Some people are prone to slag. First, because of environmental problems, they are in the garbage dump. Anything that touches something is rubbish. Even if it is carefully selected, it is slightly better... garbage.

Garbage is rubbish, there is no good or bad.

The second is because of his own personality.

Dog: "What can I do, I am desperate, I can't talk, I don't want to be treated as a monster."

In front of Li Shuang, it is an ordinary dog.

If the dog dares to speak in front of Li Shuang, Li Shuang is afraid of it, even if he is not afraid, he will not be close.

A dog is very spiritually acceptable, but it is difficult to accept a dog.

The virtual king does not know what they are doing, very confused. "Do we want to buy something?"

Hey: "Eat, eat..."

East Blue: "Can you have something very fragrant?"

Donglan fell in love with the perfume. She wanted to have something. As for the troubles of human beings, she couldn’t understand it and couldn’t feel it.

I don't understand what you are.

The dog said: "I want to leave the world, but her unfortunate look is really uncomfortable. This woman is good to me, I buy dog ​​food every day."

Ning Shu snorted, "Do you have a good dog food?" You are the son of the world.

You need to shoulder the responsibility of reincarnation.

The dog put out his tongue and licked his mouth. "Alright, there are so many flavors. I like seafood."

Ning Shu: ...

Ning Shu turned to look at the virtual king, the virtual king is inexplicable, "What do you watch me do, what do you want to do?"

Usually looked at it like this, there is no good thing, and it is still this dead girl.

"Some of us are all children, you are an adult lying next to you, what are you doing?" asked Ning Shu.

The virtual king is full of questions: "What is embarrassing, why should I be embarrassed?"

If you want to enter Li Shuang's home, there is such a big man as a virtual king, and it will never succeed, but if there are only three children, it is much more convenient.

Generally speaking, the wariness of children is not so heavy.

Normal women will not bring strange men back to their homes, except for individual accidents.

Therefore, you can only succumb to the virtual king.

Ning Shu said: "You stay in the meson space, wait for us to get things done, you will come out."

The virtual king immediately objected, "I don't, because of what, I don't want to..." stayed in the dark place.

He hasn't finished talking yet, and people are gone out of thin air. Ning Shu reveals the smile of a child. "If we three are lost, will she adopt us?"

Dog: "Normal people will call the police."

"We don't have an ID card, we can't find our identity. Finally, the police will send us to her home temporarily, and then we will find a place for us, such as an orphanage." Ning Shu said.

"Before this, we have been pestering her, crying and making trouble, Barabara..."

The dog was stunned. "You are really vicious..."

Ning Shu licks the dog's ear. "I am here to help you get back to the world as soon as possible. You actually said that I am vicious."

Ning Shu: "Forget it, or buy something early and go back."

Donglan immediately adjoined and said: "Yes, buy something."

Ning Shu asked: "Dog, are you in a human relationship, do you like this woman, love this woman?"

The dog turned back and looked at Ning Shu. "What do you say, I love what I love, I like what I like, I am with her, and I want to see what is wrong with her life. Second, the small world. Really... It’s so fun, it’s much more fun than reincarnation.”

Ning Shu: ...

So, I am still very dangerous!

I don’t want to go back to the world when I play, and think about it. The reincarnation of the world is a black scorpion. There is no sunshine all the time. There are swaying everywhere, and there is a world of flowers and flowers.

Speaking of this is still Ning Shu's fault, if it is not Ning Shu brought the dog who has never been reincarnation to the world of flowers, the dog is still the dedication of the dog.

A dog that has nothing to bless the soul.

Rather than the dog who is now in the world of flowers and flowers.

Ning Shu said directly: "With you, you can do it, no opinion."

Because it is still noon, I can't wait for Li Frost to get off work at night.

The company's employees have come out and come out to the restaurant for lunch.

Ningshu three people hid, watching Li Frost out of the company's door, her look tired, followed a colleague to find a restaurant to eat.

Ning Shu put down the dog: "We still have things to do, you guard her."

Ningshu took Donglan and Yiji to sell things, prepared some money, and bought things.

The new owner of the mouse is giving her a jewel of gold, jade, pearls, and everything.

It is impossible to make money by earning money. It can only sell and sell things to barely maintain a life.

The dog bites Ning Shu’s skirt. "Are you still coming back, don't you say that you want to help me?"

Ning Shu looked awkward; "When did I say I want to help you?"

"You just said, you have to go home together," said the dog. "To be honest, I stare at it every day. I feel quite tired, but I don't necessarily stare at it. You said that she is unlucky. ?"

"And, I am also worried about what happened in my world. I have been worried about it for too long," said the dog.

The dog licked Ning Shu's skirt and did not let Ning Shu go.

Ning Shu took a skirt and opened it. "When I have finished my work, I will come again."

The dog said a good bang.

Ningshu found a luxury recycling store, second-hand luxury goods, such as bags, jewelry necklaces and the like, and even second-hand brand-name clothes.

Ningshu is not a famous brand in this era, but good things should still be known.

Ning Shu took out the jade and some headwear, saying that it was his own heirloom, no money, so he took it out and sold it.

There are no signs of famous brands on these things, but things are true.

Of course, the value of selling will fall.

Ning Shu wants cash, puts a few stacks of money away, and Dong Lan ignorantly looks at Ning Shu’s operation and can’t help but ask: “Why are you so skilled?”

Ning Shu: "I used to be a small world, and I am more familiar with the rules of the small world."

East Blue is even more ignorant, very confused, what is a small world.

"What is the use of this thing." She looked at the paper in Ningshu's hands. She didn't know the paper. She always felt that everything was very strange and weird.

Ning Shu a banknote, "This thing can make you have something fragrant."

Donglan immediately glared at Ning Shu’s arm. "I can give me some fragrant things. I use things to change with you."

Ning Shu snorted and nodded.

Donglan is very happy.

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