Secondly, there must be a body that can accommodate the magic elements, otherwise everything is no good.

So the magician is so rare, so rare, or Mia will not be hurt.

In the end, Mia became a respectable pharmacist, probably trying to express that Mia didn't give up and didn't give up on herself, and that Avril's talent for a magician is nothing.

Compared with the two, Mia is more like people.

Ning Shu is immersed in the cultivation of magical elements. This kind of cultivation method, Ning Shu feels quite interesting. The cultivation of peerless martial arts is very simple and rude. This requires a high concentration of mental power.

Since Avril Lavigne has such a magical talent, of course, it is necessary to continue to practice water magic. Later, some people say bad things, it doesn't matter, give you some water to wash your mouth.

Some things are so inexplicable, so it’s so inexplicable.

Mia did not say bad things about the client in front of others, and Avril did not bully Mia.

Probably Avril looked a bit strong, and Mia was too soft, and at first glance it was easy to be bullied?

It is said that Avril Lavigne is indifferent to Mia. Is Mia a baby? Do you want to say something when you eat and drink Lazar?

Is it a fool, eating someone else, don’t know how hungry?

It's a bit puzzling.

After practicing for a while, Ning Shu felt a little bulging feeling, probably reached the limit, and then cultivated, and had a burden on the body.

Ning Shu stopped practicing, put on shoes, and prepared to go out to eat something.

It’s good to look at the mirror and the skin is watery.

It is about the water system and nourishes the skin.

Absorbing some kind of magical element, people's personality and body will have subtle influences.

For example, the fire element will make people's character hot, just a little.

Ning Shu opened the door, and the servant who kept the door quickly asked Ning Shu: "Miss Avril, do you want to eat, is it used in the room, or go to the hall?"

In general, the client prefers to dine in his own house.

The maid had a thick, pure blond hair, braided into a simple rough scorpion, squatting on one side, wearing a relatively large skirt.

It is a beautiful girl.

Ning Shu thought about it and said, "Go to the lobby and dine with your mother and father."

The maid snorted and quickly prepared.

Ning Shuyi pulled his hair, sorted out his clothes, and went to the hall.

The Earl's House is large in size, with a large garden with a variety of flowers carefully cultivated by the gardener, with butterflies and bees surrounding the flowers.

A whole noble style.

Ning Shu stood on the stairs, listening to the sound of talking below, a long dining table with a rich meal, and when the white candle was lit, it would scent a scent of flowers, and the flowers of the vase were bright.

The Piaget couple and Mia were eating with their forks and knives, not knowing what to say, and letting their faces smile.

Seeing that Ning Shu went downstairs, the countess first said: "Have you eaten in the room, come over every time, come over."

The countess is very gentle to Ningshu.

The Piaget is a white-faced, white-haired man with a curly red hair. There is no exquisiteness on the whole body, and even the glyphs on the buttons are extremely fine.

A very elegant man, nobility!

He looked at Ning Shu and asked, "How is meditation?"

Ning Shu sat down. "Fortunately, my father please rest assured."

Ning Shu feels that these two people hate the irons of the trustees, but it is also a matter of reason.

The couple is strict with the client because the client is their own child and there is no barrier to education.

On Mia, there are few requests. On the one hand, it is out of pity. On the other hand, it is not his own, and there is a layer. If it is really necessary, then the Earl’s House will bully an orphan.

In the heart of the couple, Avril’s future is boundless, and it’s really not worthwhile to compete with a Mia. It’s not worth it.

In their hearts, their daughter is of course good, so they can't figure it out.

This is undoubtedly the use of fine porcelain to touch the stone, the porcelain is smashed, it is not worth it.

But the daughter did this, and she ruined her own magic.

What is the picture?

Normal people can't figure it out.

But things are so inexplicable.

Probably Avril and Mia are a contrast, Mia is tough.

The count is still very satisfied with his daughter. Every day, she actively cultivates herself. In school, her strength is not low.

Mia saw that the count and the couple were so good to Avril, and could not help but think of their lost parents.

At the same time, there are some admirers who can cultivate magic. When she appeared, both her uncle and her aunt focused on her.

Ning Shu cut the turkey and ate it, and looked at Mia across from him.

Mia is really cute, with a blue-brown head, and the skin can be broken, giving a delicate but delicate feeling.

There was another sadness on her face, and she probably thought of magic again.

Mia still wants to be a magician, and encourages herself to become a respected person even if she is not a magician.

Since Ning Shu is here, it will not let the guilty unclear thing happen.

After the dinner, Mia got up from her seat and said with a mysterious look: "My uncle, aunt, I made a little something, you taste it."

The count and the couple gave a face and nodded.

Ning Shu's face is faint, did not speak.

Mia felt that her cousin looked even worse.

Mia came out with dessert and black tea. She took a silver pot and poured black tea for the three people. I was looking forward to saying, "You have a taste."

The Piaget couple first tasted the dessert, then took a sip of black tea and couldn’t help but say, "It’s very good, you actually have this kind of craft."

Mia said with a smile: "Learning at home."

Ning Shu followed the big stream and took a sip, did not express his opinion.

The countess still hopes that the two sisters can get along with each other and ask her daughter: "Ai Weier, how do you feel?"

Ning Shu: "Not bad."

However, Ning Shu turned his head and said to Mia: "Cousin, can you do these things in the future?"

Mia snorted, her face was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

"These things have been done by specialized servants, and these things are not done by you."

"And let people know, it will be said that our Earl's House bullies you, my parents regard you as a biological daughter, I have not done these things, how can you do these things."

Mia quickly defended and said with uneasiness: "No, no one bullied me. This is what I volunteered to do. I didn't force it. My uncle and aunt were good to me. No one thought that Earl's House bullied me."

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