Some are time and so on.

I believe that the little mice will wait.

Hungry and so on.

Nowadays, the little mice don't even eat the world's origins and fragments, and they eat their energy bodies like hungry stomachs.

Ning Shu took the sky to the shop and tailored it. When he saw him wearing a skirt, Ning Shu could not forget the little things he saw.

Still let him wear the clothes of the boy, he would not see him and think of his bird.

The sky is very embarrassing, just look at him like this, where can be thought of as a fierce whip, and can absorb the energy of others for their own use.

Sure enough, people are most deceptive.

When the clothes were done, Ning Shu put on his clothes and said: "Falling, you are calling the sky."

"Falling. Heaven." It is not standard to follow the hardships of learning.

Ning Shu has a dim sum, to train a child, but also to create a three-view and teach him to know the world.

Therefore, she does not like children very much!

The pressure is very high.

Ning Shu wants to give this child to her, but the sky is her weapon, she needs to be close to her, and then she can’t say it.

I have accepted my life.

If it is a little girl, it is a close-knit jacket, she may be happier.

Looking at the clothes on my own body and looking at Ning Shu’s clothes, I obviously don’t quite understand why I wear this.

Ning Shu felt that it was quite troublesome to explain, and simply said: "You wear this look good."

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