Chapter 2833 Real World 183

When Tang Jingyu and Gu Yuran heard the voice of Gu Fan in the cabin, the two refused to worry about their wolverines, and hurriedly picked up their clothes and put them on their bodies.

"Let's wait a moment." Tang Jingyu said, afraid that he would come up.

Gu Fanzhi waited outside the boat and waited for a cup of tea to hear the sound coming from the cabin.

"come in."

When Gu Fan entered the cabin, he saw the two sitting on the side of the coffee table. In front of him, a cup of tea was braving the steaming water. The two were sitting, if the cabin was filled with the smell of **** that had not yet dispersed, and that The squeaky sound of the drip that has been lingering around the ear, he would think that they are really swimming in the lake.

"Four Highness." Gu Yuran stood up and bowed to him.

The dark voice of Gu Fan stared at her body, and her eyes were aggressive.

Gu Ruran only felt that his eyes were a little abnormal today. Looking at his own eyes, she had the illusion that he was seen by him from the inside out.

Tang Jingyu saw his burning eyes staring at his beloved woman, his brow slightly tightened.

"Where." Tang Jingyu said.

His voice awakened Gu Fanzhi.

Gu Fan’s eyes retracted, “There was something wrong.”

The three words will take back all the thoughts of Tang Jingyu and Gu Ruran.

“What happened?” Gu Ruran is the most sensitive.

Gu Fan’s deep eyes looked at the two people, and the two of them looked uncomfortable.

"What happened in the end?" Tang Jingyu asked.

Seeing the expression of Gu Fan’s words and endings, it’s hard to talk about it. Tang Jingyu’s brow furrowed slightly.

"You are talking."

"Is it a test, what is the problem?" Gu Ruran is most concerned about this matter.

"No. It's about us." The end of Gu Fan is to say this.

"We?" Gu Yuran looked at him with surprise. "I am with you?"

"No, it’s three of us." Gu Fan’s correction, "The outside world is about the three of us, saying that I like it."

Gu Fanzhi simply mentioned one sentence and did not say too much to them. Just let Tang Jingyu know that this is enough.

Just explain this enough!

When Tang Jingyu heard the unintentional shouting of the word "翩然", a slight glimmer of light was observed in the depths of his eyes.

Gu Ruran knows the man best. She knows that Gu Fan is interesting to herself, but this time she must not let the two of them have a gap, let alone Tang Jingyu know that she knows this.

"How could the four halls like me, who is swaying outside." Gu Ruran said angrily.

Tang Jingyu saw Gu Ruran screaming, only to think that this little woman was too naive, and actually could not see that Gu Fanzhi had moved her. She didn't know it, so she was troubled by this.

Tang Jingyu appeased: "Don't be angry. The rumor ends with the wise. You are the woman of my Tang Jingyu, who is my good brother. How can I like you?"

Tang Jingyu’s words, Gu Fanzhi understood.

This is reminding him that his wife and wife cannot be deceived.

Suddenly, there was some uncomfortable feeling in the heart of Gufan. The face really had to say, "Yes. You are a woman of Jingyu, and Jingyu is a good brother of my ancient people. People who make rumors outside can have their hearts." Hey. This is the relationship between me and Jingyu who wants to leave. Jingyu, do you think this thing is what they do?"

This ‘they’ is naturally a good brother of the same mother and mother.

(End of this chapter)

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