Chapter 1094 My boyfriend is a zombie 53

A group of people used the ugly eyes to carry them in an unbridled manner.

The innocent scorpion sinks slightly.

"Move all the things on the car, if not, send you to the zombies." The leading man threatened.

The younger brother on the side reminded me, "Boss, and the two girls."

Another younger brother snorted, "How do I feel that girl is a bit familiar."

The leading man looked at the lamb's eyes with a kind of look at the innocent, "Little white face, Yan Fu is not shallow, left and right hug. Now these two girls have returned to me. If you are interested, you will leave. Otherwise, Grandpa I have a knife to serve."

When the two words 'serving' in his mouth were in his mouth, a pair of big hands caught his neck, and ‘咔嚓’ shook his neck directly.

This sudden scene is just a breath of effort. His group of brothers have not reacted yet, and his body fell to the ground.

After a short silence on the field for two seconds, other people saw that the situation was not good, and he ran away, how fast the speed would run.

Lin Feixue caught up with a man and stood in front of him.

The man saw it as a chick, and no matter what kind of pity, he directly touched it. When he saw the flame in the hands of Lin Feixue, he finally remembered.

"It's you!"

At the beginning, this man had been squatting at the leader and chasing her. If there were more zombies later, I am afraid she was not so easy to get out.

"I finally remembered." Lin Feixue stared at him coldly.

The corner of the man’s eyes glanced around and saw that he had escaped.

It is a pity that he is moving and that another woman is standing in the same direction. The man's face was a stiff face, and his eyes passed over a smear of color, and he went straight to the north rain.

Lin Feixue's powerfulness was taught. When so many people chased her, she couldn't help her, and she was alone against her.

He really chose the North Rain, but his choice made him even more desperate.

When his body was inexplicably numb, and then saw the thunder and lightning released from her hands, the pupil could not help but grow up.

Lin Feixue had already stepped forward, and the fire in his hand went towards him. Before he could move, he would let him be in the flame.

"Ah!" He only heard a scream, and the man made a scream.

After a few hard work, the man became a group of black, and the pen fell quite.

After solving these miscellaneous pieces, the three people went on the bus and continued on. Not far away, several cars just saw this scene. They immediately followed their car.

Along the way, the Beiyuyu car opened in the front, and the people behind the car felt the first time smooth and comfortable.

For the vehicles behind them who are always behind their buttocks, they are naturally aware of the North Rain, but they did not drive.

When I was resting on the way, the people in those cars stopped at the same time. A group of people came down from the car. They were old and small, and they were very lively.

All three cars have their own heads of responsibility, and the three of them negotiated and headed for them.

One of the middle-aged men said: "Three, you see three of you alone, do you want to come over with us, there are many people, and everyone cares for each other."

Bei Yu Yan looked at them and naturally understood their intentions.

More than half of the three teams are people who have no fighting ability. They can live from the end of the world to the present, and luck is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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