Chapter 1084 My boyfriend is a zombie 43

The northern rain 棠 only felt a pain in the chest, and the whole person flew out.

When his eyes touched, the red eyes burst and the mouth made a noise.

His eyes gradually turned into blood red, "Hey, children..."

When the northern rain fell on the ground, it was mixed with the wind and heard the call.

Bei Yuyu looked at him with horror, and there were surprises and shocks in his eyes.

He, he is really him!

It’s too late to think about it, the zombie with three levels of variation has come to the front. Now she is not his opponent at all, and the innocent is entangled in the two mutated second-level zombies, unable to take off.

Bei Yuyu thought of the spring water that could purify the zombies. When he approached, the spring water in her hands sprinkled on him.

Suddenly, his body was like being burned by fire, and it sparked a burst of blue smoke.

The third-level zombies have a certain sense of intelligence. They know that she has to deal with her own weapons and never dare to stay and escape.

On the other hand, the innocent finally grabbed one of the zombies, tearing it away, tearing the zombie directly and swallowing his nucleus. In addition, the zombie noticed that the third-level zombie ran, and saw the situation is not good, immediately fled.

Unfortunately, he was too late to escape.

The innocent speed gradually rose, and quickly passed over to him. One hand directly penetrated his body, the other hand blew his head, took the nucleus from it, put it in his mouth, and slammed his arm. The deadly second-level zombies are discarded.

The north rain squat stood up and walked toward the innocent, and a pair of eyes stared at him anxiously.

She actually did not recognize him before.

Just now, she only has a feeling.

Perhaps, because he mutated into a zombie, except for that feeling, and just the moment of the explosion, let her feel his existence.

The north rain slammed him and hugged him tightly.

And innocent is still the same, stupid, let her hold. After a long while, Bei Yu’s mood subsided. When she saw the two dead zombies that were dead, I wanted to find the nucleus, but found that there was no.

Strange, how could it be?

According to the reason, the second level zombies should have crystal nucleus.

Bei Yuyu thought of a possibility, could not help but look at him, "You swallow?"

Innocently looking at her in confusion, her expression is still dull.

The northern rain shovel took out a nucleus and was preparing to devour something, and asked: "Is it swallowed like this?"

Innocently looking at her, only after a long ring of time to respond, but his reaction was somewhat unexpected. I saw the innocent pick up the crystal nucleus in her hand, learning how she had just figured, and swallowed the nucleus into her stomach.

See you in the north rain, a pair of eyes licked the beans.

Innocent and confused looking at her, and finally got her helpless look.

Swallow it!

The two searched for a relatively good building in the building, sorted out a room, and blocked the door to prevent other things from entering.

Just after doing everything, she turned her head and looked at the red eyes.

At that moment, it seemed as if he saw a flame burning in his eyes.

Innocent only feels that there is a huge positive power in the lower abdomen. The energy is like a volcanic eruption. It radiates a group of hot energy, flowing all over the limbs. During the time, his whole body becomes red, like cooked shrimp.

When he saw the change of his body in the north rain, his face changed and his fear spread.

(End of this chapter)

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