Ning Shu nodded, "Go ahead. ()"

The little mouse shook his head. "Can't go any more, we have gone a long way."

Ning Shu: "Is there a long way? How do I feel that I have not gone far?"

The little mouse glared at her. "You just didn't find what you wanted. You didn't feel reconciled. You really can't go forward."

Ning Shu asked: "Is there any danger ahead?"

The little mouse sighs and sighs in the autumn. "You don't know anything about strength."

"You shouldn't think that it's just like this?"

The little mouse pointed to a deep black in front and said: "The void in front is very dense and powerful."

Ning Shu asked: "Why are there many ethnic groups gathered in that place?"

The little mouse thought for a moment: "If it is a metaphor, there is a city over there, and we are a country on this side."

Ning Shu: "I am going, let's talk about us well."

"Don't go, it's too dangerous. People will slap me to death. I am like a mosquito. Power is something you can't imagine." The little mouse shook his head.

Ning Shu twisted his brow. "You mean that the creatures there are very dense and powerful. Is there a market, will there be something I need?"

There is nothing to say about the little mice, and your focus is not right.

Ning Shu wants to enter the city, the countryman is very eager for the city, what kind of flower world is in the city.

The little mouse is a little annoyed, "Don't go." Even when he has his subordinates, he will deliberately avoid such a place.

"And I can't get in," said the little mouse.

Ning Shu sighed, it seems that there is a place where the emptiness of the living is gathering, I really want to go.

Ning Shu asked: "Is there any way to go?"

The little mouse is smashing the iron, "no way."

Ning Shu: "Why is this so sure?"

The little mouse is even more uncomfortable. "What do you ask so much?"

Ning Shu stunned, suddenly understood, the small mouse is a kind of pests, especially now is the appearance of a mouse.

Everyone across the street shouted.

The little mouse is the swallowing energy body, and some living planes.

Even if the creatures in the void do not care about the living planes, for them, it is nothing more than a leaf, and a tiny one may be a grain of sand, not care.

But the energy body can be very concerned about this kind of thing. For a little mouse that has nothing to sneak into the energy body, it must be able to shoot and die.

The energy body was born, and in the corner that I didn't know, I was smashed by the little mice.

You say hateful and hateful.

Ning Shu asked again: "There is no good thing that can make my potential rise a little?"

Her current strength has risen and gone up.

The same is the task of the above, she must have an absolute chance of winning, there is a whiplash, there will be death will to hurt for themselves, as well as the seven things of the filthy things.

A drop of sputum can pollute the soul.

It is the top of the soul mission, and can no longer be broken.

However, Ning Shu feels that it is inevitable to deal with the virtual creatures in the future.

This feeling is like she is a master of martial arts, and the emptiness of life is God, completely incomparable.

Even if it is always a strong soul, it will increase its strength, but it will still be like that.

Need to break through, there is a qualitative change.

Little mouse: "No, do you think that there is something in the bottom that makes people biubiu rise."

Ning Shu: "This is a void, not under the sun, let me say, I am not going to become a god." But to find a way for my own strength.

Now Ningshu is suffering from no road, no way to go, it can only stay in place.

The little mouse thinks carefully. "Probably my shortsightedness, there is no such thing in my mind. You ask other people, go back."

The sky said: "What are you looking for, I will help you find it."

Ning Shu: "I just don't know what to look for."

Ning Shu is not confused at all.

Ning Shu feels that this kind of thing is still going to find Li Wen. Like Li Wen, Li Wen needs to break through the embarrassment of human weakness.

Sometimes people and people are unfair, the creatures in the void are naturally strong, and their minds are not stupid.

Isn’t the uncle Sanliang stupid?

Faced with them, other talents are stupid.

Need a breakthrough, but it looks very difficult

Ning Shu slaps, "Let's take a closer look."

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