Chapter 1089 My boyfriend is a zombie 48

If it is another horse cell, if he can cope with it, he will close one eye, but the things inside make him feel very dangerous. This danger is definitely not what they can bear. If you touch it, I am afraid that they will not go back.

The members of the team heard the captain's dignified tone and immediately put up a joke. They nodded and said that a small team of people split into four teams and left in different directions.

After they left, the two mutant zombies hidden in the zombie group turned their heads and glanced at where they were, immediately turning the zombie face away and quietly guarding the building.

Inside the room, full of blood, splashing flesh and blood everywhere, I saw two well-behaved bodies lying in this filthy room.

As time went by, the tall body slowly moved.

He stood up, his eyes narrowly glimpsed, and after a brief confusion, he thought of something, and hurriedly looked around. When he saw the northern rain lying on the door of the dark room, he felt a sigh of relief.

Looking at the people in my arms, the whole body is burnt.

He hugged her and walked out of the room. As soon as I came out, I saw the entire hall filled with zombies. When he came out, all the zombies did not consciously retreat, even the two mutant zombies were no exception.

He hugged the unconscious people in his arms, passed through the heavy zombies, walked down the street, looked around and looked for something. When you see the pharmacy, you rush straight in and find the available medicine.

The next day, Bei Yuyu opened his eyes and a beautiful face appeared above the top of his head. His eyes were slightly stunned and he looked at the person in front of him with surprise.

The northern rain squatted at the cold face that had faded away from the blue and purple, and subconsciously screamed, "nothing."

In front of him, the whole body's blue-purple skin has become white, and the vine-like bulging blood vessels disappear, completely like a normal person.

Is this still a zombie? !

Innocent seems to see her doubts, holding her hand, the northern rain 棠 only feel a burst of cold. He took her hand to his chest and there was no heartbeat.

Bei Yuyu touched his face with his hand, his eyes gazed at him, and his voice was low.

"that's nice."

Nice to have you!

Innocently looking at the bandages on his body, his eyes are full of self-blame, "Are you hurting?"

Although he didn't have any consciousness at that time, he was still confused and knew what happened.

The northern rain squatted down and looked at the whole body wrapped up in a mummified look, and looked at him with a glimpse.

She can't move like this.

"Help me get rid of it."

Innocent and disapproving to look at her, "Your injury."

"Nothing, I am a healing abilities."

Seeing her say so, she can untie all the bandages on her body.

What did the North Rain think of, "take you to a place."

She took his hand and entered the space, but she found that she came in and took the hand but it was empty.

Outside the space, the innocent watch suddenly disappeared, the pupils shrank, and they stood up and looked around, not smelling her smell.

What's the matter!

In the next second, Bei Yuyi returned to the outside world.

Innocently watching the sudden appearance of the north rain, I heard her whisper: "I want to take you into the space to see, there is a spring water, you can heal the wound."

(End of this chapter)

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