Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 1029: Shadow Emperor's Heart Tips 97

Chapter 1029 The Emperor's Heart Tips 97

Zhang Jingxuan was driven out of the apartment, and there was no money except for a set of clothes and dozens of dollars in his pocket.

His house, his car, and his deposits are all gone.

He wants to find a friend, but none of the friends on the phone are willing to take him. He is an orphan, no father, no mother, no dependence, and there is no place for even a hood.

Zhang Jingxuan was walking down the street, and the people around him pointed at him.

"This looks like how Zhang Jingxuan is like this."

"Yes, he is Zhang Jingxuan." A passerby shouted.

Passers-by took out their mobile phones and took pictures of him. Zhang Jingxuan squinted and hurriedly fled the crowd. Hiding in a dark, damp corner.

Only he never thought that one night, a tramp recognized him and knew that he was gay. Several tramps grabbed him and dragged it to the corner to give him a ***.

The next day, Zhang Jingxuan dragged his pale face and limped away.

When he arrived at an entertainment club on the road, he saw the above recruitment, he went into the scalp. When the manager in the club saw him, he could not hide his contempt and disdain.

"You can stay if you want to stay, but the waiter is not suitable for Zhang Yingdi. There is another job for you," the manager said with a smile.

"What job?"

Now he has nowhere to go.


Zhang Jingxuan’s eyes sighed and said directly: “Impossible.”

The manager sneaked out and said with sarcasm: "You are a gay, X wants such a strong person, let you accompany you, not in line with you. You can satisfy yourself, you can earn money to support yourself, and you can do both."

Zhang Jingxuan’s face turned red, like a pig liver.

He snorted and pushed the door straight out.

The manager looked at the back of his departure and spit directly, and snorted in his mouth.

Three days later, Zhang Jingxuan, who couldn’t help himself, returned to the clubhouse and worked as a guest. The customer is seeing him, all of them are contemptuous, and regard him as the lowest *** teasing.

In the eyes of everyone, he is a man who eats both men and women and likes to play X. Therefore, there are special guests in the clubhouse that will let him receive.

On this day, when Zhang Jingxuan went to accompany the guest, he pushed open the door of the box. He did not expect the person in the house to be Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi did not think that he would meet him here.

Zhang Zhi is still very satisfied with Zhang Jingxuan's body, but he is satisfied again, because he has lost his job and divorced his wife, and his reputation is stinking.

That point has become a hate!

After this incident, Zhang Zhisu also let go, no longer concealing his sexual orientation. Instead, I met a group of like-minded people in the circle.

They often play together and play very badly.

I came to play today, I did not expect to meet Zhang Jingxuan. Zhang Zhi took Zhang Jingxuan away. Of course, it was not for him, but he wanted to retaliate against him.

Because it is his detriment to his reputation.

Zhang Jingxuan is trying to make a comeback through Zhang Zhi’s financial resources.

Both of them have their own minds and have their own purposes.

Zhang Zhi promised Zhang Jingxuan's benefits while asking Zhang Jingxuan to accompany him to play various limits of XX. Zhang Zhi often calls several friends in the circle to come and play together.

Zhang Jingxuan will sometimes be tortured by their dying, not adult. However, in order to return to the stage, I will stand on the dazzling peak again and endure the demands of Zhang Zhi’s increasingly abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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