Chapter 1071 My boyfriend is a zombie 30

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

When the northern rain was smashed out of the car, the whole volley began. For himself being in the middle of the air, there is no half fear in the north rain. After experiencing the world of comprehension, this height is not a visual fear for her.

The northern rain smashed its claws with one hand, and the other hand took out a pack of explosives in the bag and placed the rope on one of its other claws. The monster noticed the strangeness on his feet and wanted to get rid of it.

Its body constantly flies left and right, and the whole person is dizzy when it is swaying.

The wind screamed at the ear, and the hurricane smacked on the face, like a knife, a burst of tingling. The northern rain barely opened his eyes. When he saw the dense trees below, at this time, the northern rain slammed into the monster's feet.

The monster's body was slightly stiff, and the two quickly fell from the air. When the monster is about to recover, the North Rain will use the ice palm again. For three consecutive uses, she used this short few seconds to roll over to her back.

At this time, they were already very close to the ground, and they slammed into the tree. With the impact of the branches, they would not fall into pieces.

Even with it doing the backing, the North Rain is still hurt by the internal organs.

She didn't care about the pain in her chest, and as long as it didn't ease it, she took a lighter from her pocket and ignited the explosive pack. At the moment of the moment, the monster had already woke back and flew fiercely towards her.

The northern rain has long been prepared for shelter. Before it was close, it hid into the space. It directly rushed into an empty, green-green eyes, flashing a trace of confusion.

Just then, I heard a loud bang, and instantly blasted the monster.

After entering the space, the northern rain squatted into the space, and the whole person fell softly inside, and the throat tasted a sweet smell.

Damn, it hurts!

The north rain squatted on the arm, and the back was scratched by monsters to varying degrees. She resisted the pain and climbed to the waters of Lingquan. The spring water has a purifying function. She squats directly on the side of the leeches and sipped her mouth.

The cockroaches poured a few big mouths, and the whole person was like a collapse, and fell to the ground.

After a while, there was a burning sensation in the body, as if the body was on fire. Bei Yuyu sat up and rolled up his sleeves, and saw the blood under the skin appear reddish, as if burned by fire.

How is this going? !

The tearing pain, straight to the nerves, hurt her bursts of dizziness, the whole fell directly, completely coma.

Three days later, Bei Yuqi woke up, only to feel that the body seemed to have more power and a powerful force. She ran that force to the palm of her hand and saw lightning flashing in her palm.

This is a Thunder ability!

Bei Yu was amazed. She already had the ability to heal the system. I didn’t expect this accident, but also the Thunder ability.

In the last days, there is no such thing as a dual-systemed abilities.

The leader of the Northern Base is to have dual-system abilities, each with eight levels, which is one of the best in the world of power.

The abilities are also graded. From level 1 to level 10, the higher the level, the stronger the strength, and the greater the strength, speed, and attack power.

Similarly, zombies are also classified.

Ordinary zombies are the lowest level. Upward is the variation of the zombies. The mutant zombies are graded. The first one is the first level zombies, and the upper ones are the second, third, and fourth levels...

The legendary zombie king Cang Yun is a ten-level zombie, an immortal existence.

(End of this chapter)

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