Zhang Wei thinks that this is the unwillingness of the husband to do things. If he is a rehabilitated person, he will not be interested in it.

There is no way to be uninterested, and there is no room for her.

Jane accepted the things that Zhang Wei gave back to himself. These things were bought for a lot of money and kept for their own use.

It’s just that people are short-lived.

Now, Jane is very sorry to regret that she has nothing to do with Mrs. Jiang’s wife to buy such a expensive gift.

Mrs. Jiang received her things, but did not admit her, these things were drowning.

Zhang Wei: ...

Although she must have returned these things to Jane, but Jane did not accept such a resignation, or let Zhang Xin feel uncomfortable.

She risked being slain by her husband, losing her job, and letting Jane enter the work of the manor. Isn't she worth it and she is not qualified to take these things.

This person is too small, how much money can there be?

I didn't expect Jane to be such a person.

In Zhang Xin’s heart, she felt the feeling of snarling the dog. After she helped Jane, she was not a human.

I don’t want to be a human being, so I want to save my husband.

Oh, hey!

Zhang Xin’s heart was very unhappy, and his tone was cold. “Since the wages are over, you should hurry.”

Jane was very sad. She also talked about Zhang Wei as a well-intentioned person and said: "Zhang Wei, Fei Wen really can't recognize me?"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, how can you not recognize it, how to do it at home, it is impossible to completely become other people.

Obviously I don't want to recognize it.

That is, Jane’s heart is suffering, but she still believes that Mr. really can’t recognize her.

"Okay, let's go, let's talk later." Zhang Wei now only wants to let Jane roll, carrying those things to roll.

Jane’s lost the manor in disappointment, and the hardships of life made Jane in hell.

There is an urgent need to address the situation of material distress.

Jane couldn’t wait to reunite with Fiwin. First, because she was really too lonely, there was no one around her and her friends and friends. Secondly, she wanted to change the lack of material and the hardships of life.

But I ate it.

Jane returned to the moldy hotel again, men and women tossed next door, and changed a batch of people.

At the hotel bar, the man who was doing nothing looked at Jane, squinting and covering the coveted eyes.

Jane feels that there is a man who can't help it. For such a long time, she is alone, or a different kind of skin.

In a foreign country, even if something goes wrong, no one can help himself.

Jane was very scared. She used the manor’s half-month salary and bought a ticket to return home.

She is going back to find Jiang Yingyao.

Carrying the box, hurriedly left, behind the disappointment.

Jane Luo breathed a sigh of relief, took the plane back to China, and stepped on the land of the motherland. The first thing was to call Jiang Yingyao, but the woman who answered the phone was a woman.

The voice of the woman is beautiful and gentle.

Jane couldn't speak for a moment, and hanged up the phone directly, repeatedly confirming that this is the number of Jiang Yingyao, why is it a woman to pick up.

Is it Jiang Yingyao’s fiancee?

The woman at the other end of the phone is inexplicable. I hang it without saying a word. What is this?

When I saw Jiang Yingyao, the secretary gave the mobile phone to Jiang Yingyao and said, "There is a woman calling you, but hanging without talking, called Jane."

Jiang Yingyao heard the name and stunned. Seeing the secretary looking at himself, he explained: "It was the former classmate."

The secretary snorted and said nothing.

Jiang Yingyao said to the secretary: "The afternoon arrangements have helped me push, I have something."

"By the way, I will help you with a bunch of flowers and restaurants."

Secretary: Is this going to meet old classmates?

Jiang Yingyao said; "I will eat with my fiancee at night."

The secretary said a good one and went to arrange it.

Jiang Yingyao went to a place where there were few people to call, and now Jane should be married to Fiwin.

Jane picked up the phone and said something with some sighs: "Who was the caller who was just your fiancée?"

Jiang Yingyao took a deep breath and suppressed the fluctuations in his heart. He said, "No, I was in a meeting, and the secretary answered it."

Jane was relieved and felt a little better.

However, now Jane is not qualified to question Jiang Yingyao, but she seems to subconsciously ignore this point.

The two agreed to meet, just in the ordinary restaurant.

Jane had been waiting for a long time, Jiang Yingyao was late, and saw the sly Jane, some surprised.

The face is awkward, and the clothes on the body are still wrinkled. At first glance, the days are not very good.

Jiang Yingyao frowned, what is going on here, not to marry Fei Wen, how to make it like this.

Is Fiwin not good for her?

Jiang Yingyao did it and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Jane did not know what to say for a while, only to see the shape of the stalwart, and the body was still upright, and suddenly felt safe.

It is too dangerous abroad.

Jane Rosie said: "I broke up with Fiwin."

Jiang Yingyao asked: "Why?"

Instead of choosing Fiwin, Fiwin should be good to her. For more than a decade, Fiwin has been caring for Jane.

Jane and Fiwin are the best choices.

Jane was asked, why?

Because Fei Wen didn't take care of her, but if she was so embarrassed, she couldn't say anything, and she shifted the topic and asked: "How are you with your fiancee?"

Jiang Yingyao smiled and said, "You should know what happened to me and her."

Jane’s heart was relieved, at least the two men did not fall in love.

Jane looked at Jiang Yingyao with certainty. "I can't forget you."

He said that he still reached out and looked at Jiang Yingyao with tears.

Jiang Yingyao struggled and finally recovered his hand. "I already have a fiancee."

Or because of the damage of Jane, the heart is dead, and I am engaged with the chaebol.

Speaking of it, it is also the merits of Jane.

Jiang Yingyao’s refusal made Jian Luo shocked and sad. When he thought he was coming back, Jiang Yingyao would accept her.

However, why?

Isn’t Jiang Yingyao full of love and jealousy for himself?

She is now regressing to just want to be with Jiang Yingyao. As for his wife, Jane can force himself to accept.

Her standards have dropped so low, and she never thought that Jiang Yingyao actually refused.

Jane asked insanely: "Why?"

Does Jiang Yingyao not love her?

Are men's feelings getting so fast?

Fei Wen is like this, Jiang Yingyao is also like this, now both men do not want her.

How is this going.

Jiang Yingyao said: "I have made a choice."

Although it is forced, it is already true and cannot be changed.

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