Mrs. Jiang is a victim of this concept, and her husband is very happy.

But it is the executor of this concept, what pot should be equipped with a lid.

As for the bitterness and bitterness of this, it is nothing.

Jane Luo is really unclear why Mrs. Jiang’s wife wants to create such a tragedy.

The Jiang family is already so rich. If you have money, you shouldn’t do whatever you want. If you want to do something, you can do whatever you want.

After taking so much money, I also gave myself various restraints, and I was still bound by my own weaving.

At this moment, Jane suddenly missed the days with Fiwin, and that day was called freedom.

They don't lack money, they don't blame them in their ears, they want to travel, they want to travel, they want to do something and they have enough money to support them to do anything.

Whether it is the pursuit of ideals, or enjoy life.

Financial freedom, as well as spiritual freedom.

However, the Jiang family is very depressed. Jiang’s money is more, but he is self-sustaining and gives himself a heavy bondage. You can’t do this because they are Jiang’s family.

Freedom has been tasted by this kind of thing, but it is definitely a torment to regain a heavy life.

There are people who are pressing on their heads, looking at the faces of the head people everywhere, fighting and screaming, and even breathing very carefully.

The poet does not kiss the girl's lips and praises the beauty of love, but when he tastes love, he will praise the greatness of freedom.

In short, people are greedy, and if they get the same, they want another.

In the questioning tone, Jane asked why Mrs. Jiang’s wife wanted to do this and create such a tragedy.

Since the Jiang family is so powerful, how can she be so powerful, she will not care about other people’s remarks.

A little bit of remarks made Jiang’s panic like what he was, what to fear.

Ginger family wants to face like this?

Face to face the pain of family members?

Is it hard to make a tragedy out of the way, and not want to make your family better?

Mrs. Jiang, who was poked to the pain, was very angry. She said sullenly: "As long as I live a day, you will never enter the door of Jiang's house. You are all looking forward to my death."

Jane looked at the old face of Mrs. Jiang’s old lady. The old lady Jiang is now over seventy years old. It’s not impossible to see her dead.

This seems to be a new dawn.

Mrs. Jiang’s wife sneered a little and saw who would be better.

"Get out of the house, don't go to the door in the future, I will be angry when I see you. I have to live long."

Jane screwed her eyebrows. "Old lady, don't say this, Jiang Yingyao will be sad, you are his loved one, elder."

Mrs. Jiang’s wife particularly hated her swearing, disgusting, especially like the old man’s love.

Each one is gentle and watery, and it makes people feel that she is strong and not feminine.

What is gentle, watery, and boneless, is actually a beautiful snake, wrapped around a man's body, knocking on the bones, while men are addicted to it.

Both men and women are good at using love to weave spider webs, entwining prey, weaving dreams, and making people feel addicted.

Jane’s face was red, and she felt that her self-esteem was trampled. More than one person had let her roll.

Rolling the word itself is extremely insulting.

Jane stood up and turned to the study room. She turned and said at the door: "Old lady, I don't dare you to believe, I really love him and will not leave him."

Mrs. Jiang’s wife shook her face. “Then I have to see how deep your love is.”

Jane said: "Please take a look."

Mrs. Jiang’s wife was so angry that she was sullen, her lips were stunned, and her heart kept chanting, not angry or angry.

This woman just wants to mad at her, can't let her do it.

Jane went downstairs and flew directly into the arms of Jiang Yingyao. He buried in his arms and said with a sigh of relief: "Jiang Yingyao, I will not leave you, even if people from all over the world want me to leave you, I will not leave you. ”

Jiang Yingyao stunned, then smiled and held her tight, softly said; "Me too."

Mrs. Jiang’s wife went downstairs and saw two people holding together. Like the Siamese babies, it’s hard to give up, and my heart stunned.

Disgusting, shameless.

Mrs. Jiang said coldly: "Don't hold it."

This is only from the face of Jiang Yingyao, and wiped her tears. Jiang Yingyao frowned, knowing that she must have eaten and hanged on her grandmother.

What kind of person Mrs. Jiang is, he certainly knows.

Strong, still very mean.

Mrs. Jiang’s wife was too lazy to give up Jiang Yingyao’s two choices. First, she gave up her marriage with Jane. As for how you want to play, it doesn’t matter, the child is born, and the Jiang family can raise it.

Give a sum of money, but the child who can inherit the Jiang family must be the child born by the wife of Ming Media.

Jiang Yingyao does not want to talk. What time is it? How can there be such a feudal shack?

It is also the scorpion of the media, which makes Jiang Yingyao have a sense of the times.

Second, if you insist on marrying Jane, then leave the Jiang family and refuse to use the resources of the Jiang family to live on your own.

Jiang Yingyao took the hand of Jane. "I am willing to leave the Jiang family."

Such a thing happened more than ten years ago, Jiang Yingyao was very disappointed with Jiang, and the face of Jiang’s family was really ugly.

Mrs. Jiang’s wife was so angry that she turned her cane to Jiang Yingyao. She just wanted to scare her grandson, but she did not expect that she would actually leave the Jiang family.

So angry.

But to say that if you go out, it is the water that is poured out. Mrs. Jiang’s wife can’t immediately serve soft. This will have no face and a strong saying: “If you have the ability to go, don’t come back if you have the ability.”

"Grandma, you can rest assured." Jiang Yingyao took Jane and turned away, leaving Mr. Jiang a firm back, and walked very simply, so angry that Mrs. Jiang's wife was violently ups and downs.

There was a rapid gasp, and there was a wheezing in the throat.

The maid next to him was so frightened that he quickly took the old lady to sit down.

"You shouldn't be so impulsive. She is your loved one. It shouldn't be like this for me and your loved ones. There should always be room for change."

"You two are all in the air, so it is too impulsive."

Jiang Yingyao had a little bit of her nose and said with a smile: "Grandma is angry, I am not angry. The worst result is nothing more than leaving the Jiang family. I have lived without Jiang in these years. It is not a big impact on me. ""

Jane still sighed, but also raised a smile, after all, they are relatives, blood relationship can not be broken, will always pass.

Ning Shu got the news of the Jiang family, smiled a bit, the feeling of murder by the knife to kill the thief chicken is cool, let the old lady Jiang go with the two people to bar.

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